The Fun is back in the NFL; celebration penalties relaxed

so more silliness to watch that has nothing to do with the game
It was a matter of time before someone chimed in for less entertainment. Lack of personality is one of the many things ruining baseball by following certain conservative sensibilities. I am glad football wised up. Ban violent and sexually suggestive celebrations, the rest is all good.
The saying "act like you been there before" is stupid as hell anyway. I celebrated a touchdown the last time I scored, so guess what? I am going to act like I been there before and celebrate again.

I wish Jose Bautista and other players would bat-flip, admire, or celebrate their home runs every single time, instead of being subjected to others sensibilities all the time. This whole "disrespect" of the game nonsense across sports because some love to celebrate is really getting old.
The saying "act like you been there before" is stupid as hell anyway. I celebrated a touchdown the last time I scored, so guess what? I am going to act like I been there before and celebrate again.

I wish Jose Bautista and other players would bat-flip, admire, or celebrate their home runs every single time, instead of being subjected to others sensibilities all the time. This whole "disrespect" of the game nonsense across sports because some love to celebrate is really getting old.
:clap:Most of the time they are simply sore losers that need to learn how to take a butt whipping like a man and come back stronger.
The fun is back until an unpopular player starts pushing the boundaries.
It's not like the players were not allowed to celebrate, they were just prevented from getting to extravagant. By seasons end the story will be, "have the palyers gone too far with their celebrations"... mark my words. I'm not one looking forward to the foolishness the players come up with. 40 seconds is all they get to do what that want so I hope the refs promptly start the celebration stop watch and flag players accordingly that exceed that time frame.
Except for people getting cleated and bit and eye gouged :D

Right! What was that high draft pick R.B.'s
name that started sporting the plexiglass eye shield in his face mask? I remember the sports casters going about how he was such a potent threat that defenses were trying to 'take him out' any way they could,,, was it LaDainian Tomlinson?
Right! What was that high draft pick R.B.'s
name that started sporting the plexiglass eye shield in his face mask? I remember the sports casters going about how he was such a potent threat that defenses were trying to 'take him out' any way they could,,, was it LaDainian Tomlinson?
Yup! He wore a jet black eye shield (like Beast Mode) :)

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