The cowboys are poorly coached; however...


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ScipioCowboy;2330871 said:
The point is almost undeniable. The Cowboys have all the earmarks of a poorly coached team: poor execution, excessive penalties, lack of discipline, crucial mistakes, etc.

However, would firing our coaches--any of them, even Bruce Reed--really lead to improvement?

The Cowboys have been seeped in mediocrity for the better part of a decade, and through that ten year span, they've changed players, coaches, assistants, schemes, and philosophies on several different occasions. Yet, here we are, still mired in disappointment and unfulfilled expectations.

In fact, throughout this decade-long playoff drought, there's only been one constant on this team:

Jerry Jones.
You get the good and the bad with Jerry. I do not think that he is the problem. The more I watch the cowboys this season the more I am beginning to look at Garret. I am not a fan of the bend but don't break defense but if your gonna play that way you have to be putting up points. Garret does not seem to be able to get TO going lately. It seems pretty clear to me that when TO is off, our offense is off. I'm not sure why we are in a slump and not saying that it is Garrets fault. Just that maybe we should start looking and judging him.

Bob Sacamano

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ScipioCowboy;2331053 said:
Another question: Are the Cowboys really as talented as we think they are?

In both losses, it seems that Dallas has simply been beaten by the better team.

yes, we are that talented

we've just been outcoached

on O, it's either we pass too much, or if we decide we are going to run in a game, we don't balance it out w/ the pass, our passing game hardly ever attacks the middle of the field, when TO is being taken out of the game, how often do we go 3 or 4-wide, and put him in the slot?

on D, Cards go on a drive to tie the game, what does Wade have the D do from then on? you guessed it, he backs off w/ the blitzes, and what happened to the mixed coverages we saw last week?

noone is held accountable on this team

did anyone else see PacMan as one of the team's representatives at the OT coin-toss?


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gbrittain;2331092 said:
Oh I hear you. It is just very frustrating to know what kind of team we are right now.

I wished I knew the answer. I would fire the teams coach (I refuse to put special in front of teams:) ) today.

Teams have been bad for two years now. We saw the problem in pre-season and we continue to see it now. I see no harm in firing him now knowing their is an outside chance they could get better. Certainly can not get much worse.

It would at least send a message ala Jimmy Johnson style and frankly from the last two seasons, I can't see us being any worse @ "special" teams by bringing in someone else.


NFL Historian
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ScipioCowboy;2331166 said:
Cody Rhodes wants to know: How does we fix specialty teams of the team? The house is start to get mad at the Cowboys, and pick another team.


Preacher From The Black Lagoon
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visionary;2331044 said:
there are multiple problems with this team, however here are the main ones:

1. this team lacks DISCIPLINE. they are a reflection of their coach. no accountability.

2. the QB, good as he is, is not a leader. he is just another player, he does not stand out. he makes statements like "if this is the worst that happens to me in life I will have been very lucky" and we as fans cheer him for this. He does not learn from the past and correct his mistakes. the o-line, great defensive play, etc etc there is always a reason but romo has turned the ball over 9 straight games. that is unbelievable.

3. this team is not tough, they are not smash mouth. the reason we run the asinine draw run every single drive is because despite having the biggest OL in the league and a so called tough guy RB (Barber) we cant line up and run the ball.

4. the power in the organization runs through the owner and not the coach. show me a successful team in the nfl where the coach was a figure head. it does not work.

5. feeling of entitlement in the players and "oh well" "we played tough" "there is another game next sunday"

multiple other problems such as vanilla defensive schemes, small NT so other teams can run on us etc but the 5 above relate to team culture and unless corrected we will be lucky to win in the playoffs.

there is a reason that less talented teams such as NY and Skins can line up and beat us. on paper we are the most talented team in the nfl and that is what makes this so frustrating.

Super Bowl winning coach Barry Switzer. :D


I'm Complicated
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morieeel;2331193 said:
It would at least send a message ala Jimmy Johnson style and frankly from the last two seasons, I can't see us being any worse @ "special" teams by bringing in someone else.

It's hard to imagine being worse at ST if we didn't have someone else!


Star Power
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Firing Reed and bringing in someone else probably would help, because there has to be someone better. I think Avezzano could do a better job even though he's been out of coaching on ST for a while.


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I couldnt agree with the OP more...The problem with this team begins and ends with Jerry Jones, and for the poster who said Jerry was also part of the Superbowl years...well, those were Jimmy Johnson's Super Bowls, not Jerrys....Hell, the last Superbowl was even Jimmy's because they were his players even though he was gone.

Jerry puts the Cowboys in a hole with his poor drafting and personnel moves and then he is always having to do something dramatic to try to salvage the situation when things get desperate....from signing ex-baseball players to having to bring in parcells to all the free agent signings of talented but troubled playes - ala TO - Pacman -...Jerry always has to throw hail mary's because he sucks as a general manager. Period. And this team is never built from the ground up....and another thing, this team is overhyped talent wise


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MaineBoy;2331318 said:
I couldnt agree with the OP more...The problem with this team begins and ends with Jerry Jones, and for the poster who said Jerry was also part of the Superbowl years...well, those were Jimmy Johnson's Super Bowls, not Jerrys....Hell, the last Superbowl was even Jimmy's because they were his players even though he was gone.

Wow. You just contradicted yourself without even seeing it.