Bigger faster and stronger equals better athletes. Not even arguable. You can say tougher but these things are measured man, it’s data and numbers that measure athleticism and everyone of those categories has skyrocketed.
Kids start specialized training at an extremely young age and get on diets and weight plans as pop Warner players. This isn’t even close man. The emphasis on body development is more than its ever been easily.
Straight from the league itself:
“As players progress from high school through the pros, they’re increasingly supported, coached and counseled by trainers, nutritionists and medical staff that prepare them for peak performance on gameday and help them recover from injury. Their training and preparation often continues through the offseason.
NFL players are professionals in every sense of the word, well-paid and well-trained students of the game whose lives revolve around football.”
Best line in the article:
NFL Players at most positions are bigger and stronger than their predecessors,”
Any more hearsay and memories or do you have actual data and literature to back it up?
I could go all day man
“The graphic below illustrates how linemen, in particular, have gotten bigger over the years. The average weight of an NFL offensive lineman has increased from 215 pounds in 1936 to a whopping 310 pounds in 2013. That’s an increase of
44 percent, or .57 pounds per year.”
Honestly astounded someone tried to argue this. Can’t romanticize the past brother. They were rougher and more tough sure, but height weight speed measurements can’t be fudged. These guys are just bigger faster and stronger today.