The Positive Thread, Part II


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Second installment of the positive thread. It aint much, but hey we aint got much to be happy about:

1) It does look like we'll get several guys back for Washington, and possibly have all the wounded back by Thanksgiving.

2) Brad Johnson is no longer the backup QB...(albeit 2 1/2 games too late)

3) I thought Anthony Spencer played pretty good yesterday, especially considering he's been hurt pretty much since preseason. He showed some good explosion. With him and Ware as bookends in the 3-4, we seem set there for years to come. If he ever gets and stays healthy, he could be a double digit a yr sack guy himself.

4) Despite all the bashing of Mike Jenkins, I still think he has flashed really solid man to man cover skills. He also showed good hands on the pick yesterday, Eli didnt throw a BJ lob to the sideline, that was a dart. Alot of CB's blow that play by dropping it. Scandrick was a steal where we got him. We're reall set up nice at CB for years to come as well with Newman, Jenkins and Scandrick.

5) We did get 4 sacks and got 3 turnovers yesterday...nearly had another pick or two. While the 35 pts allowed and tons of rushing yds were bad, the defense did have some flashes yesterday. The run defense didnt cave until late in the 3rd qtr, when they were obviously tanked by the lack of support from the offense.

6) Only 7 games left of the Wade Phillips era



7 Years of College Down the Drain
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your last statement made me giddy.

"Butch Davis", next Coach....

(boy that should stir things up...)


Mick Green 58
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dbair1967;2397378 said:
Second installment of the positive thread. It aint much, but hey we aint got much to be happy about:

1) It does look like we'll get several guys back for Washington, and possibly have all the wounded back by Thanksgiving.

2) Brad Johnson is no longer the backup QB...(albeit 2 1/2 games too late)

3) I thought Anthony Spencer played pretty good yesterday, especially considering he's been hurt pretty much since preseason. He showed some good explosion. With him and Ware as bookends in the 3-4, we seem set there for years to come. If he ever gets and stays healthy, he could be a double digit a yr sack guy himself.

4) Despite all the bashing of Mike Jenkins, I still think he has flashed really solid man to man cover skills. He also showed good hands on the pick yesterday, Eli didnt throw a BJ lob to the sideline, that was a dart. Alot of CB's blow that play by dropping it. Scandrick was a steal where we got him. We're reall set up nice at CB for years to come as well with Newman, Jenkins and Scandrick.

5) We did get 4 sacks and got 3 turnovers yesterday...nearly had another pick or two. While the 35 pts allowed and tons of rushing yds were bad, the defense did have some flashes yesterday. The run defense didnt cave until late in the 3rd qtr, when they were obviously tanked by the lack of support from the offense.

6) Only 7 games left of the Wade Phillips era


You sure about this?

If Wade Phillips' team somehow goes on a run, Wade Phillips will be back in the saddle next year. Heck, he may be back if we don't make the Playoffs.

Weirder things have happened.

Man David, just last season I remember your signature with Wade Phillips' picture and the caption was "Yes we will destroy opposing Quarterback" :laugh2: .


Arch Defender
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Maikeru-sama;2397392 said:
You sure about this?

If Wade Phillips' team somehow goes on a run, Wade Phillips will be back in the saddle next year. Heck, he may be back if we don't make the Playoffs.

Unless we win the super bowl Phillips is not going to have an option to be back here IMO. Jones openly admits he made a HUGE mistake by not letting go of Switzer after that super bowl win vs Pittsburgh, and there are a ton of similarities between the teams in terms of attitude, commitment and failing to meet potential.

Man David, just last season I remember your signature with Wade Phillips' picture and the caption was "Yes we will destroy opposing Quarterback" :laugh2: .

Yeah I really liked that sig too.

Hey I was wrong, I thought Phillips would really make an ok defense a dominant unit. Looking back at it, Jones probably should have just went with his gut feeling and hired Garrett as HC.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
You know times are bad when Dbair gives a keep your chin up type of post.

J/K with you Dbair.:cool:


Mick Green 58
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dbair1967;2397420 said:
Maikeru-sama;2397392 said:
You sure about this?

Unless we win the super bowl Phillips is not going to have an option to be back here IMO. Jones openly admits he made a HUGE mistake by not letting go of Switzer after that super bowl win vs Pittsburgh, and there are a ton of similarities between the teams in terms of attitude, commitment and failing to meet potential.

Yeah I really liked that sig too.

Hey I was wrong, I thought Phillips would really make an ok defense a dominant unit. Looking back at it, Jones probably should have just went with his gut feeling and hired Garrett as HC.

Yeah, I also thought Wade Phillips was going to bring a kick-arse defense to Dallas.

I was excited when I heard him first use the phrase "The Phillips 3-4" :laugh2: .

However, I never thought Wade Phillips was going to be successful, partly because Bill Parcells, a HOF Quarterback couldn't get it done and Wade Phillips hadn't won a Playoff Game.

I honestly don't think alot of coaches can win with these players the way they are at the moment. I really think you have to get someone in here that has skins on the wall.

Also, I know you didn't like Bill Parcells and I was kind of tired of him too but man, things may be different if he had stuck around one more season as Tony Romo would have been alot more mature.


Arch Defender
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Maikeru-sama;2397428 said:
dbair1967;2397420 said:
Yeah, I also thought Wade Phillips was going to bring a kick-arse defense to Dallas.

I was excited when I heard him first use the phrase "The Phillips 3-4" :laugh2: .

However, I never thought Wade Phillips was going to be successful, partly because Bill Parcells, a HOF Quarterback couldn't get it done and Wade Phillips hadn't won a Playoff Game.

I honestly don't think alot of coaches can win with these players the way they are at the moment. I really think you have to get someone in here that has skins on the wall.

Also, I know you didn't like Bill Parcells and I was kind of tired of him too but man, things may be different if he had stuck around one more season as Tony Romo would have been alot more mature.

I do agree Romo would have probably benefitted from another yr of Parcells, but it would have been at the teams expense. I doubt we'd have been 13-3 with Parcells last yr.


Mick Green 58
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dbair1967;2397432 said:
Maikeru-sama;2397428 said:
I do agree Romo would have probably benefitted from another yr of Parcells, but it would have been at the teams expense. I doubt we'd have been 13-3 with Parcells last yr.

Maybe not 13-3, but I bet we would have made the Playoffs and you wouldn't have had guys going to Mexican.

Not saying going to Mexico was the reason we lost, but I always thought it sent the wrong message and I gurantee you Tony Romo will never do that again, under the same circumstances.

The one thing Bill Parcells never had for the most part in Dallas was a Quarterback and he would have had that last season.

Also, what are you doing with your quotes? Have you talked to a Moderator about the issue :)?


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dbair1967;2397432 said:
Maikeru-sama;2397428 said:
I do agree Romo would have probably benefitted from another yr of Parcells, but it would have been at the teams expense. I doubt we'd have been 13-3 with Parcells last yr.

Why does 13-3 matter when that's all you get?


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dbair1967;2397432 said:
Maikeru-sama;2397428 said:
I do agree Romo would have probably benefitted from another yr of Parcells, but it would have been at the teams expense. I doubt we'd have been 13-3 with Parcells last yr.

13-3 didn't really get the team anywhere. Made for a good season but the team folded just the same in the playoffs.


Well-Known Member
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We're not the Lions or the Raiders.
That's something to be happy of right now.


Mick Green 58
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dbair1967;2397467 said:
is this wrong? (serious question)

Yes, that is correct.

Also, I don't know if you are suppose to have those numbers at the end.

If you are quoting someone, you keep the brackets but it needs to be "=username".

But if you are just hitting the quote button, it should do all of that for you.


Mick Green 58
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Texan_Eph89;2397479 said:
We're not the Lions or the Raiders.
That's something to be happy of right now.

Well, we are not as bad.

But I do believe there are 3 teams who have not won a Playoff Game in 12 Seasons, I know the Cowboys and Lions are two of them and there is a 3rd team, but I can't remember who it is.

Bob Sacamano

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Maikeru-sama;2397392 said:
You sure about this?

If Wade Phillips' team somehow goes on a run, Wade Phillips will be back in the saddle next year. Heck, he may be back if we don't make the Playoffs.

Weirder things have happened.

Man David, just last season I remember your signature with Wade Phillips' picture and the caption was "Yes we will destroy opposing Quarterback" :laugh2: .
:lmao2: :lmao:


Mick Green 58
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Bob Sacamano;2397489 said:

Just to clear things up, I wasn't calling Dbair out.

I was just stating that we ALL thought Wade Phillips was going to bring a kick-arse defense to Dallas, based upon what he had done in the past.

And now a year later, we suck on Defense.

Bob Sacamano

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Maikeru-sama;2397495 said:
Just to clear things up, I wasn't calling Dbair out.

I was just stating that we ALL thought Wade Phillips was going to bring a kick-arse defense to Dallas, based upon what he had done in the past.

And now a year later, we suck on Defense.

I understood you

that's why it's so funny, we were all duped


Well-Known Member
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Good post , I also saw some positive things in the game. I will rewatch it in a few days, to be sure.

We did not have the ball much, when we did we moved it, until we had a dreaded turnover or those dreaded penalties that has plagued us since the Campo Regime, yes that is how long we have been committing those stupid panalties.

I figured when Parcells got here, and that was the only thing I liked about the parcells hire was that he was supposed to bring discipline and toughness, and also a good defensive mind, well we all know how that panned out.

The penalties goe even worse, and the teams were always beat up at the end of the season, not to mention that the offense was always handcuffed, with his keep it close and give your self a chance at the end of the game mentality.

Finally he wore himself out. Then comes mr Wade, and I know why Jerry hired him, he felt that our defense needed a guru, with an attacking style, I say okay, I understand his thinking, plus Wade never really got to finish a job he started, now we know, why he is too laid back and nonchalant, great defensive coordinator, bad HC, but Norv is the same.

I really wanted Garrett to get the job, or Singletary, or someone young and hungry, not another retread.

I love Jerry, and I know he do the right thing, that is all I am going to say about him.

The defense, played good, but fatigue got them. I've heard that Flo has been playing hurt, if that is so then the coaches should have set him as well.
his play hurt the team.