The CeeDee nose wipe celebration is now a 15 yard penalty

First. What if the player actually got something to where they need to do that gesture.

For those that don’t know, it is somewhat of a code in the streets directed to the enemy.
I've seen something about it on you about the person that started it...or the first rapper to be doing it...

I don't remember it being about street violence, though...I forget what the video was saying the gesture meant lol...and it was a video on the gesture and showing rappers doing it

I assumed it was like when Trey Young rubs his shoulders after hitting a big suggest he is cold
Something ugly about it...

Nothing against CeeDee...he's one of my favorite players..

I think it means he's got a cold(runny nose) because he's cold on the football field...

But there is just something not right with the look of it...I can't put my finger on it. I wish his signature celebration was different than

Line snorting always comes to mind.
Steve Smith was allowed do make a gesture that he was swinging his dong around...

Was one of the better celebrations
90 percent chance he does it again knowing he’s getting a penalty.
I agree with this rule. Have you actually seen the size of his nostrils when he don't have a helmet on?

Looks like two caves in his nose! Big old holes.
Another "Cowboys," rule. Helmet off on field, Emmitt Smith. Whipping a lineman with hands to face, Erik Williams. Hirescollat, Roy Williams... how many others am I missing?