I've never served in the military myself, but I've had family that did... My Dad was a company commander at Texas A & M in the early 50's... This was even before women started attending A & M. My Dad died of pancreatic cancer a few years ago and it's been hard since... He never served in action because of a car crash, but he would have been an officer in the Korean war if not for the crash. He would have continued at West Point but after the crash, his hip fused and he walked with a limp... He's the guy in front of his crew with tall boots to the right of the flagman and men at arms. Sorry mods, if the pic is too big, but I just wanted to throw this one in there.
Lastly I want to send a heartfelt Thank You and God Bless to everyone who have served the USA in the past and also to those serving now in foreign lands, looking up at the stars on the other side of the world and thinking of their families and loved ones... our prayers are still with you. Thanks for keeping us free.