The percentage of a QB's game-winning drives where he had to put the team ahead multiple times


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
"Game-winning" drives by definition cannot be "multiple drives" so this statistic is pointless.

A "game-winning" drive is a drive that wins the game, so the percentage of "multiple times" is 0% for any quarterback with a game-winning drive because there are never any multiple times.

A game-winning drive does NOT include every drive that gets a lead at some point in the fourth quarter, which is likely what they are defining as a "game-winning drive".

I get what they were going for and maybe they could have worded it more accurately, but if they had described what they actually are saying it would have been less click-baity.


Cowboys Diehard
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To my thinking, this surprises me some. The fact that he runs into a brick wall in the playoffs shook my confidence in him, and now this?! :huh:


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
"Game-winning" drives by definition cannot be "multiple drives" so this statistic is pointless.

A "game-winning" drive is a drive that wins the game, so the percentage of "multiple times" is 0% for any quarterback with a game-winning drive because there are never any multiple times.

A game-winning drive does NOT every drive that gets a lead at some point in the fourth quarter, which is likely what they are defining as a "game-winning drive".

I get what they were going for and maybe they could have worded it more accurately, but if they had described what they actually are saying it would have been less click-baity.
Haters gonna hate. Always trying to trash anything positive about Dak.


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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Dak’s always been good coming from behind. Unfortunately when your defense is a wet paper bag and you have no one on the offense that can run the ball, you lose in the playoffs.
If the defense and run game is as bad as you say, can you explain how they managed 3 straight 12-5 seasons? I guess they only suck in the playoffs, right?


Well-Known Member
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If the defense and run game is as bad as you say, can you explain how they managed 3 straight 12-5 seasons? I guess they only suck in the playoffs, right?
That was mostly Dak. He's the type of QB that wipes most of the below average teams away, but when it's the above average....he needs the rest of the team to step up - and theyre unable to. But truthfully, we play well against teams in the playoffs that aren't the Niners and Packers.


Jerry learned to GM from Pee Wee Herman
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That was mostly Dak. He's the type of QB that wipes most of the below average teams away, but when it's the above average....he needs the rest of the team to step up - and theyre unable to. But truthfully, we play well against teams in the playoffs that aren't the Niners and Packers.
So as long as their wildcard game is against a 7-9 crap team with a 42 year old QB, they should do just fine.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
If the defense and run game is as bad as you say, can you explain how they managed 3 straight 12-5 seasons? I guess they only suck in the playoffs, right?
The answer is simple and right in front of your blind eyes. Dak’s the reason they win those games. He’s good enough to overcome the defensive weaknesses as well as a 1 dimensional offense. It’s why he was runner up in NFL MVP voting.