Thank You To Our Veterans


The Duke
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To every man or woman on this site who has faithfully served this country in our armed forces I send you my sincere thanks on this Memorial Day. I can't tell you how honored I am by your service. Thank you doesn't seem enough but it is all I have.

To those still serving please stay safe and thank you.
Yes, a "Big Thank You" to all those that have served...

And an especially big thank you to my daughter, Pvt. Michelle Winicki, now proudly serving with the 10th Mountain Division at Ft. Drum, NY.
Hostile said:
To every man or woman on this site who has faithfully served this country in our armed forces I send you my sincere thanks on this Memorial Day. I can't tell you how honored I am by your service. Thank you doesn't seem enough but it is all I have.

To those still serving please stay safe and thank you.
Hostile said:
To every man or woman on this site who has faithfully served this country in our armed forces I send you my sincere thanks on this Memorial Day. I can't tell you how honored I am by your service. Thank you doesn't seem enough but it is all I have.

To those still serving please stay safe and thank you.

Classy thread Hos! I would like to express my wholehearted appreciation to all men and women who fought/fight/fallen to keep our country free!

From a veteran's perspective ...I'm damn proud to be an American and a veteran of the United States military armed forces.
Some gave all, All gave some.

Some will never understand the sacrifice.

All will enjoy the fruits of the sacrifice.

Thank you.

BTW, it was the second best thing I ever did, was joining the US Army.
No amount of thanks can be expressed to show our most sincere gratitude, but thank you.


Hostile said:
To every man or woman on this site who has faithfully served this country in our armed forces I send you my sincere thanks on this Memorial Day. I can't tell you how honored I am by your service. Thank you doesn't seem enough but it is all I have.

To those still serving please stay safe and thank you.

Well said ---Let me add my thanks and prayers that you stay safe an come
home to the honor you deserve:star: :star:
Cajuncowboy said:
Some gave all, All gave some.

Some will never understand the sacrifice.

All will enjoy the fruits of the sacrifice.
That is the best 3 lines of thanks I have ever read in my life.
Cajuncowboy said:
Some gave all, All gave some.

Some will never understand the sacrifice.

All will enjoy the fruits of the sacrifice.

Thank you.

BTW, it was the second best thing I ever did, was joining the US Army.
:signmast: what he said....
As a vet of six tours in Nam, thank you. And thank you to all that have served and are currently serving especially my nephew who is currently serving in Iraq and Bob, a good friend, serving in Afgan.

Those that have served know what it is liked to be honored and hated but to a person we are proud of this country and the life we have. To those that have served or are serving you have my respect and honor. To those that we serve for, you have the same and the hope you understand why we have served. Thank you.

Have a wonderful Memorial Day!!
Hostile said:
To every man or woman on this site who has faithfully served this country in our armed forces I send you my sincere thanks on this Memorial Day. I can't tell you how honored I am by your service. Thank you doesn't seem enough but it is all I have.

To those still serving please stay safe and thank you.
every time i hear the national antham i get a huge lump in my throat, im very proud to be an American. im thankful to those who gave there life so that i can enjoy the freedom that i have. to all of those who lost freinds and loved ones in any war, may God give you a peace that passes all understanding. ill never know what it is like to face the enemy in combat. to those of you who faced them for me it does not seem enough to just say thank you. you gave your time and put your life on the line for poeple you would never meet. you didnt have to but you did and for tha i will be forever grateful. God bless you all.
I've never served in the military myself, but I've had family that did... My Dad was a company commander at Texas A & M in the early 50's... This was even before women started attending A & M. My Dad died of pancreatic cancer a few years ago and it's been hard since... He never served in action because of a car crash, but he would have been an officer in the Korean war if not for the crash. He would have continued at West Point but after the crash, his hip fused and he walked with a limp... He's the guy in front of his crew with tall boots to the right of the flagman and men at arms. Sorry mods, if the pic is too big, but I just wanted to throw this one in there.


Lastly I want to send a heartfelt Thank You and God Bless to everyone who have served the USA in the past and also to those serving now in foreign lands, looking up at the stars on the other side of the world and thinking of their families and loved ones... our prayers are still with you. Thanks for keeping us free.

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