The Most Damning Article Ever Written on Jerry (Bob Sturm)

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Jimmy even explains why he let Aikman fear for his job - he needed everyone to believe that Walsh was starting QB material to maximize trade value. it worked like a charm. Jimmy hoodwinked New Orleans, and parlayed Walsh into Erik Williams and, via further trades with NE, Russel Maryland.
Yes, and nice memory on it.

I used to lament losing the first pick in the draft for Walsh, which according to Jimmy would have been Junior Seau, hardly a bust, but you offer an interesting perspective that I hadn’t considered.

The value of what he got in return for Walsh didn’t really add up to that top pick, but when you factor what it may have done for Aikman (as well as the hedge bet thing) great, great point.
Need some receipts on that Irvin trade. And Jimmy always planned to trade Walsh for picks. I would link it, but it's from a forbidden source. Just google it. Jerry had nothing to do with the Walsh situation at any point. It was all a master plan of Jimmy.
It's just so obvious.

Look, if Jerry had anything to do w/ building those teams, then why has every move he's made since then been the exact opposite of the moves made then?
Jerry isnt reading his own tea leaves.
The GB game was # 1
2. didnt fire mike and get a new HC
3. the all in comment
4.does 0 in FA again lol
5.only offers 1 year deals to everyone !
6.signs dak at last minute, which by that time most didnt want another 4 years of dak
7.More with less lol
8.forgot but passing on Henry
9.starts off 3-3
10.threatens radio hosts, then next week refuses to apologize.

All this combined has turned media and many fans against him and the cowboys, he still doesnt see that this time it is different,
and he is doing his same koolaid routines, but they wont work this time.
:hammer:People have had enough.....It's time to run him out of town just like he did Tom Landry.
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I’m not calling you out but I’d like to know how you heard about the Irvin and Walsh things.

I absorbed absolutely anything and everything about this team at that time and even worked in sports media in NYC then. Literally next to Mike Knisley and Chris Mortensen among others.

I never heard or read a thing about either situation, so I’m asking how it is that you know.
Revisionist make people think/question. It's deflection. Just like an alcoholic that hides booze......It's all a tactic to hide the truth. History isn't going to be kind to Jerry. All the cruddy details are coming out.....his track record speaks for itself.
"He hired Jason Garrett as offensive coordinator before he even hired Wade Phillips."

This one always got to me. It was crazy in 2007 and it's crazy in 2024. I cannot think of any other situation in any level where this has been done and it's been successful. But yeah, I am sure Sturm also knew these problems. Never actually cared to write an article about it. Many of us already knew this about Jerry though. 29 years and counting.
"He hired Jason Garrett as offensive coordinator before he even hired Wade Phillips."

This one always got to me. It was crazy in 2007 and it's crazy in 2024. I cannot think of any other situation in any level where this has been done and it's been successful. But yeah, I am sure Sturm also knew these problems. Never actually cared to write an article about it. Many of us already knew this about Jerry though. 29 years and counting.
It has never been successfully done the way Jerry is doing it. Even Mark Cuban knew when to step aside and let the experts do their job.
Facts. Just hiring an OC before hiring the HC showed how arrogant and out of touch he was when that decision was made. I struggle to think of a team that's ever done that.
Hmmmmmmm.....can't think of any offhand.
Fan here for 57 years and the last 30 have drained me almost to the point of not caring about DC anymore. This article definitely sums up what we the fans are going thru. What a dam shame.
:hammer:He truly needs to sell.....But I fear the next owners could be worse.....and this franchise used as a statues tool. Not exactly what America needs. We need a real football owner that cares about winning and the image of the franchise.
"He hired Jason Garrett as offensive coordinator before he even hired Wade Phillips."

This one always got to me. It was crazy in 2007 and it's crazy in 2024. I cannot think of any other situation in any level where this has been done and it's been successful. But yeah, I am sure Sturm also knew these problems. Never actually cared to write an article about it. Many of us already knew this about Jerry though. 29 years and counting.
Successfully? I can’t think of when it’s been done at all, but that’s walkaround coach Jerry for you. Chooses at least one coordinator every time except for Jimmy and Garrett was his perfect hand picked puppet that he would train into being Tom Landry.

He was asked after around year three if Garrett should be replaced. His response…”yes, but then we would lose all the time we invested in training him.”

Then people wonder why MM wasn’t fired.

Comical. Yet the fans are the butt of the joke.
Blah Blah Blah, there's a lot of stuff that Sturm conveniently left out, because it would not fit his narrative and is contrary to what he wants everyone to believe. He wants to and he has you believing his dribble
Glad you’re happy with our playoff results the past 28 seasons. Jerry needs your hard earned dollars so mk sure you buy some SWAG this week.
I just wish he or another outlet had said this earlier, instead of sitting on their hands for many years watching the trainwreck. They enabled it. Better late than never I suppose. At least the mask has been ripped off and no one likes what we see.
I get it, but it’s not the media’s fault we have a lunatic in charge.
I gave up on the article pretty early. Not much factual information. Just a lot of Sturm guessing about what Jerry may or may not know, or what he may or may not do day to day.

Waste of time.
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