Thank You Reality For Trying To Stop The Insults

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Just wanted to give a shout out to Reality for trying to do something to stop the insults and personal attacks that have been going on here for quite some time now.

Too much tribalism has taken over this site, you are either in the pro-Dak camp or you are in the anti-Dak camp, you are either pro MM or anti MM, you are either pro Parsons or anti-Parsons, and on and on and on and the insults and attacks between the different camps are way over the top for what should be allowed.

And its not just the posters that are negative either, we have several posters (not going to name names, but we all know who they are) that if anybody says anything at all critical of the team or the players, they are called quitters, fake fans, trolls, and on and on. They take being a homer to an all-new level. They are just as bad as the negative nancy posters are.

Too many posters trying to live vicariously through the actions of their favorite pro sports teams, typically because of unhappiness or disappoint in their own lives. Its actually a very common phenomenon, especially if you study the "fanatics" of European soccer teams (My degree at UT was in Psychology).

Anyways, I digress, the point is that we should all be able to disagree without being disagreeable. And remember, Jerry Jones has no idea that you even exist, so all your pom pom waving or supreme intellect on how to fix the team means jack crap at the end of the day, nobody really cares and its just you typing pixels if we are being totally honest about it. So, just chill out.
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