The Thread Where You Put Your Finger On It.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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I don't think there's a solid blueprint of what kind of team we want to have. For instance, Pittsburgh or Tennessee have attempted for years to build teams with an identity of solid, physical defenses and offenses that run the ball. Jerry wants to pick out names and "wow players", throw them in the mix, and then expect the coaches to make them a great team. Well, it doesn't work that way.

I also think Jerry's love of the circus atmosphere hurts us.

But my real answer is that I don't think there's even anything that wrong. This particular year, having a terrible backup QB cost us a win at Saint Louis, IMO. With that win, we're 10-5 with a chance to go 11-5, which is excellent. The difference in 10-6 and 13-3 is often just a couple of scheduling differences, injuries, or plain luck.

If anything, I think our team gets so much media exposure that people think both the team and the individual players are better than they really are. Then when we don't win everything in sight, people think we're terrible underachievers.


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RCowboyFan;2515344 said:
Stop with Bill Parcells BS. Like he did something great with Cowboys. Seems like Fans are always nostalgic after the fact. BP's teams continously broke during December, heck even worse than current Wade team. People seem to forget, how his last season ended with losing to worst team in NFL, pretty bad ( lions) and backing into playoffs.

But Jerry is certainly to blame. His choice of coaching is been pretty pathetic. Seemingly always making the wrong choice. He was highly impressed with Mike Singeltary but didn't pull trigger. He got infatuated with Garret and let Sparano walk. Seems like Sparano was the brains behind the offense last year.

You are dead on about Sparano though who is also part of the Parcells coaching tree.

Best part, we got an owner who hypes up training camp more than the closing of the stadium where we won all 5 of our SB's and it's best 100 legends. Priorities all messed up once the $ gets involved with Jerry.


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You can't just say, "it's not just the injuries." There were 3 losses that very likely would have gone the other way with a healthy Romo. If two of those go the other way, we're 11-4 right now. If only one of them goes the other way we're 10-5. Those are very good records that would almost be in contention for the #1 seed in the NFC.


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1. Ownership - I love that Jerry Jones loves promoting the Cowboys. But as long as he's acting as coach and talent scout, he's going to undermine any effort by a "real" coach to bring in his type players.
Deion Sanders knew that Jerry was the man, and he didn't have to listen to whoever the coach was because Jerry wanted Deion. T.O. knows this too.
Moreover, Jerry Jones is only going to hire a coach that approves of his meddling.
And that's why coaches like Cowher would never come here. It's almost getting to be an Al Davis situation.
Now if the Cowboys win a Super Bowl under the present-day situation, then I'll be proven wrong. But if not, then I think this observation has merit.

2. Poor coaching - Mistakes, penalties, turnovers are a product of bad coaching. Yes, players are the ones on the field. But who puts the players on the field, who decides who should be starting and who devises the game-plan to maximize a player's strength and minimize a player's weakness? Uh, the coach.
Some coaches stress being error free by fines, by bring referees into practice, demoting players etc. How you address this issue determines whether the players take it seriously.
Moreover, if your players are prone to making mistakes, then it's your job as a coach to help them minimize those mistakes by developing the appropriate game plan.
It's just silly and stupid to have your quarterback throwing the ball 30 times a game with a broken pinkie, knowing that he's accuracy is suffering and he's cold.
If he (the quarterback) is not going to do it, then you as a coach need to do it.

3. No "take you by the collar" leadership. Warren Sapp and Sterling Sharpe made this point last night. There's really nobody on the Cowboys squad that other players fear disappointing. Sharpe said he saw Ray Lewis roaming the sidelines getting in guys' faces, but he didn't see that with the Cowboys. All the great teams have a player like that. Ronnie Lott, LT, Michael Irvin, Jack Lambert, etc. We just don't have players like that.

4. A "It's all fun" mentality, not a soldier mentality. I thought it was telling in an interview with Roy E. Williams after his trade to the Cowboys he described them as "The Dallas Clowns." He was saying that the guys are a bunch of cut-ups, and this after the loss to the Cardinals.
There was no being upset about losing, no "bunker" mentality. It was just all fun and games, joking around, ha! ha!
I hate to lose. I was that way in sports. I wasn't always good, but if my baseball team or football team were down by a large margin, it used to irk me to see the guys clowning around like nothing was the matter. I wanted them to fight until it was over.
I just think this team isn't very tough mentally. I think many guys on this team are content to pick up a paycheck and are too interested in the flash and dash that's part of the Dallas Cowboys.

That's my two cents.


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It is Jason Garrett on the offensive side of the ball, and brain dead players on the other side.

Jason watches his QB get murdered, watches his offense do nothing, and persists with his 7 step drops and 15 yard routes. It is MIND BLOWING.


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Bob Sacamano;2515346 said:
I'm starting to lean towards Jerry Jones

he's too involved with the team, and I think he panders to the big-money players too much

there's not a winning culture here, it seems to be a, "play just well enough to get your money from Jerry" culture, because he will pay top-dollar to have you back

:hammer: :hammer: :hammer: :hammer:


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superpunk;2515190 said:
Tell me what you think it is - stock answers not allowed, because it's not JUST any one thing.

It's not JUST Tony Romo.

It's not JUST Jason Garrett and our simplistic offense, though I suspect that's getting alot of play after Lewis's comments.

It's not JUST Wade being a bumpkin.

It's not a lack of talent.

It's not JUST injuries.

There is just something there that prevents this team from realizing it's potential. Tell me what it is.

Hell if I know.

Its quite simply team mentality. The team as a whole expects to choke.


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theogt;2515385 said:
You can't just say, "it's not just the injuries." There were 3 losses that very likely would have gone the other way with a healthy Romo. If two of those go the other way, we're 11-4 right now. If only one of them goes the other way we're 10-5. Those are very good records that would almost be in contention for the #1 seed in the NFC.
"Just" would be the important word, there - as in that's not the only reason. Even with the injuries, shouldn't a team like this handle the Rams? I think so.

Even if the record was better, I don't believe the team would necessarily be better. They'd still be just as maddeningly inconsistent as ever.

Maybe we lack identity. That one thing that you know the offense/defense is gonna bring week in and week out. I guess you could say the identity is getting after the passer, but on offense, we're jack of all trades, master of none.

I do wonder more and more about the effect Jerry Jones being a master promoter in addition to being GM has. I don't think it's anything tangible, but I'm starting to feel like it might be a problem. The football part needs to be independent of the business part, IMO. Not that anything will ever change, but I think that's definitely a possibility.


Mick Green 58
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I think there are a couple of issues. Some of what I talk about is just pure speculation.

1) I don't think we have a true leader on the offense and defense. We have some very talented players but I don't they you can say Demarcus Ware or Tony Romo are leaders. I don't think we have a player on this team that other players are afraid to let down. Last night, the commentators talked about how alot of Ravens and former Ravens were always so afraid to let Ray Lewis down. Do you guys really think Orlando Scandrick does a half-arsed job on that takle with Ray Lewis waiting for him in the huddle?

2) I am a big Jerry Jones defender, but I just wonder if the players have a special "red phone" to Jerry Jones' office? Whenever they don't like something the coaching staff tells them, I wonder if they can bypass the Head Coach and go straight to Jerry Jones' office and thus rendering the Coaching Staff powerless in a way?

3) The city of Dallas and the local media extremely overrates this franchise. Now, the local media will be quick to criticize this franchise, but at the beginning of the season, the city, the fans and the media is always telling this team how good they are. They have their own Cable Television Show and it is just very cush and laid back atmosphere in the city of Dallas. I think these players buy into that year after year and I think it hurts them. After one of the losses, I think it was Zach Thomas that stated that "Now we know we can't just show up and get an automatic victory". I really do think some of the players on this team thinks the Star on their helmet is magical and is good for a few victories alone.


Nikola Tesla
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Bob Sacamano;2515346 said:
I'm starting to lean towards Jerry Jones

he's too involved with the team, and I think he panders to the big-money players too much

there's not a winning culture here, it seems to be a, "play just well enough to get your money from Jerry" culture, because he will pay top-dollar to have you back

And that is one of the problems. Its more than just Jerry. There is a myriad of problems here in Dallas. But i will say this again, This team will never win a Superbowl with Jerry as GM


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Real1st;2515788 said:
And that is one of the problems. Its more than just Jerry. There is a myriad of problems here in Dallas. But i will say this again, This team will never win a Superbowl with Jerry as GM

We have won three with him as GM. We might never win another but..........


Nikola Tesla
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Dave_in-NC;2515808 said:
We have won three with him as GM. We might never win another but..........

Yea and Jimmy built those damn teams.. Not Jerry.. Parcells built the core of this current team.. Not Jerry.


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yimyammer;2515355 said:
To me it's really simple; it's the little things, lack of discipline and a lack of attention to detail.

You don't have to blow everyone out and you don't have to bomb it down field all the time when you can get the 3 to 5 yard passes and runs all day long and you don't need all-stars at every position (See Miami-which now has a better record and New England).

In these days of parity, coaching and player development matters more than ever.

Having a competent staff that can focus on and teach the following will give you a chance to win almost any game you play:

Game management:-control the clock, use your offense to rest your defense and keep your defense fresh so they can demoralize your opponent.

Protect the ball and don't turn the ball over - EVER!! (Even when it's late in the first half and it looks like it will work as a punt in the worse case scenario.)

Know your job!! COLD!! Know the rules, your assignments, the play book and ALL situations so they are merely unconscious reactions during the game.

Don't commit penalties - be disciplined enough to not commit penalties & be knowledgeable enough to know when your about to commit one, so you don't.

The short game works too!! You don't have to commit to an extreme vertical offense. Moving the ball forward and keeping your defense off the field for a few series might be exactly what they need to be fresh in the 4th quarter. Plus if you can get 3-5 yards every down, you will never be stopped. Use the high percentage short game to open up the low percentage vertical game, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND!

Play as a team at all times! Offense, if you can't score, then stay on the field as long as you can to control the clock, wear out the defense and keep your defense fresh. Receivers, if you can't catch the ball, don't give up!! Protect your QB and keep the defense from intercepting the ball at all costs---this is one time where you are allowed to commit a penalty if that’s what it takes.

If they could do all of the above on a consistent basis, we would have already clinched the playoffs and maybe the division.

This is an excellent assessment. I wish the Dallas coaching staff would carry this out.


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Real1st;2515817 said:
Yea and Jimmy built those damn teams.. Not Jerry.. Parcells built the core of this current team.. Not Jerry.

I didn't say I didn't agree with you, I just said we won three with jones as GM. Now I agree with you again.;)


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just a dysfunctional, poorly put together team with no identity, no leadership, with coaching/playcalling that makes you go , HUH?

Zimmy Lives

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It's not JUST Tony Romo but he's a big reason. Ray Lewis was right, he is a hot/cold QB.

It's not JUST Jason Garrett and our simplistic offense but he does need to do a better job of adjusting at halftime. Simple is fine if you have 11 guys committed to executing the way Troy, Emmitt, Playmaker and the rest of the 90s offense did.

It's not JUST Wade being a bumpkin, but his inability to hold people accountable for mistake/penalties is huge.

It's not a lack of talent as much as a lack of cohesion that is holding this team (group would be a better term) back.

It's not JUST injuries but it is a small factor.

100% commitment is what prevents this team from achieving their goals; 100% commitment to their responsiblities and to each other.


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theogt;2515308 said:
Lack of QB protection. How many times did we see blitzers running free yesterday? I'd venture a guess that at least 60% of pass plays saw a blitzer come free at Romo, which is ridiculously high.

Most often, Romo makes the line look much better than it is. I just wish the $5+ million in offensive coaches and countless millions in offensive linemen could actually get their **** together.

This is the key!!!!!!:bang2:


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theogt;2515385 said:
You can't just say, "it's not just the injuries." There were 3 losses that very likely would have gone the other way with a healthy Romo. If two of those go the other way, we're 11-4 right now. If only one of them goes the other way we're 10-5. Those are very good records that would almost be in contention for the #1 seed in the NFC.

No guarantees Romo even wins any of he games he was out. Chances were we would have had 1 more win but the way we lost to St. Louis Tom Brady wouldn't have made a difference.