Here's the thing.
Texas Stadium, the building and the amenities, sucks.
The only thing that makes the building bearable is the history of it. Well that, and getting to see the Cowboys live, obviously. And even those factors make it tough to fight through a game.
The building looks like a concrete air-raid bunker. Besides the hole in the roof, it lacks any sort of unique well as any visual pleasantry.
In order to get to a game, you have to fight through dreadful traffic at one of the worst planner interchanges in Texas (and that's saying something). Then once you get there, you drop $20 to park literally over a mile from the stadium. If it's anything like last year, then there's a burn ban in effect which prohibits any open-fire tailgating (unless you're rich and in the premier parking, in which case it's somehow ok) because the 25 square miles of cracked asphalt is very flammable.
So after you pay your cash and don't get to tailgate, you get to walk over a mile to the stadium and then get super-searched by security to make sure you're not smuggling in any peanuts....Jerruh wants his money. Though to be fair, we're usually able to smuggle in a couple bottles of whiskey (the key is baggy pants and duct tape).
Once inside, you have to trek up another 1/2 mile of concrete ramps to get to your seats, while water and other unknown liquid substances (you don't want to know what it is, i sure don't) drip on you from above. Often this bizzare liquid drips onto your $6 nachos as you're walking to your seats, ruining them.
But once you're inside the seating bowl, you're greeted by seats built for size 0 super models...not your average overweight football fan. Kate Moss would be comfortable, you and I.....not so much. If you're anything like me (6' 1" ; 290) you'll be too wide to fit comfortable into the seat, and you'll have your kness pressed against the seat in front of you.You're also welcomed by poor sight lines, poorly designed seating, and insulation falling from the ceiling.
Seriously dude, you're not missing much. It's great to go once or twice, to say you've gone. I'd hazard to say it's even fun the first few times. It's neat seeing the Landry statue, the ring of honor, the banners, cheerleaders, and the game. But the amenities are terrrrrrible, and unless it's a playoff game 1/3 of the place will be opposing fans (or in case of the Steelers, 1/2) because of the general Dallasite. And I didn't even get into the poorly placed jumbo-trons.
I'd compare it to the Astrodome, Kingdome, or old Arlington Stadium....if you're a baseball fan (or for the former two, an old football fan). It's a poorly planned and delapidating facility.
And while no one can debate the fun of watching football live, it's honestly a much more pleasant experience watching on your nice plasma TV in a comfortable chair with cheaper food, cheaper beer, the ability to change to other games during commercial breaks, and a computer at hand to check on NFL scores for betting and fantasy football scores.
But that's just me.....