The Browns win over SF says a lot about Dak and the Cowboys


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A practice squad qb called up by the browns just beat SF.

Browns defense played well.

Some wr named amari cooper played well and carried a scrub qb. Sound familiar?

We can’t resign Dak.

Teams get better play out of practice squad qbs.
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The Cleveland Browns, with a backup QB and a RB they just signed off the street, beat the Niners.
What does this really say about the Cowboys who we keep hearing year after year after year, how "much talent" the Cowboys have.


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Absolutely…..I was saying the 9ers looked unstoppable with how they embarrassed us last week….my god I’m glad I was wrong, I can’t stand SF. Purdy looked like Mr Irrelevant finally, their O struggle as a whole. I hope McCarthy taking notes……


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A practice squad qb called up by the browns just beat SF.

Browns defense played well.

We can’t resign Dak.

Teams get better play out of practice squad qbs.
Actually it doesn't and why does everything have to go back to Prescott you really literally we should be talking about how to the Browns not how did the Browns beat the 49ers the the 49ers are supposed to be a contender how in the world can they lose to the Browns much like we lost to the Cardinals but nobody would let us live the Cardinals lost out this should be the narrative

the Browns are a bad team and you know what the 49ers were supposed to be a great team and they literally did not prepare because they took the Browns for granted because they had a backup quarterback and they weren't very good in most games any given Sunday applies but has nothing to do with Prescott this has more to do with the defense but you had to put his name in the title... Prescott never had a chance in that game because they all those points came early and they came before the interceptions I don't care what you think happened in that game our defense helped us lose in Arizona and against the 49ers they were terrible you can't try to play a high scoring game and outscore guys when that's not even how the Browns and 49ers game went so how is it Prescott no the defense is what we should be talking about in the 49ers losing not the Browns winning it's the real narrative let's make fun of the **** talking overconfident 49ers who were came out of the cowboy game like they already have an easy road to the Super bowl and got beat that's the narrative..


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It says nothing about the Cowboys, 49ers had an off day. San Fran are still easily the best team in the league.
Exactly the 49ers had an off day they played that they weren't prepared because they thought they were getting a Gimme and any given Sunday creeped up on them and they lost like we lost to the Cardinals to have backup quarterback to a team that played defense great they stepped up their game beyond their normal levels from week to week what we've seen so far this year this should never be in the title I'm with you first of all Prescott's name all of a sudden gets in the title what's something he could have helped our defense basically ship their pants against the Cardinals and the 49ers when the Browns defense stepped up how does this have anything to do with the quarterback??