The Media Influence


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So I'm seeing articles start to pop up regarding the status of one Jason Garrett as the head coach and whether or not he should be on the of seat. There have been a few articles that have popped up in the past 4-6 weeks. You can find them. They're no secret.

My question to you is... Do you believe the media is influential enough to create the building momentum for a head coaching change?

Apologies to the mods for the earlier thread. This question has been stewing for awhile and I got a little excited today.
It has some influence. It might have been the difference in Wade getting fired miid-sesson vs at the end of the season.

Regardless the media only turns on the HC en masse when it's so bad the owner is probably already considering firing the HC. That has not happened yet with Garrett. Only a of the local media have been critical of him.


Sleeps with the fishes
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I think it’s the opposite. This keeps Jerry right where he wants to be, in the news when his teams is not once again in January.

The only thing that has ever caused Jerry to change was being completely irrelevant. By 2002 Jerry and the cowboys were completely irrelevant. No star players, terrible football team, a head coach who nobody league wide cared about or was interested in, a qb of the same quality.

This is the only thing that would cause them to change anything. Since we have Zeke and Dez and the stars on the line, plus the dumb stadium and that stupid facility they never shut up about in frisco they are relevant. Prime time games, highest attendance and tv ratings in the league.

We got parcels because nobody cared about the cowboys and Jerry knew it. Parcells changedthe franchise for the better and then left and Jerry went right back to being Jerry and even sat there and made jokes with wade about parcells. Told everyone how miserable he was.

They are Wealthy beyond anyone’s expectations, they have the stadium tickets all sold out by April thanks to our psl’s ans They are in prime time thanks to enormous ratings.

Nothing is changing. We are a week away from 6 months of the cut up credit card story from Jerry and from Brice butler is going to take Williams job type stuff from fake insider bloggers.

Oh well it is what it is. The media talking about Jerry is exactly what he thrives on. It’s exactly what he wants.

All true. Any attention is good attention for Jerry. If Jerry cared one iota about media critics there would have been a different GM about 1994.

If he would even fire Red, the chances him and son find a better replacement, or would no where to look are minuscule. We are stuck with this imbecile Jones.


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I disagree. Replacing Garrett and coming to the realization that a head coach (a real head coach not the pupil in charge) has to have true autonomy would be a major positive. Perhaps I'm just an eternal optimist about some things but I actually believe this perpetual losing is eating away at Jerry.
Any way you slice it it’s to the point where change is necessary just for sake of change. Things are stale.


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Local homer media will not upset the apple cart. Once they stop getting texts with info, then they are absolutely useless. They know that. And that's why they stay in line, they won't be critical of the team and they wont be calling for any firings. They want the texts with breaking news to keep coming.

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Local homer media will not upset the apple cart. Once they stop getting texts with info, then they are absolutely useless. They know that. And that's why they stay in line, they won't be critical of the team and they wont be calling for any firings. They want the texts with breaking news to keep coming.
What a sad pathetic situation if that is indeed the case.


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What a sad pathetic situation if that is indeed the case.
That's why the national media is so much harsher on the team than the local homer media. They don't have to be around the team every day. And they don't have to worry about making someone mad inside the organization and basically being blacklisted. It is what it is. You will never get the full truth from those local guys. Maybe years after the fact. You're getting the spin that Jerry wants you to hear.


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So I'm seeing articles start to pop up regarding the status of one Jason Garrett as the head coach and whether or not he should be on the of seat. There have been a few articles that have popped up in the past 4-6 weeks. You can find them. They're no secret.

My question to you is... Do you believe the media is influential enough to create the building momentum for a head coaching change?

Apologies to the mods for the earlier thread. This question has been stewing for awhile and I got a little excited today.

I did see the Cowlishaw article this morning saying “Garrett Must Go.” So My hope is it would get them thinking but Jerry also may dig in deeper. 7 years is a lot of years but he has built in excuses this year


1st Round Pick
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Jerrys ego is attached to Jason and Jerry puts his ego ahead of the team.

Jason will just continue to do the same thing week after week and year after year and the only way for us to succeed is to just out-athlete the other team. The

Bleu Star

Bye Felicia!
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Jerrys ego is attached to Jason and Jerry puts his ego ahead of the team.

Jason will just continue to do the same thing week after week and year after year and the only way for us to succeed is to just out-athlete the other team. The
I'm so hopeful Jerry is privately working the phones while we enjoy idle speculation... Wouldn't that be an amazing gift? A man can dream...

john van brocklin

Captain Comeback
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I disagree. Replacing Garrett and coming to the realization that a head coach (a real head coach not the pupil in charge) has to have true autonomy would be a major positive. Perhaps I'm just an eternal optimist about some things but I actually believe this perpetual losing is eating away at Jerry.
I brought this up on another thread.
If Jerry replaces Garrett with another puppet yes man, we are no better off....


Well-Known Member
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So I'm seeing articles start to pop up regarding the status of one Jason Garrett as the head coach and whether or not he should be on the of seat. There have been a few articles that have popped up in the past 4-6 weeks. You can find them. They're no secret.

My question to you is... Do you believe the media is influential enough to create the building momentum for a head coaching change?

Apologies to the mods for the earlier thread. This question has been stewing for awhile and I got a little excited today.

Jerry loves attention
He craves vindication
He can't stand criticism of HIS football intellect (I know I know tears of derisive laughter are pouring down as I write this)

If it gets loud enough, he will hear it


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But what the media can influence are fans. Empty stadium means change.


Tickets are paid for in may. With a psl you have to pay for the tickets.

It will never be empty. It’s rigged.