There you go. New thread called "this isn't funny" documents hypocrisy at its finest.
Everybody's a hypocrite. I think that term is so overused, it's almost meaningless now.
What people do is they find some point in your life where you aren't acting the same way you are now. And if they disagree with you or your position, they cry "hypocrisy."
Of course, they generally don't take into account:
1. Personal growth, i.e., the way a person acted in the past does not mean the person still acts the same way; the values one held as a youth may not be the values one holds as an adult; the decisions one makes with inexperience are not the same decision one makes when one has more experience, etc.
2. Context, people love to pull statements and situations out of context to prove hypocrisy. You can make
ANYONE and EVERYONE a hypocrite by taking his/her statement out of context.
3. Lack of understanding, some people's view of life is so limited that they can understand or grasp the nuances of life. So they generalize everything and call it hypocritical because they don't understand the specifics and distinctions that may validate one decision from another, one action from another, even if they look the same.
We can argue this issue until the cows come home. At the end of this discussion, it's not going to change anything. The Packers still won. And we're still left with our "what ifs" and trying to find out what motivated someone to render a decision that didn't benefit us.