The Dallas Cowboys: Not America’s Team. Just one man’s team


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Responding to a thread about how the Bears could offer so much for Russell Wilson, a QB who has more football behind him than ahead, (spoiler: it’s because of the potential for $$$), got me thinking about how this organization is run.

There is a mainstream, tried and tested method to achieving success for an NFL franchise, and it involves a separation of powers. The owner’s main business goal is to achieve maximal profitability for the franchise. It’s pretty much universally agreed to that the way to do this is by fielding a consistently competitive and successful team. This increases ticket sales, which increases concession sales, merchandising, media contracts, etc. All revenue is driven by butts in seats. The management of money is the owner’s job.

To achieve the goal of fielding consistently good teams, the owner hires a GM. The GM’s doesn’t really care about profitability. He cares about setting up a system that allows them to obtain the best players and the best coaches to develop and utilize those players. Win and he keeps his job. Win and more money flows in to the franchise. Both owner and GM achieve their goals.

Since Jerry Jones is both owner and GM of the Dallas Cowboys, he can’t just focus on one side of this formula. When acquiring players or hiring coaches, financial considerations get intertwined with team building considerations. This muddles direction and clouds focus, and oftentimes bad decisions are made when it comes to improving the team.

So, Jerry has chosen a different path to achieving success for the franchise (to maximize profits from the owner’s perspective). His method of putting butts in seats does not necessarily rely on fielding a consistently competitive team, but creating a consistent fan experience and emotional attachment for Cowboys fan. It’s about building a brand and brand loyalty. They want the name Dallas Cowboys to be synonymous with success, fame, wealth, etc.

That gets us to America’s Team. America’s team is now nothing more than a slogan. A tag line for an advertisement. If you asked JJ 25 years ago why we’re America’s Team, he would have pointed to 3 Super Bowls in 4 years. Well, we can’t do that now. So, now it’s about highest merchandising sales, building the most expensive stadium, and, ironically, name recognition around the world. And if you ask a Cowboys fan, they will defiantly proclaim that we are still America’s team. That’s because we’re loyal to the team...and the brand. Which is just what Jerry wants. Which is why we’re not really America’s team. Just one man’s team.


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That gets us to America’s Team. America’s team is now nothing more than a slogan. A tag line for an advertisement. If you asked JJ 25 years ago why we’re America’s Team, he would have pointed to 3 Super Bowls in 4 years. Well, we can’t do that now. So, now it’s about highest merchandising sales, building the most expensive stadium, and, ironically, name recognition around the world. And if you ask a Cowboys fan, they will defiantly proclaim that we are still America’s team. That’s because we’re loyal to the team...and the brand. Which is just what Jerry wants. Which is why we’re not really America’s team. Just one man’s team.

It is a nickname and something worth marketing around as many other NFL teams do. Should all owners stop? Or just Jerry?


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Dallas had four of the top ten rated games last year, including #1 against Washington on Thanksgiving. This happens every year.

When the sports executives put in for their allotment of games for their networks, it's always Dallas first and then everyone else.

Dallas is #1 in TV ratings, but they're also #1 in social media followers.

Dallas leads the NFL every year in road attendance. BTB does an article every year about the hottest road tickets in the NFL and off course Dallas rules here also.

By every measure Dallas is America's Team. Amazingly, Dallas doesn't need to win to gain or maintain the fanbase. They just are, always and forever.


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Always thought the name had become dumb and outdated. Time to bury it. I don’t want my country being associated in any way with this mediocre (at best) franchise. The Cowboys have become an embarrassment, America has not.

Yeah, yeah, yeah...”go find another team”. How about go live in another country where failure and mediocrity are the norm? Sure, the Cowboys are still the most popular team but they have been losing fans plus I don’t care how popular they are, popularity sells merchandise it doesn’t buy championships.

Let the hate begin, I’m sure I’ll make it :cool:


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That gets us to America’s Team. America’s team is now nothing more than a slogan. A tag line for an advertisement. If you asked JJ 25 years ago why we’re America’s Team, he would have pointed to 3 Super Bowls in 4 years. Well, we can’t do that now. So, now it’s about highest merchandising sales, building the most expensive stadium, and, ironically, name recognition around the world. And if you ask a Cowboys fan, they will defiantly proclaim that we are still America’s team. That’s because we’re loyal to the team...and the brand. Which is just what Jerry wants. Which is why we’re not really America’s team. Just one man’s team.

You are very mistaken. I travel to somewhere between 3-6 Cowboys games each season. I try to split the number of home and away games. Every stadium we go to, there is a HUGE Cowboys fan showing at each stadium. It makes no difference where we go. Seattle, Tampa, NY, Chicago...... again, it doesnt matter where we go, huge numbers of Cowboy fans appear.

Look at TV ratings.... every season6 or so of the top 10 highest rated games in any give year are all Cowboys games, and it doesant matter what the team's record is.

The Cowboys put what? 80ish thousand fans in the stadium for each home game. You think that "Fan experience," at AT&T is what keeps the number of Cowboys fans so big? The Cowboys are way bigger than Jerry. Ive been a fan of the team since 1977... long before Jerry. God willing, Ill be a fan long after Jerry is gone. What you seem to not understand, or maybe you just dismiss it, but being a fan of the Cowboys is so much bigger than just being a fan of a sports team. Im a fan of the oakland A's. But they are not a part of me. Im just a fan. IM a fan of the Sixers.... but they are not a part of who I am.

Im not just a fan of the Cowboys... they ARE a part of me. I don schedule events at the same time as Cowboy games. I dont go to events that are at the same time as Cowboy games.
Every year as soon as our home and away opponents are known, my daughter sends me a text saying hey, did you see the schedule? We are here, here and here this year. Which games do you want to go to?

I have 4 daughters, they are all Cowboy fans. My wife.... Cowboys fan. We travel to games like others travel for vacation... it is what we look forward to every year. We have now gone to every Cowboys home opener for about 8 years now. We have friends we have made in Dallas that we tailgate with every year, that we can not wait to see. At that same tailgate is friends that come from all over the country, as well as Canada.

Winning and losing is a part of the equation, but it will never change how much the team is a part of who I am. i am not unique, there are MILLIONs of Cowboy fans out there that are just like me, they just might not have the financial means to travel like I do.

So America's Team??? yea, that name clearly applies to the Cowboys. It is far more than just some marketing scheme as you seem to think.

Lastly, Jerry doesnt need to do a damn thing to market his team. he does what he does because the team is like me owning a sports car. I want the car to look its best, perform at its best, and I baby it the best I can. Jerry did the Star in Frisco not simply as a means to make more money (he doesnt need to make any more money... hes loaded) he does what he does to try to keep his team as best he can to be the best. Wether you agree with his moves or not is fine, but never doubt that everything he does is to make his team the best.


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Always thought the name had become dumb and outdated. Time to bury it. I don’t want my country being associated in any way with this mediocre (at best) franchise. The Cowboys have become an embarrassment, America has not.

Yeah, yeah, yeah...”go find another team”. How about go live in another country where failure and mediocrity are the norm? Sure, the Cowboys are still the most popular team but they have been losing fans plus I don’t care how popular they are, popularity sells merchandise it doesn’t buy championships.

Let the hate begin, I’m sure I’ll make it :cool:
what evidence do you have to say the team is "Losing fans?"
Outdated? how did the name apply more in 1988 than it does today?


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Call em what you want just make sure you add "losing". Example: America's Losing Team.
25 of 32 teams havent done jack consistently. Teams fortunes come and go with who they have behind center. Look how quickly the model franchise went to crap as soon as their qb left.


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Man, I think a lot of you are really missing the point. Read the post that I spent time writing lol. The point is Jerry Jones runs this team for himself, as owner, to maximize profitability. He tries to wear 2 hats but this is not the way other franchises are conventionally run and achieve success. He runs the team for an audience of 1: himself.


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Man, I think a lot of you are really missing the point. Read the post that I spent time writing lol. The point is Jerry Jones runs this team for himself, as owner, to maximize profitability. He tries to wear 2 hats but this is not the way other franchises are conventionally run and achieve success. He runs the team for an audience of 1: himself.

read my response... it doesnt matter what Jerry does... his profits will be the exact same.

big dog cowboy

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Which is why we’re not really America’s team.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Shut up! I'm not hearing your BS. The Cowboys are still America's Team.[/

I don"t understand these self-appointed fans, that believe spouting this nonsense makes it so. The Dallas Cowboys, will never lose that moniker. Who cares what the media and other puppets say.