The Most Passive Aggresive Guy Ever

theogt;3419650 said:
His job isn't to harass people. His job is to gather and report information. He had no hopes of gathering information. He was just there to harass.
No sale.
theogt;3419650 said:
His job isn't to harass people. His job is to gather and report information. He had no hopes of gathering information. He was just there to harass.

Hostile;3419663 said:

You have no idea how long I've waited for this moment: a confrontation between the big guns--Hostile, and Theo and VTA. :D

Fight! Fight! Fight!
Hostile;3419663 said:
You're already sold. It's already your belief that the lady wasn't going to give him an interview:

Hostile said:
The lady he wanted to question had excuse after excuse as to why she could not answer them. The meeting, then after the meeting she had another meeting, wink wink. Then after the meeting gets canceled and her time is technically free, she announces she has another meeting.
The reporter would have to be dumb as rocks not to realize this is what was going on too. Thus, he was either (1) dumb as rocks or (2) he knew he wasn't getting an interview and was only there to harass.
theogt;3419677 said:
You're already sold. It's already your belief that the lady wasn't going to give him an interview:

The reporter would have to be dumb as rocks not to realize this is what was going on too. Thus, he was either (1) dumb as rocks or (2) he knew he wasn't getting an interview and was only there to harass.

Like I said, the guy's a pro and it's win-win. No interview? Get the confrontation and make it worth the while.

Grandstanding and nothing more. News is no longer about gathering info, it's about ratings, sensationalization and personalities.
ScipioCowboy;3419676 said:
You have no idea how long I've waited for this moment: a confrontation between the big guns--Hostile, and Theo and VTA. :D

Fight! Fight! Fight!

You're crazy. :laugh2:
theogt;3419677 said:
You're already sold. It's already your belief that the lady wasn't going to give him an interview:

The reporter would have to be dumb as rocks not to realize this is what was going on too. Thus, he was either (1) dumb as rocks or (2) he knew he wasn't getting an interview and was only there to harass.
Uh, what?

No never mind. I really don't care.
The reporter didn't leave with nothing. He got an interview with touchy feely guy. It's in the video on the abclocal link I posted.
hairic;3419719 said:
The reporter didn't leave with nothing. He got an interview with touchy feely guy. It's in the video on the abclocal link I posted.
The video is not working for me, but the article pretty much paints the staff there as a bunch of sleaze balls for misappropriation of donated funds in a poor community. No wonder that lady didn't want to talk to an investigative reporter and why the PR bulldog made sure to disrupt the meeting.
theo i know your a lawyer and all but I'm almost positive you can not physically touch somebody that does not want to be touched.

i really don't see how anybody can argue against the reporter, I'm not saying i think its right the tactics that reporters use such as badgering someone for information or an interview but really they are practically allowed to stalk you as long as they don't invade your privacy, so the reporter was annoying and an *** but we all deal with annoying ***** everyday. what we don't deal with every day is someone repeatedly touching us when we have asked them not to do so over and over again. the comm. director was wrong and the only way the reporter could be wrong is if he wasn't allowed to be there in the first place.

BTW my gf(comm. major) says that the reason the director wanted to touch him was that it takes power away from from the reporter and shows he is in control because it makes the reporter uncomfortable. I'm sure the comm. director knows this as well and was doing it on purpose.
The PR guy is a passive aggressive creep, but to me the reporter also did wrong by continuing to participate in causing the scene and disrupting the meeting. He obviously wasn't going to get an interview. They were both grade-A ******rs (PR guy and reporter).

As far as the woman, it's basically her right to refuse an interview excuses or not. Anyone can flat out say no to a reporter, regardless of what she did or the abuses involved.
rkell87;3419770 said:
BTW my gf(comm. major) says that the reason the director wanted to touch him was that it takes power away from from the reporter and shows he is in control because it makes the reporter uncomfortable. I'm sure the comm. director knows this as well and was doing it on purpose.

I definitely got that impression as well. He should have just asked the reporter to leave instead of doing that creepy "I'm your friend" routine. The attempted stare-off near the end is hilarious. :lmao2:
Hostile;3419762 said:
The video is not working for me, but the article pretty much paints the staff there as a bunch of sleaze balls for misappropriation of donated funds in a poor community. No wonder that lady didn't want to talk to an investigative reporter and why the PR bulldog made sure to disrupt the meeting.

It's actually from another video that I didn't link (found after posting), so it doesn't matter.

It's the same site, though, which explains why I was confused. So the video still may not work for you. about towards the middle.
hairic;3419788 said:
It's actually from another video that I didn't link (found after posting), so it doesn't matter.

It's the same site, though, which explains why I was confused. So the video still may not work for you. about towards the middle.
The deeper the story goes, the slimier the hospital admins look. That's just galling.

Those sandwiches and fig newtons sure looked yummy huh?
rkell87;3419770 said:
theo i know your a lawyer and all but I'm almost positive you can not physically touch somebody that does not want to be touched.

i really don't see how anybody can argue against the reporter, I'm not saying i think its right the tactics that reporters use such as badgering someone for information or an interview but really they are practically allowed to stalk you as long as they don't invade your privacy, so the reporter was annoying and an *** but we all deal with annoying ***** everyday. what we don't deal with every day is someone repeatedly touching us when we have asked them not to do so over and over again. the comm. director was wrong and the only way the reporter could be wrong is if he wasn't allowed to be there in the first place.

BTW my gf(comm. major) says that the reason the director wanted to touch him was that it takes power away from from the reporter and shows he is in control because it makes the reporter uncomfortable. I'm sure the comm. director knows this as well and was doing it on purpose.

It's also a damn fine way to get your arm broken...LOL at this foolishness.
Jon88;3418848 said:
Unconsented touching is battery here.

Usually there has to be malice involved. It was battery but more like a de minimis so nothing would have happened. Not sure how the reporters trespassing would effect the situation.
Hostile;3419245 said:
I fail to see what the reporter did wrong. Laguna whatever obviously got caught using gift funds wrongly and did not want to answer questions. He was there to seek answers and they were going to do whatever they could not to do that.

The lady he wanted to question had excuse after excuse as to why she could not answer them. The meeting, then after the meeting she had another meeting, wink wink. Then after the meeting gets canceled and her time is technically free, she announces she has another meeting.

The PR guy is obviously there to cause a disruption in whatever way he can. He is the bulldog who is not going to allow her to answer questions. Like reporters or not, he was there doing a job. Probably an assignment. Had they been left alone he could have done his report that showed he tried to get answers and was rebuffed or Laguna whatever refused to answer.

Instead he gets a guy who clearly wanted to push buttons and be rude. Then that guy has the temerity to announce that the meeting is over because channel 7 is disrupting. How were they disrupting? By being there to do their jobs? Is it not an open "town hall" meeting? Are there not often reporters at these meetings? Is it wrong to try and get an interview?

I just don't see where the news people did anything at all wrong. They may be slimy, but they didn't do anything wrong. IMO.

They should have brought in the no neck guys to kick him out. Reporters often think they can try to intimidate and that guy was. He was much taller than the little defenceless woman and he was deliberately peering over her to intimidate.

The guy from the hospital is clearly a ******bag but so was the reporter.
CliffnMesquite;3418701 said:
I'm not sure which one deserved a broken jaw more.

Clearly Mike or Mark that guy that kept touching him. The reporter was being intrusive, but to an acceptable level. He clearly was going to let the meeting happen, but that Mike/Mark guy needed his lights punched out. If he kept touching me like that, I would have took his hand and broke his wrist.

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