Most fans of sports teams don't root for the moronic executive to be inept and torture the fan base.Dig that knife in Stephen!
Geezus Christmas.
This FO is terrible.
“30 teams have improved through free agency” HaaaaaahaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaahHAAAA!
I would say ask herpy derp Rockport, but I doubt he would be able to answer you in an articulate fashion.WOW... WHAT THE HELL ARE THEY DOING
Jones. Messiah complex. Son named Stephen. Drink the koolaid. Complete fraud.
The parallels are hard to ignore.
Well to be fair Honey Badger would just be a 1 year progress stopper for.....I can’t wait for the homers to spin this one.
The people that keep posting the “name one FA contract you wanted to sign” are quickly running out of room. We are well into the time where value is starting to be had after the big money deals have been handed out.I can’t wait for the homers to spin this one.
Did we make an “honest” phone call?
This one here has pushed me over the edge.
No.Jesus. Jerry is asleep at the ******* wheel
I think they think the league is all kinda average and the margin for victory is so slim and they just need to never be in rebuild mode and maybe one day they’ll get hot and make a runBut---we are like the Steelers!
Completely pathetic that they actually think for one second that they are on an equal ground with that franchise the way things stand right now.
They moved on, if not with free agents, they recognized Haley was a problem. Moved on.
There was change.
We seem to think as long as we have continuity, things just might break well for us. One day.
Sad, sick and pathetic.