The jist of our teams weakness in myopinion, what's yours?


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Terrence Newman looked like a shell of himself out there, Pacman looked like our # 1, not Newman. Watkins was supposed to adjust to Thrash and didn't but after that Newman went on tilt and never performed to his abilities. Man Moss was much hungrier than Newman, but when up against Pac you knew Pac was hungrier. No one on our D ever got behind their D-Line on running plays. Passing downs we were in Campbells face but the kid stayed tough and made plays to Moss, once again beating Newman.

In regards to T.O, he dropped way to many balls that were right in his hands, very unacceptable. 17 touches and 20 plays out of 50 somethings is 30 - 40 % directed to you. They definitely had T.O in the plans and in the first half it did hurt us. Once they motioned T.O and got him out on the crossing route with Witten, which I felt they needed to do to create DB confusion during the game, T.O became very affective and moved the ball when he didn't drop it.

Washington was making us 1 dimensional early just devestating our run. I understand Mickey's point about the O-plan furning away from it because it wasn't effective but I believe Felix. Jones needed to be incorporated more to change up the dynamics of the running game and see how that did before going overly 1 dimensional. I think it was a mistake not to get Felix and Marion some 2 RB sets and change it up from there before getting away from balance.

In my opinion some of the solutions to last games problems are outlined as such:

- More Barbarian/Cat and not just Barber.

- Mostly motion T.O right from the start and use alot of crossing routes and more bunch formations.

- The 2 tight-end set with Tony Curtis in regards to passing is not very effective at all and should be used in run support only. It is obvious we are running when Curtis is in there and therefore the mystery that set is supposed to create is not there, making it ineffective as seen in our last game.

- Get Felix some touches early once Barber establishes the ground and pound successful or not. This will loosen up the run defense even if they are dedicated specifically to the run. We could implement the screen much easier this way and force coverage to come up to the line more ala Philly style so that T.O and Witten can pop more large gainers.

- Front 7 pressure and coverage on passing downs is good but DB's, other than Pac are playing to vanilla and we need to incorporate more aggression with help over top with the safeties. Our pressure is phenominal and if we're not getting the sacks then we should be taking some chances and umping some passes with safety help over top. We need more turnovers and we need QB's to hold onto the ball longer. Only way to do that is to challenge WR's mre often within the first 5 yards and take some chances and jump some routes. We are not making QB's think twice about putting the ball into our secondary, we are only making them think about our pass rushes timing which is good but needs the secondary to compliment it.

*** Last but not least, expect that losiing is part of this game and team development as long as you know you eft that field giving everything you had physically and mentally. Then you know it's preparation that is the issue. I think we are horrible at the first tackle and I think we come into games right now, other than the Cleveland game, to nonchalant, even on offense. This is because of soft preparation, game planning and the media and fans make this team feel like they are the best, the champs when they haven't proven squat other than a star filled roster and a 13-3 regular season. We need confidence but we need more hunger. Ratliff, Pacman, Thomas, Witten and T.O are players that playlike they are starving. Romo needs to start sounding like he wants to dominate like Brady sounded last year. Posied, realistic but hungry to prove something to himself, the coaches and his teammates every game. He has all the skills, the guy doesn't sound hungry right now like he did in camp. Believe it or not, but Jerry is the guy who can motivate Romo. T.O genuinely thinks he is going to get some guys mad and that's what he thinks they need. He just needs to find another way to do it, the ball thing is outplayed. Believe me, he knows how many balls he got and dropped. Wade, Stweart, Ellis and Bradie need to get that D hungry.


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I have been reading a lot of stuff on the D and I agree with one thing, the D is soft, the secondary is playing very soft and this makes it easy for the opposing team to make the hot read throws when the pressure starts to get there. Secondary still a problem dispite all the hype.


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I was able to attend this game and it was a bummer to lose! One thing I agree with is Terrence Newman really looked like he was not in the game in the first half. He slipped many times throughout the course of the game. The biggest thing I noticed was in the first half when a guy was going in motion he was with him man to man but was always a step behind him. Once the play started he could not regain that step on the receiver. This was a big play on 3rd down and the Thrash touchdown.

The second half he played it differently and when the receiver would go in motion he was a step ahead and it made a huge difference in the second half. I am not sure what happen in the first half but he played poorly and Jay Ratliff and Greg Ellis were talking to him after each big play trying to get him back in the game. The thing that bothered me was that Hamlin nor Henry or any other defense back went to Newman and tried to make an effort of getting him to regain his confidence. I believe that Hamlin should have been in his face since he is supposed to be the quarterback of the secondary. JMO

One more observation was I do think that Romo was not giving plays time to develop or he was just not reading the defense properly. Austin was open 2 times in particular that I recalled that we forced the ball to TO. Both would have been huge gainers if Romo would have looked that way but he never even looked. It was almost as he made up his mind at the snap of the ball. I wouldn't want any other quarterback but he had a bad game as well as TO on offense.