Video: The Cowboys Must Focus on the Offensive & Defensive Line


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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That was beautiful.

Couldn't agree more.

But can you send me the Cliff Notes.

I need to make some notes in the margins so I can ask you some questions about this post.


:lmao: hey,no heap big'em sweat,oh great fan of scarlet fast pony solid circle spirit dude!
You seemed to have so thoroughly enjoyed my last "GONE NATIVE" style of presented prose in the last thread you've posted that I had chosen to participate in,,,well,,,I just figured I'd push it forward, in fact 'scarlet fast pony solid circle spirit dude,I'm prolly going to remain in
" wild Indian " character for yer' enjoyable threads henceforth:)

* the 'cliff notes' are available yet, they are chiseled upon the south facing cliffs of the sacred Sky Mountain by the hands of our ancient grandfathers but for the nominal tribute of $29.95 I could probably undertake the arduous upward trek & pull a charcoal stenciling of them for you,my friendo_O


Redball Express

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:lmao: hey,no heap big'em sweat,oh great fan of scarlet fast pony solid circle spirit dude!
You seemed to have so thoroughly enjoyed my last "GONE NATIVE" style of presented prose in the last thread you've posted that I had chosen to participate in,,,well,,,I just figured I'd push it forward, in fact 'scarlet fast pony solid circle spirit dude,I'm prolly going to remain in
" wild Indian " character for yer' enjoyable threads henceforth:)

* the 'cliff notes' are available yet, they are chiseled upon the south facing cliffs of the sacred Sky Mountain by the hands of our ancient grandfathers but for the nominal tribute of $29.95 I could probably undertake the arduous upward trek & pull a charcoal stenciling of them for you,my friendo_O

oh my blood brother..

yeah that we have not smoked piece pipe together..

I can see in your pure heart that fly's like the Great Eagle..

your wisdom extends beyond the Great Wigwam in the sky.

Instead of $29.95 on those "Cliff Notes"..

would you accept scalps of Washington Commanders and some plastic beads I picked up at the Trading Post?

Beads heap pretty and look mighty fine on your favorite scaw.

I will leave 2 dead coyotes and the beads by the river bank and I assume we have deal.

Also leave IOU for Commanders Scalps..them not plentiful until the Fall.

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I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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oh my blood brother..

yeah that we have not smoked piece pipe together..

I can see in your pure heart that fly's like the Great Eagle..

your wisdom extends beyond the Great Wigwam in the sky.

Instead of $29.95 on those "Cliff Notes"..

would you accept scalps of Washington Commanders and some plastic beads I picked up at the Trading Post?

Beads heap pretty and look mighty fine on your favorite scraw.

I will leave 2 dead coyotes and the beads by the river bank and I assume we have deal.
Now yer' rockin' with what I'm talking, redball:thumbup:

& some of that stuff stuffed in the peace pipe makes me freakout when I can't feel my legs:lmao:


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Oh great fan of scarlet fast pony solid circle spirit! The powerful words spoken from yer' tribal medicine man have lifted my darkened spirit to the heights where eagles fly, my beating heart within my chest to pound as like the thunderous hooves of the buffaloe herds of old(ya,it was of the retelling of that great & mighty warrior Larry Allen's legendary fierceness in past battles of old)

I enjoyed the ghost dance as much or more than most around here & I've not once denied nor omitted the fact that the '0' line is due for some early gifting of war ponies/ white eyes extra bullets, as that video made me feel all warm,fuzzy & about as tired like when my 3 squaws are in need of no longer feeling anxious at night within the circle of life confines of my elk hide Lodge as we catch our breathe while laying back upon the soft furred ground with the faint glow of banked coals casting happy shadows up and out into the wandering spirits nighttime domaino_O

GET the OL :dance:


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you better take a look at this.

Great analysis..

Is that you Will Clay..?


Your headline caught me Red. Yeah agree, D-line and O-line focus with a slice of WR. 10 days man!! I know we signed Cam Flemming but it's only a 1 year deal and that doesn't sound like a starting RT to me. I still see Collins as the right guy at LG. That leaves T as a focus in the draft. Either tat or CF is my swing tackle, Collins stays at RT and we focus on a G. Obviously LB'er should be a focus too. DT 1 also and maybe the mind set of not taking one early in the draft has changed.
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Redball Express

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The fierce warrior #54 has donned his war paint & is hobbling around in search of his quiver of war arrows as his most recent 'vision'
Has revealed unto him the disparaging verbally pointed as sharp as any braves scalp of a red haired white eye's adorned war lance in yer' wordso_O
How Kimosabe.

You speak of visions oh wise and noble wanderer..

Give us your wisdom on which OL and DL in the draft are we seeking?


Redball Express

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he seems nice enough person in his videos but these are just fan clips not play study or film analysis when he does these
as long as you are just looking for highlights its fine
I have followed him awhile.


But what a passionate fan and nice sounding dude.

That is all.

Clear the decks..


Take her down to periscope depth and hold steady.

I see Destroyers on the horizon.

Ready tubes 1 and 2.

Fire 2

Evasive action helmsman.


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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How Kimosabe.

You speak of visions oh wise and noble wanderer..

Give us your wisdom on which OL and DL in the draft are we seeking?


The great spirit has painted many strange pictures in my dreamworld journeys ,Scarlet Fast Pony of solid circle, for you possess much knowledge & are wise to seek the light of my council fires, in yer' divination for that which is as yet unforseen, you must first behold in true understanding the mighty evilness that dwells within the lodges& encampments of the other 31 tribal enemies we battle when the grass is tall& the corn ripens of warpath season, for many of the most prime trophies of this springs herd will be wrested from the grasp of our designed war planning long before we've been allowed to cast our rawhide loops upon the most available of prime,should our judgment be of a weak& needy nature, another winter of squalling children & sour unfulfilled squaws will again reside within the tribe of the brilliant blue star of silver heavens!
For what you seek from me will require strong medicine that I must build in order to gain the future sight of that as a buzzard effortlessly circling high above the wounded cow falling further behind the herd as the day lengthens,,,I shall mount up upon my faithful war pony and venture into the lands of WALGREEN'S where such strong medicine that's needed may be obtained thru trade, seek not my council fires until the moon rises warrior Scarlet fast pony of solid circleo_O


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The great spirit has painted many strange pictures in my dreamworld journeys ,Scarlet Fast Pony of solid circle, for you possess much knowledge & are wise to seek the light of my council fires, in yer' divination for that which is as yet unforseen, you must first behold in true understanding the mighty evilness that dwells within the lodges& encampments of the other 31 tribal enemies we battle when the grass is tall& the corn ripens of warpath season, for many of the most prime trophies of this springs herd will be wrested from the grasp of our designed war planning long before we've been allowed to cast our rawhide loops upon the most available of prime,should our judgment be of a weak& needy nature, another winter of squalling children & sour unfulfilled squaws will again reside within the tribe of the brilliant blue star of silver heavens!
For what you seek from me will require strong medicine that I must build in order to gain the future sight of that as a buzzard effortlessly circling high above the wounded cow falling further behind the herd as the day lengthens,,,I shall mount up upon my faithful war pony and venture into the lands of WALGREEN'S where such strong medicine that's needed may be obtained thru trade, seek not my council fires until the moon rises warrior Scarlet fast pony of solid circleo_O

The great spirit has painted many strange pictures in my dreamworld journeys ,Scarlet Fast Pony of solid circle, for you possess much knowledge & are wise to seek the light of my council fires, in yer' divination for that which is as yet unforseen, you must first behold in true understanding the mighty evilness that dwells within the lodges& encampments of the other 31 tribal enemies we battle when the grass is tall& the corn ripens of warpath season, for many of the most prime trophies of this springs herd will be wrested from the grasp of our designed war planning long before we've been allowed to cast our rawhide loops upon the most available of prime,should our judgment be of a weak& needy nature, another winter of squalling children & sour unfulfilled squaws will again reside within the tribe of the brilliant blue star of silver heavens!
For what you seek from me will require strong medicine that I must build in order to gain the future sight of that as a buzzard effortlessly circling high above the wounded cow falling further behind the herd as the day lengthens,,,I shall mount up upon my faithful war pony and venture into the lands of WALGREEN'S where such strong medicine that's needed may be obtained thru trade, seek not my council fires until the moon rises warrior Scarlet fast pony of solid circleo_O
Wow, that is some vivid stuff, I think I need to put some Jefferson Airplane on to listen to, or Paul Revere and the Raidiers :dance:


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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Wow, that is some vivid stuff, I think I need to put some Jefferson Airplane on to listen to, or Paul Revere and the Raidiers :dance:

:thumbup: bro! I ' chip& sealed' the widow of 'Paul Revere & the Raiders' driveway up in their Idaho Mt. Stone& log home a couple years back:starspin:

* she is still a blonde hottie, although, I shouldn't be so carnal in my expression,as that Mt. Community
absolutely loved both those members:thumbup:



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:thumbup: bro! I ' chip& sealed' the widow of 'Paul Revere & the Raiders' driveway up in their Idaho Mt. Stone& log home a couple years back:starspin:

* she is still a blonde hottie, although, I shouldn't be so carnal in my expression,as that Mt. Community
absolutely loved both those members:thumbup:

Blonde Hottie :yourock::yourock::yourock:TOTALLY AWESOME!!!


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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Man o Man! I luv you like a BROTHER DAVE of DALLAS FAME!

* It was in the 2ND grade when the 'crackers' true nature exemplified itself to me at school of downtown KKKlanville of southern Indiana, that song was constant radio air play & dem' boys was 'popping' their hands over their round circled mouths doing the injun ' woo-woo' mock casing-liner on me & in tears I snapped and started flairing off fiercely with little flurried fists flying into the main instigators shoulder blades& back of his head while he was running like a wild Indian was fixing to kill him to his mother(* she was a 2nd grade teacher & playground monitor too!)
Needless to say! That castigating deriding bull-chit henceforth and forever more stopped stone cold on that very day!( they witnessed the chitlins of fear& also punishment:lmao:)

** at around the 4th grade Mr.pow-wow ring leader got whacked by a mack coal bucket when he ran across the street, he spent better than 6 months in a full body cast,,, we were never friends & I'd reckon mortal enemies to this day:rolleyes:



Well-Known Member
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Man o Man! I luv you like a BROTHER DAVE of DALLAS FAME!

* It was in the 2ND grade when the 'crackers' true nature exemplified itself to me at school of downtown KKKlanville of southern Indiana, that song was constant radio air play & dem' boys was 'popping' their hands over their round circled mouths doing the injun ' woo-woo' mock casing-liner on me & in tears I snapped and started flairing off fiercely with little flurried fists flying into the main instigators shoulder blades& back of his head while he was running like a wild Indian was fixing to kill him to his mother(* she was a 2nd grade teacher & playground monitor too!)
Needless to say! That castigating deriding bull-chit henceforth and forever more stopped stone cold on that very day!( they witnessed the chitlins of fear& also punishment:lmao:)

** at around the 4th grade Mr.pow-wow ring leader got whacked by a mack coal bucket when he ran across the street, he spent better than 6 months in a full body cast,,, we were never friends & I'd reckon mortal enemies to this day:rolleyes:
