Well except it does. The dab originally came from people miming how you cough when you pass around a bong. Its just a fact. Im not saying I think it is bad. I was clearly making a joke, if that wasnt obvious to you you should hone your forum reading skills a bit. I have no problem with the dab, now , or then. Its fine. I was joking. But I wasnt joking about its meaning. You werent aware, thats fine.It has zero to do with drugs. Good lord some of yall should just stop.
CeeDee has done nothing but been professional during his tenure here. Played through shoulder pain when this team was going nowhere. Imagine caring about something this trivialBS. ITs called class which clearly is not something recognized anymore
I don’t. And I hate the celebration. IThis is pretty dumb, but it's also a horrible celebration so I fully support the rule.
I dont care for the celebration but I don’t like banning a celebration. The clock is running so it doesn’t delay the game. Let them have their fun as long as it’s not promoting violenceSomething ugly about it...
Nothing against CeeDee...he's one of my favorite players..
I think it means he's got a cold(runny nose) because he's cold on the football field...
But there is just something not right with the look of it...I can't put my finger on it. I wish his signature celebration was different than that action
Thanks a bunch! Now I cannot get that insane song outta my head!Well, that's how the NFL fixes their product in one step.
Bravo. Now it's safe for the Spongebob broadcast for kids.
Thats the entire argument though is that it is promoting violence.I dont care for the celebration but I don’t like banning a celebration. The clock is running so it doesn’t delay the game. Let them have their fun as long as it’s not promoting violence
CeeDee is a thug?Thugs R Us
https://www.si.com/nfl/cowboys/news/ceedee-lamb-nose-wipe-celebration-meaning-nfl-banI don't get this...is the nose wipe a cocaine reference?
Thank you for the explanation. I had no knowledge of this.Since it’s a gesture associated with The Bloods. No joke, it really is. And Goddell being a Crip is very uncomfortable with this.
Used in a bunch of songs as well, and let’s just say used in an unfavorable context.
So there is something to it but to that point, finger signs should then not be permitted. You never know, what is thought to be a special “I love you” sign from father to daughter could really be a “Time to take Tyrone out” hand flash.
I had no idea what it meant and my first reaction was it was silly rule. But there is a 3 minute tube video on the history of the gesture by Genius News that made me rethink. I’m not going to post the video because of the language in some of the songs referenced.Thats the entire argument though is that it is promoting violence.