theogt;2800950 said:I thought Hot Rod sucked, and I even think that guy saved SNL.
bbgun;2800984 said:Superbad was a bit of a letdown, save for the cop duo.
Yeagermeister;2800953 said:If it compares to Superbad and Hot Rod I'll pass.
ChldsPlay;2800962 said:You thought Hot Rod sucked, and implied you like Borat and Superbad. Man you must have awful taste in movies. I'm surprised you didn't watch Paul Blart, it fits in much more with your tastes than mine.
SLATEmosphere;2801018 said:Don't compare Hot Rod and Superbad. Hot Rod was terrible and Superbad was epic. Maybe it's because I'm 21 and I could actually get alot of the jokes, but anyone who says Superbad wasn't funny obviously does not have any taste.
Yeagermeister;2801027 said:I guess I have no tastes. Like someone said before McLovin was the only funny part. The fact kid had no dialogue other than a stream of curse words.
SLATEmosphere;2801029 said:Then I don't know what to tell you. i would love to hear your funny movies. Blazing Saddles doesn't count. Keep it in this decade please.
SLATEmosphere;2801017 said:Um, what? It probably didn't fit your demographic. If your over 50 then you probably didn't get alot of the jokes. If your under 30 it's one of the best comedies. I'm sure it has nothing on blazing saddles though
bbgun;2801056 said:You're right. Turning 40 prevented me from appreciating the brilliance and comedic genius that is Superbad.
Yeagermeister;2801058 said:It didn't stop me but I wish it had. I'll never get that 1.5 hour back.
Yeagermeister;2801038 said:The movie I laughed the hardest at was either Beavis and Butthead, Dumb and Dumber, or Austin Powers Part 2. And I couldn't care less about keeping it in this decade.
bbgun;2801056 said:You're right. Turning 40 prevented me from appreciating the brilliance and comedic genius that is Superbad.
SLATEmosphere;2801103 said:"Tiger got out the cage bro, Tiger got out of the cage"
Creepy dude giving the two guys a ride to a party "so you guys on my space?" hahahahahahaha
PS. wow I can't put my space without the gap? How is that a curse word? It's a social site!!
SLATEmosphere;2801068 said:Beavis and Your officially stripped from movie reviewing. No credibilty.
Yeagermeister;2801139 said:Good because I don't let them decide what I'm going to watch any ways.
SLATEmosphere;2801017 said:Um, what? It probably didn't fit your demographic. If your over 50 then you probably didn't get alot of the jokes. If your under 30 it's one of the best comedies. I'm sure it has nothing on blazing saddles though