Texas Monthly Names Jerry the Bum Steer of the Year

Narcissists love complimentary attention directed at them. Not negative attention. It grates on their nerves whenever non-flattering info is thrown their way. Anyone has and can witness Jerry Jones past reactions to critical commentary aimed at him in interview videos, etc.

Observers should understand that narcissists differentiate between themselves and things connected with them. Jones LOVES negative and positive attention made of the overall team or specific coaches and players. He can sell that. He loves that gray side of notoriety.

That said, articles like these (bless them) should be considered in retrospect to their impact on Jones. It is a mosquito bite. He will uncomfortably shrug it off in time--probably sooner than later.

That is why media outlets like Texas Monthly should rightfully continue their criticism of his management of the team. Individual mosquito bites are simply a nuisance. A swarm of biting mosquitos is a pain in the <expletive>. THAT approach is how to make narcissists feel any real discomfort.
I still like the owners box challenge flag bazooka to allow Jerry to challenge a play.
(Open the link in Incognito Mode to get past the paywall.)

Jerry Jones Is Our Bum Steer of the Year!​

Under his ownership, the Dallas Cowboys have become a moneymaking mediocrity. For transforming America’s Team into America’s Punch Line, we’re giving Jones our magazine’s highest dishonor. 

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He actually won this and having the number one $$ team in all of sports. So he has 2 trophies,

Cowboys Owner Jerry Jones Receives Highest Dishonor with 'Bum Steer' Award​

Adding insult to injury in a disappointing season, Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones has been named "Bum Steer of the Year" by Texas Monthly magazine.

The magazine annual bestows the unflattering label on essentially its biggest Texas "loser" of the year.

Said Texas Monthly Deputy Editor Ross McCammon, "From the very beginning we’ve been cataloging the worst of our state: the worst ideas, anything that embarrasses us to the rest of the country, and also just holding power to account – but hopefully in a funny way."

Not much, however, has been funny about the Cowboys' season. From the embarrassing playoff loss to the Green Bay Packers last January to his radio spat with 105.3 The Fan hosts to claiming to be "All in" on a season circling the drain without an influx of new talent, Jones has had a forgettable season.

Says Texas Monthly of Jones' 2024: "Under his ownership, the Dallas Cowboys have become a moneymaking mediocrity. For transforming America’s Team into America’s Punch Line, we’re giving Jones our magazine’s highest dishonor."

I like how they also took a thinly veiled shot of him as a human being: unable to resist impulse in his scandalous personal life.

In other words a life of cheating on his wife, with women who were nauseated by him yet wanted some kind of gain out of disgracing themselves and letting him grope them. Holding back the vomit while a gross, wrinkly, liver spotted yellow toothed smelly old perv with his bloodshot hard boiled egg like eyes molested her, all for money. Disgraceful life. Grotesque man.

Running the franchise for his own glory, because he thinks his one shameful life is worth more than the millions and millions of lives of Cowboy fans worldwide combined.

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