The Media Influence

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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So I'm seeing articles start to pop up regarding the status of one Jason Garrett as the head coach and whether or not he should be on the of seat. There have been a few articles that have popped up in the past 4-6 weeks. You can find them. They're no secret.

My question to you is... Do you believe the media is influential enough to create the building momentum for a head coaching change?

Apologies to the mods for the earlier thread. This question has been stewing for awhile and I got a little excited today.


Beyond tired of Jerry
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If you want media influence to produce real change in Dallas, hope for them to find some significant dirt on Jerry Jones that forces him out.

Replacing Garrett will make as much difference as replacing Switzer, Gailey, Campo, Parcells, Phillips...

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Because the media has no power in our front office. If it did there'd have been a new GM many years ago. The Cowboys aren't going to make a move at head coach to appease the media. Let's be real here.
Ok so let's say a few articles get written and they generate enormous buzz amongst the population (akin to a thread/video going viral). Let's also say that the viral nature of said articles makes it to the television where its right there in Jerry's face. Perhaps on a sports talk show or better yet on the 6pm news in Dallas... That's not real?


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I think it has some influence but its money that will get Jerry attention. If attendance starts waning and it will if we keep fielding a headless team, that will probably have a bigger probability of forcing Jerrys hand as far as the head coach position

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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If you want media influence to produce real change in Dallas, hope for them to find some significant dirt on Jerry Jones that forces him out.

Replacing Garrett will make as much difference as replacing Switzer, Gailey, Campo, Parcells, Phillips...
I disagree. Replacing Garrett and coming to the realization that a head coach (a real head coach not the pupil in charge) has to have true autonomy would be a major positive. Perhaps I'm just an eternal optimist about some things but I actually believe this perpetual losing is eating away at Jerry.

Risen Star

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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Ok so let's say a few articles get written and they generate enormous buzz amongst the population (akin to a thread/video going viral). Let's also say that the viral nature of said articles makes it to the television where its right there in Jerry's face. Perhaps on a sports talk show or better yet on the 6pm news in Dallas... That's not real?

No. Because what happens if no move is made? Another scathing article? Who cares? And since when is the media challenging the Joneses like this? Where are all the we need a new GM articles? They don't even mention it to him, they have been so whipped into submission.

The fans will fill up the joint next year regardless of who is coach. So there is no pressure on the owner to do anything he doesn't want to do. You're just hoping something like this is possible.


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Ok so let's say a few articles get written and they generate enormous buzz amongst the population (akin to a thread/video going viral). Let's also say that the viral nature of said articles makes it to the television where its right there in Jerry's face. Perhaps on a sports talk show or better yet on the 6pm news in Dallas... That's not real?
Still. It wouldn't have no impact.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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No. Because what happens if no move is made? Another scathing article? Who cares? And since when is the media challenging the Joneses like this? Where are all the we need a new GM articles? They don't even mention it to him, they have been so whipped into submission.

The fans will fill up the joint next year regardless of who is coach. So there is no pressure on the owner to do anything he doesn't want to do. You're just hoping something like this is possible.
Well. Without hope what do we really have?


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Ok..... I'm sure you're right Nostradamus.
Sports isn't politics. There's not going to be any Watergate articles that' going to bring Jerry to do anything.
You don't have to be Nostradamas to see that.


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I think it’s the opposite. This keeps Jerry right where he wants to be, in the news when his teams is not once again in January.

The only thing that has ever caused Jerry to change was being completely irrelevant. By 2002 Jerry and the cowboys were completely irrelevant. No star players, terrible football team, a head coach who nobody league wide cared about or was interested in, a qb of the same quality.

This is the only thing that would cause them to change anything. Since we have Zeke and Dez and the stars on the line, plus the dumb stadium and that stupid facility they never shut up about in frisco they are relevant. Prime time games, highest attendance and tv ratings in the league.

We got parcels because nobody cared about the cowboys and Jerry knew it. Parcells changedthe franchise for the better and then left and Jerry went right back to being Jerry and even sat there and made jokes with wade about parcells. Told everyone how miserable he was.

They are Wealthy beyond anyone’s expectations, they have the stadium tickets all sold out by April thanks to our psl’s ans They are in prime time thanks to enormous ratings.

Nothing is changing. We are a week away from 6 months of the cut up credit card story from Jerry and from Brice butler is going to take Williams job type stuff from fake insider bloggers.

Oh well it is what it is. The media talking about Jerry is exactly what he thrives on. It’s exactly what he wants.


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Im kinda upset they won 3 in a row, it did nothing but get us a worse draft pic and more then likely keeps freaking JG here another year

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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I think it’s the opposite. This keeps Jerry right where he wants to be, in the news when his teams is not once again in January.

The only thing that has ever caused Jerry to change was being completely irrelevant. By 2002 Jerry and the cowboys were completely irrelevant. No star players, terrible football team, a head coach who nobody league wide cared about or was interested in, a qb of the same quality.

This is the only thing that would cause them to change anything. Since we have Zeke and Dez and the stars on the line, plus the dumb stadium and that stupid facility they never shut up about in frisco they are relevant. Prime time games, highest attendance and tv ratings in the league.

We got parcels because nobody cared about the cowboys and Jerry knew it. Parcells changedthe franchise for the better and then left and Jerry went right back to being Jerry and even sat there and made jokes with wade about parcells. Told everyone how miserable he was.

They are Wealthy beyond anyone’s expectations, they have the stadium tickets all sold out by April thanks to our psl’s ans They are in prime time thanks to enormous ratings.

Nothing is changing. We are a week away from 6 months of the cut up credit card story from Jerry and from Brice butler is going to take Williams job type stuff from fake insider bloggers.

Oh well it is what it is. The media talking about Jerry is exactly what he thrives on. It’s exactly what he wants.
Interesting take. Sadly, Jerry probably does get tickled by the attention. Good or bad...