The Reason I Defend The Direction of This Team


The Duke
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I know this is a bad idea, but I am going to post it anyway.

An archaeology professor that I respect once said this, and I agree. "A man 3 feet from hell walking away from it is better off than a mile away coming at it."

I think it is crucial to be pointed in the right direction. It is my belief that Jimmy Johnson epitomized this while in Dallas. Barry Switzer and the 2 Coaches who followed him out the door demonstrate the opposite effect which is just as valid in learning from.

I believe this team started on the right path on January 2, 2003 with the hiring of Bill Parcells. He did not have the success I hoped for but it is undeniable that he showed the importance of building towards something.

When Parcells left my guy for Head Coach was Jason Garrett. I'd have loved Ron Rivera and several other guys just fine here, but I have wanted Jason Garrett to be our Head Coach since the 1990's. Ernie Zampese once said that Jason Garrett was Troy Aikman's personal QB coach.

Michael Irvin said the QB who stayed after practice was over to throw him footballs was Jason Garrett.

I believe in work ethic. I believe going back to practice in pads on Wednesdays is going to matter. I believe all of the things he has done that are attention to detail are going to matter.

Do you remember the movie "Hoosiers?" Gene Hackman plays embattled basketball coach Norman Dale. The townspeople do not understand his methods. Even some of his boys don't at first. But when Shooter and Jimmy, the two people in the town who really get basketball, both show their support of Coach Dale the team takes off on a winning streak that leads them to a title against a much bigger, more talented opponent.

What was it Coach Dale did? He went back to basics, and he demanded accountability.

Jason Garrett has taken this team back to basics, and every player talks about accountability. Every coach expects it.

Let's talk about professionalism for a minute. The players travel in suits. A small thing? No, I don't think it is. It is obvious that the message is care about your image. The players are responding well to this. Only one time that we know of has a player not followed this policy and he was disciplined behind closed doors and no word of it leaked out. There is professionalism on all levels being displayed.

How about we discuss focus? 24 hours. That is all the time the players and coaches have to get over the last game. Once those 24 hours are over, they only talk about the coming opponent. I noticed my favorite DFW journalist is asking players if unlike their coach they are looking ahead at which games are winnable. As he sees it this is the "big picture." To their credit, the players are remaining focused on the upcoming game. Questions about previous games are going to be non answers and questions about future opponents are going to draw responses about the Bills.

This is how it should be. You cannot beat the Bills by thinking about the Eagles. All teams have similar rules like this, and I am sure this team has had them in the past, but now they are actually acting like they believe in the rule.

Let's talk about no excuses. You don't blame losses on injuries. You don't even focus on injuries. You embrace your opportunity to make your mark in the NFL and step up to the plate. I love it. No matter which player gets hurt, there will be no excuses. They are professional football players in the NFL and they are expected to be able to do their jobs.

I love that. That is what makes it so amazing to see the Cowboys basically clean house and especially along the Offensive Line and not suffer horribly for it. Few people remember that when Jimmy arrived he cleaned house. Let's just talk about a few players who were shown the door in 1989. Randy White, Danny White, Steve Pelleur, Doug Cosbie, and as we all know, via trade, Herschel Walker.

The names this time are not as legendary, but the message was just as clear. It signaled a youth movement and a changing of the guard.

Answers given to the media are very calculated. Ask what an injured player's status is and you will be told day to day. Ask how a young player is progressing and you will be told they are learning part of the process. The upcoming opponent will be praised as a good football team, even if they aren't by record, and that is so that no game feels like an entitlement.

I have said it before, and I am going to say it now, I do not see this team as a Super Bowl contender right now. There was too much talent let go to start this youth movement. By the time the playoffs roll around I do think they could be if things happen right. This team is good enough to play with and even defeat any team in the NFL.

This team is also vulnerable enough to get their butts handed to them unceremoniously. I do believe we could have been further along with OTAs and mini camps, but notice how the team is not decrying those things. They have simply rolled up their sleeves and gone to work accepting the job as is.

But there is not a doubt in my mind that they are headed in the right direction. For us as Cowboys fans that means out of this hell we have been in. We may only be 3 feet away from it, but we're headed in the right direction.

A wise old cowboy once told me, "It doesn't matter how much mud and dust you kick up in the front stretch, it is who is kicking up the mud and dust in the backstretch that matters."

Out of the gate at the halfway pole and we are 4-4. But that doesn't mean anything about the last 8 games. We have some injuries. We have some issues still to fix. We have a favorable schedule in front of us. I can see this team building a little momentum.

I doubt it takes us to Indianapolis, but right now I will settle for making a little noise in the big party and seeing the progress that I believe is there despite the record. I genuinely like this football team. No, I am not satisfied with the 4-4 record. I am satisfied with the direction they are pointed and their determination to get to the right place.

By season's end these inexperienced players won't be. By season's end we might have a fully healthy team. By season's end we will hopefully show that the lessons learned have paid off. By season's end I expect this team at the very least to be 10-6.

I started this season believing in 11-5. I still think that is possible. I even believe 12-4 is possible, I just don't think it is probable. No matter what their final record is going to be I am convinced they will put up a sound and decent fight.

I believe that all of these things will pay off for this football team. I do not know when. I wish I did. But I believe we can all look at this team and see the character, the talent, and the effort. That stuff matters.

Parcells teams didn't have the talent that Wade's did. Wade's teams didn't have the discipline and focus that Parcells teams did. With Jason Garrett we have the makings of both.

That is why I defend this team. The direction is right. I see it. I think several people see it. I know the players see it. Do you see it?

Oh how I hope you do.

Randy White

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stay on course, stay focused, stay on message. That goes for the entire organization.

That happens, and we'll be fine...


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It's not his philosophy or work ethic that concerns me. I think he has been doing a fine job as HC, it's his lack of experience and the staleness of his offensive mind that kills me. He has had his hands around this offense for a few years and it has only regressed. In today's NFL you just don't have the luxury to take 3-5 years to rebuild.


Proud Native Texan, USMC-1972-79, USN-1983-2000
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Very well put, as usual. You summed up my attitude, perfectly. I admit that I'm a "Homer", but I don't consider myself a "blind Homer". I know this team has some warts and some growing to do. But, like you, I firmly believe they're headed in the right direction and I wholeheartedly believe JG is the right person to get them to where we want them to be. Optimism is a good thing!


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I agree we are heading in the right direction.

But JG needs to improve his playcalling especially in the red zone if we are to go anywhere.


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Hostile;4235882 said:
I know this is a bad idea, but I am going to post it anyway.

An archaeology professor that I respect once said this, and I agree. "A man 3 feet from hell walking away from it is better off than a mile away coming at it."

I think it is crucial to be pointed in the right direction. It is my belief that Jimmy Johnson epitomized this while in Dallas. Barry Switzer and the 2 Coaches who followed him out the door demonstrate the opposite effect which is just as valid in learning from.

I believe this team started on the right path on January 2, 2003 with the hiring of Bill Parcells. He did not have the success I hoped for but it is undeniable that he showed the importance of building towards something.

When Parcells left my guy for Head Coach was Jason Garrett. I'd have loved Ron Rivera and several other guys just fine here, but I have wanted Jason Garrett to be our Head Coach since the 1990's. Ernie Zampese once said that Jason Garrett was Troy Aikman's personal QB coach.

Michael Irvin said the QB who stayed after practice was over to throw him footballs was Jason Garrett.

I believe in work ethic. I believe going back to practice in pads on Wednesdays is going to matter. I believe all of the things he has done that are attention to detail are going to matter.

Do you remember the movie "Hoosiers?" Gene Hackman plays embattled basketball coach Norman Dale. The townspeople do not understand his methods. Even some of his boys don't at first. But when Shooter and Jimmy, the two people in the town who really get basketball, both show their support of Coach Dale the team takes off on a winning streak that leads them to a title against a much bigger, more talented opponent.

What was it Coach Dale did? He went back to basics, and he demanded accountability.

Jason Garrett has taken this team back to basics, and every player talks about accountability. Every coach expects it.

Let's talk about professionalism for a minute. The players travel in suits. A small thing? No, I don't think it is. It is obvious that the message is care about your image. The players are responding well to this. Only one time that we know of has a player not followed this policy and he was disciplined behind closed doors and no word of it leaked out. There is professionalism on all levels being displayed.

How about we discuss focus? 24 hours. That is all the time the players and coaches have to get over the last game. Once those 24 hours are over, they only talk about the coming opponent. I noticed my favorite DFW journalist is asking players if unlike their coach they are looking ahead at which games are winnable. As he sees it this is the "big picture." To their credit, the players are remaining focused on the upcoming game. Questions about previous games are going to be non answers and questions about future opponents are going to draw responses about the Bills.

This is how it should be. You cannot beat the Bills by thinking about the Eagles. All teams have similar rules like this, and I am sure this team has had them in the past, but now they are actually acting like they believe in the rule.

Let's talk about no excuses. You don't blame losses on injuries. You don't even focus on injuries. You embrace your opportunity to make your mark in the NFL and step up to the plate. I love it. No matter which player gets hurt, there will be no excuses. They are professional football players in the NFL and they are expected to be able to do their jobs.

I love that. That is what makes it so amazing to see the Cowboys basically clean house and especially along the Offensive Line and not suffer horribly for it. Few people remember that when Jimmy arrived he cleaned house. Let's just talk about a few players who were shown the door in 1989. Randy White, Danny White, Steve Pelleur, Doug Cosbie, and as we all know, via trade, Herschel Walker.

The names this time are not as legendary, but the message was just as clear. It signaled a youth movement and a changing of the guard.

Answers given to the media are very calculated. Ask what an injured player's status is and you will be told day to day. Ask how a young player is progressing and you will be told they are learning part of the process. The upcoming opponent will be praised as a good football team, even if they aren't by record, and that is so that no game feels like an entitlement.

I have said it before, and I am going to say it now, I do not see this team as a Super Bowl contender right now. There was too much talent let go to start this youth movement. By the time the playoffs roll around I do think they could be if things happen right. This team is good enough to play with and even defeat any team in the NFL.

This team is also vulnerable enough to get their butts handed to them unceremoniously. I do believe we could have been further along with OTAs and mini camps, but notice how the team is not decrying those things. They have simply rolled up their sleeves and gone to work accepting the job as is.

But there is not a doubt in my mind that they are headed in the right direction. For us as Cowboys fans that means out of this hell we have been in. We may only be 3 feet away from it, but we're headed in the right direction.

A wise old cowboy once told me, "It doesn't matter how much mud and dust you kick up in the front stretch, it is who is kicking up the mud and dust in the backstretch that matters."

Out of the gate at the halfway pole and we are 4-4. But that doesn't mean anything about the last 8 games. We have some injuries. We have some issues still to fix. We have a favorable schedule in front of us. I can see this team building a little momentum.

I doubt it takes us to Indianapolis, but right now I will settle for making a little noise in the big party and seeing the progress that I believe is there despite the record. I genuinely like this football team. No, I am not satisfied with the 4-4 record. I am satisfied with the direction they are pointed and their determination to get to the right place.

By season's end these inexperienced players won't be. By season's end we might have a fully healthy team. By season's end we will hopefully show that the lessons learned have paid off. By season's end I expect this team at the very least to be 10-6.

I started this season believing in 11-5. I still think that is possible. I even believe 12-4 is possible, I just don't think it is probable. No matter what their final record is going to be I am convinced they will put up a sound and decent fight.

I believe that all of these things will pay off for this football team. I do not know when. I wish I did. But I believe we can all look at this team and see the character, the talent, and the effort. That stuff matters.

Parcells teams didn't have the talent that Wade's did. Wade's teams didn't have the discipline and focus that Parcells teams did. With Jason Garrett we have the makings of both.

That is why I defend this team. The direction is right. I see it. I think several people see it. I know the players see it. Do you see it?

Oh how I hope you do.

Agreed i get upset at times...but i love the direction we are goin in

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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Talk about being a bad idea and knowing you shouldn't do this but...

The thing about most of those things is that *every* coach preaches them. Focusing on today, the 24 hour rule, no excuses, work ethic... These things are in no way unique to Garrett. Dave Campo preached these exact things.

The suit thing not every coach does, but it's insignificant anyway. Bill Belichick has his team travel in warm-ups... Doesn't affect them.

The difference is that Garrett says all these platitudes in Toastmasters style, so everyone eats it up like it's some revelation.


New Member
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Great post and I agree mostly. I have no problem pointing out how certain injuries have hurt the team, but I don't think the team should do that. I think they still have some more churning to do to get the depth needed to better survive key injuries. You'll never replace Ware, but that does not mean you go from him to a scrub.

I think a good example is Ogs verse Robinson. There is a huge drop off in production from Miles or Dez to Ogs, unacceptable. But from them to Robinson is not bad at all. Sure he's different and gets it done in a different way, but we can still throw for 100 yards to him.

It's obviously the same at LBer right now. I do expect those issues to be resolved next year.

I can't agree we'll surely be 10-6, the team has been to inconsistent and I don't have the same faith in Garrett's play calling as you. I think he will improve, I'm just not sure how soon it will happen.

I thought 11-5 depending on health. With what I see so far and the health issues, I think 9-7 is more realistic right now, but anything can still happen. Here's how it goes with us though, the offense is improving and the defense is regressing. Will the offense maintain and even improve as the defense gets it back together or will they regress?

Until I see more consistency, I think we'll lose another 3 games, maybe more. But I do agree we're on the right track and will improve. I think we'll be very good to great next year.


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Chocolate Lab;4235926 said:
Talk about being a bad idea and knowing you shouldn't do this but...

The thing about most of those things is that *every* coach preaches them. Focusing on today, the 24 hour rule, no excuses, work ethic... These things are in no way unique to Garrett. Dave Campo preached these exact things.

The suit thing not every coach does, but it's insignificant anyway.

The difference is that Garrett says it in Toastmasters style, so everyone eats it up like it's some revelation.

I don't agree at all. There is such a stark contrast between how Wade and Campo do things and how Garrett does it. Remember when Pacman pulled down Campo's pants in practice? Can you see anyone even thinking that would be funny with Garrett?

I think they way Garrett carries himself commands respect from the players. Wade or Campo do not have that quality, imo.

As for the suits, it's about treating it as your business. NBA players carried themselves completely different when they were allowed to dress like thugs when they were injured. Barber tried to get away without a suit and Garrett handled it, it's setting a tone, building a culture and shows the team what the coach says goes. Barber lost that battle and I think Garrett gained some credibility from it.


Double Trouble
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I actually agree with a lot of this. I was opposed to the Garrett hire, but I may have been wrong about him. Having said that, I don't think it's arguable how poorly he has called the offense inside the red zone, and I think Jimmy Johnson was dead on about Garrett needing a coordinator.

To all your positivity, I would simply say that the #1 problem with the team is Jerry Jones, and that much of change is, IMO, cosmetic. Hope I'm wrong about that, too, but I believe the Jerry Jones (King of Cowboys/Boys will be Boys Jerry Jones) we're familiar with is still alive and kicking.


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Arrius;4235914 said:
I agree we are heading in the right direction.

But JG needs to improve his playcalling especially in the red zone if we are to go anywhere.

I would agree with this.

There are many off-the-field plusses that were mentioned in the original post - and for the most part I very much agree - but there are other fundamental on-the-field things that need to get corrected or the rest won't much matter.


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I think Garrett knows how a good football team should be run. As far as discipline and preparation goes, he has spent enough time around one of the greatest coaches ever to pick up on stuff like that.

The question I continue to have isn't whether he knows how a good a football team should be run, it's whether he's capable of doing it or not. It's hard for me to look at a butt kicking like we got from the Eagles and say that's progress. It's hard for me to look at us taking a step backward in nearly every offensive measurable and say that's progress.

I believe Garrett knows what it takes to get progress. I just don't know if he's capable of getting it. I need to see tangible results.


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DOUBLE WING;4235947 said:
I think Garrett knows how a good football team should be run. As far as discipline and preparation goes, he has spent enough time around one of the greatest coaches ever to pick up on stuff like that.

The question I continue to have isn't whether he knows how a good a football team should be run, it's whether he's capable of doing it or not. It's hard for me to look at a butt kicking like we got from the Eagles and say that's progress. It's hard for me to look at us taking a step backward in nearly every offensive measurable and say that's progress.

I believe Garrett knows what it takes to get progress. I just don't know if he's capable of getting it. I need to see tangible results.

Well, here's where I'm fine as a fan pointing to injuries. Our #1WR has missed a lot of time, our #2 missed some and played hurt, our #1 RB has missed a bunch of time and we cut our #2, our line is doing the shuffle this year and our QB's performance was limited for at least 3 games if not more.

All this why we tried to rebuild the line overnight. Feel free to swat that away as excuses but I'm not sure how you could expect the offense not to take a step back under these circumstances.


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DOUBLE WING;4235947 said:
The question I continue to have isn't whether he knows how a good a football team should be run, it's whether he's capable of doing it or not. It's hard for me to look at a butt kicking like we got from the Eagles and say that's progress. It's hard for me to look at us taking a step backward in nearly every offensive measurable and say that's progress.

I believe Garrett knows what it takes to get progress. I just don't know if he's capable of getting it. I need to see tangible results.

Agree, 100%.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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shockandroll;4235935 said:
I think they way Garrett carries himself commands respect from the players. Wade or Campo do not have that quality, imo.

Rob Ryan is a fat, long-haired slob who curses like a sailor. He couldn't carry himself more differently from the way Garrett does. Do you think he commands respect from his players?


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Chocolate Lab;4235990 said:
Rob Ryan is a fat, long-haired slob who curses like a sailor. He couldn't carry himself more differently from the way Garrett does. Do you think he commands respect from his players?

I do. No doubt Ryan is nothing like Garrett then again Mike Ditka was nothing like Landry

Zimmy Lives

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I believe the way you do, Hos.

There are maybe a handful of coaches who are able to mold their team into a cohesive unit and inspire them to play their best. I think Garrett can be one of those coaches.

Yes, he has a lot to learn as a HC. Yes, he can be more flexible in his play calling and maximize the talents of his players. He also, however, has to establish that he has total control or his team could lose respect for him if they realize he is just another puppet.

None of us really know anything except Garrett has made positive strides but still has a long way to go. No one could argue otherwise.


The Duke
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Chocolate Lab;4235990 said:
Rob Ryan is a fat, long-haired slob who curses like a sailor. He couldn't carry himself more differently from the way Garrett does. Do you think he commands respect from his players?
I think they do a lot of things similarly though. Ryan's players are just as focused on the coming opponent as Garrett's are. Both sides of the ball are hitting. Both are aggressive. I think the Odd Couple are working out. I had my doubts as you know.

Sorry to intrude on a question you asked someone else.


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I have a few reservations about his play calling in certain situations, but having said that, I have a long way to go before I'm at the point where I no longer want to give Garrett the benefit of the doubt.