The Cowboy hate was strong in the Charger game.

smack500 said:
I thought I remembered a dallas drive (which they scored on) being kept alive by penalty against the chargers, also noting the penalty didnt have an impact on the play. Penalty not called, dallas punts.

And we did the same thing for them.....what's the point? Penalites are part of the game.

The two in question were obvious penalites....The "roughing" penalty was the correct call. You can't go to the face. But we still had to drive 80 yards to score. Who's to say that when we punt, they don't muff?

The other call was an obvious PI call on have to call it...

Again, it doesn't matter how you win in this league. We outscored the Chargers and that was that. We didn't make the stupid penalites they did. It's called composure.

And again, last year, our team still doesn't score after those penalties....beating the Chargers was a good win for us for that reason alone.
Gibby! said:
If the Shanked punt for 18 yards weren't brought up EVERY time San Diego punted, I would say they were dallas homers.

As it is, Baldinger and his eyebrows need to be demoted to Friday night lights...

Oh yeah. That was the other thing. Every punt and then some they made sure to say how that cost the Chargers the game against Dallas to. It was so obvious they are haters.

It is obvious they tried to do everything they could to water down the win we got.

Oh how I am gonna love it when they have to deal with some new Cowboys gettin in the HOF. They will really be pourin on the hate then.
jimmy40 said:
Penalties DID cost them the game with Dallas. Sorry the announcers weren't Dallas homers.

True...not to mention our team taking advantage of situatiosn. That cant be forgotten. 4/4 in the red zone. Good teams make you pay for your mistakes. Period.

But our terrible ST play would be a good reason to give if we had lost. Fact is, we won. I dont care what happened. Because whenthey tally the wins at the end of the year, it wont be remembered why we won, just that we won.
Billy Bullocks said:
I dont care what happened. Because whenthey tally the wins at the end of the year, it wont be remembered why we won, just that we won.

Oh Yeah !!! :hammer: :hammer:
The 2 idiots announcing the game could have easily said how the shanked punt the penalties and Gates hurt them last week without always making sure they said Dallas. Had it been any other team I do not think they would have mentioned that teams name or brought up the excuses.

They are haters. It is obvious.
Wolverine said:
If you are gonna keep bringing up the Gates thing then look on our side and see we did not have Peerless Price in the game for us. With Prices deep threat speed and big play ability that would have changed things to.

So cut the crap about their not having Gates. We were without 2 players ourself.

No need to be so hostile to make your point, wolvy...

Try it this way:

"Yeah, if Antonio Gates had played, the outcome might have been different...

And if my aunt had testicles, she'd be my uncle"... LOL...

Teams play all the team without one star or another, for reasons ranging from injury to suspension... they can whine about not having those players if they wish, but it ain't the Cowboys' fault that Gates was sittin' on the sidelines...

The game might have been different if it had been played in Texas Stadium too, Gates or no Gates... but it's pretty weak to whine about not having home field advantage...

Just like it's weak to whine about not having Gates available for the Chargers in the season opener... the two teams lined up against each other, and played according to the rules of the game, and at the end, the scoreboard said the Cowboys were the winner...

End of story...
smack500 said:
I thought I remembered a dallas drive (which they scored on) being kept alive by penalty against the chargers, also noting the penalty didnt have an impact on the play. Penalty not called, dallas punts.

Then the Chargers shouldn't have committed the penalty... a win is not diminished because the other team made mistakes, in fact the losing team generally makes mistakes that cost them the game...

If Joey Harrington doesn't throw 5 VERY boneheaded interceptions, the Lions probably beat da Bears... see how that works?? The team that makes the fewest mistakes often wins the game...
Wolverine said:
I lost count of how many times they brought up how missing this player cost them the game against Dallas and how penalties cost them the game against Dallas. It got real old real fast. Daym what I would give just to be able to p*ss in their lemonade.
So I wonder what their excuses for losing today's game will be.

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