Rangers were trained at Fort Benning, Ga. where I turned blue. Army. During Viet Nam.
I was a good athlete, playing catcher for UNM. Then it all came down, and still here. Cowboys suck! Yeah, I said it.
That was during the draft and many served not by choice. We paid to have an all volunteer service base. Unlike the president who claimed a medical remedy.
If you claim they suck, that is on yourself.
Explain immediate action on a .50 cal. How many rounds fired in a minute before the Barrel has to be changed? What is needed to change it out? What is the very least favored target identification method? How many M 240's are mounted on a M-1 tank? That tank later started to have a 120 mm cannon. How many rounds fired before it had to have a recoil test? How often was the Chrysler 10 cylinder engine have to be pulled and put through an installation level maintenance?
(1 place it on safe, charge the handle to the rear, open the cover, and clear the chamber. Reload the belt. 2. 360 rounds in a minute. 3 An asbestos glove has to be worn to replace the red barrel. 4.Watch my tracers 5.2 M 240's 5. 186 main gun rounds before recoil test. Pack was pulled out of the tank once a year.)
This is part of task, condition, and standard that became part of the learning and standards to protect actions when deployed. Football is the same way. Giving of life is a sacred element of life, but so are the measurements required to win in the field. Just exactly as in football. This team knows the leadership and training standards and work them soundly. Forged in fire is the element that makes a NFL team highest competitive. Not how famous the player became while playing in college. Team is still the driving force and not a new and special group with a privileged and I'm valuable attitude. Go get your bucks, we are the world instead. It doesn't replace Sport!
In football, technique is taught as well as how that interacts among players on the field. This team has increased the baseline talent and base level experience to grow with. The coaching staff is fully able to teach it's players skills and necessary discipline and reads to work. Then it increases in effectiveness with time and focus. As a fan, one is either loyal to his chosen team, or the team is insulted by not rooting for success. This is volunteer as well.