The Case for Terrell Owens


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I've read just about every TO thread on this board.
The pro and the con.
As I've gone through them, I've tried to determine what character or demographic traits are at play.
What ma es someone a supporter or detracter of this move.
Finally it came to me:

If you're against this move, you're either a moron or a coward.

Cowards....Why are you so afraid big bad T.O. is going to ruin your Cowboys.
Get real. Do you really believe he can do that? He didn't ruin the Eagles!
McNabb's injury, the deteriation of their defense and Reid's insistance on settings league records for pass attempts ruined the Eagles. A happy TO would not have helped one bit.
Parcels, Bledsoe and most importantly Jones can and will handle him. I also believe Irvin willl lend a helping hand.
And if they can't, if he truely is insane and incapable of functioning within and for an NFL team. They'll cut his ***. Little to no harm done.

Morons...Can't you see that this guy is one of the top players in this league at any position. I don't care if rt, fs and lb may be bigger needs. Signing T.O. will not hinder our efforts to fill these needs.
It will only give our offense an additional weapon. A weapon that could very well put us over the top if we do fill those other needs.


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Morons or cowards....hmm.....have you ever heard of the Dale Carnegie communications course?:(


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sonnyboy said:
I've read just about every TO thread on this board.
The pro and the con.
As I've gone through them, I've tried to determine what character or demographic traits are at play.
What ma es someone a supporter or detracter of this move.
Finally it came to me:

If you're against this move, you're either a moron or a coward.

Cowards....Why are you so afraid big bad T.O. is going to ruin your Cowboys.
Get real. Do you really believe he can do that? He didn't ruin the Eagles!
McNabb's injury, the deteriation of their defense and Reid's insistance on settings league records for pass attempts ruined the Eagles. A happy TO would not have helped one bit.
Parcels, Bledsoe and most importantly Jones can and will handle him. I also believe Irvin willl lend a helping hand.
And if they can't, if he truely is insane and incapable of functioning within and for an NFL team. They'll cut his ***. Little to no harm done.

Morons...Can't you see that this guy is one of the top players in this league at any position. I don't care if rt, fs and lb may be bigger needs. Signing T.O. will not hinder our efforts to fill these needs.
It will only give our offense an additional weapon. A weapon that could very well put us over the top if we do fill those other needs.

Wow!!! Briliant. I bet you earn some friends with this one...


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Rules of Internet Debate #21

When trying to get one's point across, call other posters "Morons" or "Idiots" as if that automatically seals the "rightness" of one's position. :rolleyes:


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Didn't mean to come off so harsh. Just how I feel about it. And I've had enough of the doom and gloomers.

The anti-cowboy national media will play this as a bad move. TO can't be controlled, this signing will ruin Dallas. Please stop the madness.

What really gets me is that the feable minded among us will believe this.


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Piss off, dude. If you are in favor of TO, you are either stupid or naive.


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sonnyboy said:
Didn't mean to come off so harsh. Just how I feel about it. And I've had enough of the doom and gloomers.

The anti-cowboy national media will play this as a bad move. TO can't be controlled, this signing will ruin Dallas. Please stop the madness.

What really gets me is that the feable minded among us will believe this.

Let's see, he's caused disruption on two teams.
Logic suggests if a person has a continuing problem those problems don't go away over night.

So what exactly is feeble-minded about evaluating past behavior and believing that behavior will be similar in the future?

I think Einstein described insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

Jerry Jones, are you listening? ;)


The Grand Poobah
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sonnyboy said:
Didn't mean to come off so harsh. Just how I feel about it. And I've had enough of the doom and gloomers.

The anti-cowboy national media will play this as a bad move. TO can't be controlled, this signing will ruin Dallas. Please stop the madness.

What really gets me is that the feable minded among us will believe this.

So if someone disagrees w/your opinion they are feeble minded.....

What a ridiculous statement. Statements such as that tend to cause harsh feelings to flow.

If this turn into a flame war....This thread will be closed .


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JustSayNotoTO said:
Piss off, dude. If you are in favor of TO, you are either stupid or naive.

Why do you say no to TO? Explain it to me as if I were stupid.
Why say no to one of the most dynamic, game changing players in the league?

What's the real downside here. Please explain to me how he destroyed the 49ers and the Eagles. You are simply repeating what other morons have said.


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sonnyboy said:
What's the real downside here. Please explain to me how he destroyed the 49ers and the Eagles. You are simply repeating what other morons have said.

Don't get your panties in a wad bro. It's okay to have conflicting opinions, but the one thing we can all agree on is that we all want the Cowboys to win. TO is nothing more than a more talented Keyshawn Johnson. The Cowboys will be fine.


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sonnyboy said:
What's the real downside here. Please explain to me how he destroyed the 49ers and the Eagles. You are simply repeating what other morons have said.

Well, if you're interpreting "destroyed" as in they no longer are franchises, then you're correct.

However, if you interpret "destroyed" as in creating ill-will on a team, bringing unnecessary bad publicity on a franchise, then, yes, he did "destroy" those teams.

I don't not like TO because he disagree with his contract. I don't like him because he, in his disagreement over his contract and his disagreement over his worth to a team, denigrated other players, calling Garcia "gay," shouting at his offensive coordinator on the sideline, disrespecting Donovan McNabb, acting ridiculously immature because Donovan said the Eagles could win the Super Bowl without TO, calling Andy Reid out by saying, "he's not my father" and other actions you'd attribute to a child.

Now maybe he might change. Maybe Parcells will be that father figure he never had. Maybe Jerry Jones will treat him right.

But you can't blame others for doubting him. And please don't put the fault on Garcia or McNabb. I don't care whether you think Garcia is gay or McNabb is a poor quarterback, people who are mature and professional in their dealings don't call people out like that. If Garcia is gay, let him say it. If McNabb is a poor quarterback who chokes during crunch time, let his play speak for himself.

TO created a situation where he acted so much like a child, he was released from his contract. And now it looks like we're rewarding him.

And THAT'S what bothers me about this impending TO signing.


Zone Scribe
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I'm interested in seeing how he plays off Glenn, and Vice Versa. He really hasn't had a legitimate starting WR lined up across him since the last year of Rice in San Francisco.


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http://img83.*************/img83/4851/worthy1gd.gif All in favor of T.O please rise.

But hey Thread starter not all Anti-T.O fans are cowards/Morons...Just some of them lol.