The Time to Begin Ownership Transition is Now


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Stephen is already the GM.

Jerry still inserts inserts himself (Randy Gregory) in the process but other owners do it also.

The proof started with not picking Manziel.

But is Stephen going to be much better than Jerry?

Nepotism is not necessarily the best criteria for getting the job.


Cowboys Diehard
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This controversy involving Jerry and his refusal to delegate his GM title to another isn't exactly anything new, nor is it likely to change anytime soon. Fortunately, in recent years, Jerry has seen fit to delegate some of his football responsibilities to Will McClay.

Doing so has seen this team make at least some meaningful strides to eliminating some of the outrageous blunders that Jerry has made throughout the years when he was considerably more active as a GM in fouling up many of this team's football operations.

I'm not realistically expecting this team's GM title to change hands until such time as Jerry is nothing more than a memory in the minds of the Cowboys' faithful. To think otherwise at this point in time is nothing more than wishful thinking. Thankfully, Will McClay is now on hand.
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Moving training camp around does seem stupid.

The extra preseason game gives us more time to develope as I team. I think it's especially beneficial to these young guys.


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Great thread.

Especially the part about how Stephen taking over will somehow address the hypocrisy of firing of Tom Landry.


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This controversy involving Jerry and his refusal to delegate his GM title to another isn't exactly anything new, nor is it likely to change anytime soon. Fortunately, in recent years, Jerry has seen fit to delegate some of his football responsibilities to Will McClay.

Doing so has seen this team make at least some meaningful strides to eliminating some of the outrageous blunders that Jerry has made throughout the years when he was considerably more active as a GM in fouling up many of this team's football operations.

I'm not realistically expecting this team's GM title to change hands until such time as Jerry is nothing more than a memory in the minds of the Cowboys' faithful. To think otherwise at this point in time is nothing more than wishful thinking. Thankfully, Will McClay is now on hand.



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If you have not figured out the Stephen is the GM - running football operations the past few years you've not been paying attention.
Jerry know everything going on but in his wisdom let the younger minds run things.

The Draft, which was in the past Jerry showing he knew better, is now the Will McClay show with Stephen running interference for him on Jerry.
The football operations is Stephen as he does most of the talking. Jerry goes to the meetings and is good for a sound byte randomly.

The great ideas on marketing the brand and innovations come from Charlotte and Jerry Jr. That's where "The Star" came from.
The Cowboys are making from the brand, my numbers may be off a little, about 600 million a year now.
That is from Charlotte selling the Cowboys.

The extras may be Jerry but I would think the Jerry Jr. and Charlotte are the ones behind the other uses for AT&T.
Fights, Championship Basketball, Motorcross. They need Jerry to sell those events.

The Cowboys will, when they figure out the town rules on portable seating, will re-bid for the Super Bowl.

The Cowboys ownership has been in transition for the past 10 plus years.
First with Charlotte driving the brand.
The last 5 with Stephen taking control of the football operations.
Jerry Jr. coming up with ideas in all directions.

Those 3 will run the Cowboys in the future.

My best hope is that when Jerry passes, either the torch before or after God calls him home, Charlotte runs the Cowboys as CEO.
Stephen holds the Football operations.


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Risen drools for threads like this where he can go on rants about Jerry.

It's like read meat to a wolf.


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If you mess with our unique structure you lose all the distinct advantages that come with it. Advantages we've enjoyed for two decades now.

1977-1996: 22 postseason wins
1997-2016: 2 postseason wins

Don't fix what isn't broken.

Camp crowd this summer - Jerry!..... Jerry!...... Jerry!.....
Looks like the salary cap and parity have worked.

I don't like it, but it's what the league wanted.


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Looks like the salary cap and parity have worked.

I don't like it, but it's what the league wanted.

Sorry but even with the salary cap, 2 postseason wins in 21 years is pathetic.

That's totally down to the GM.


Messenger to the football Gods
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Jed will know he couldn't achieve his biggest a Superbowl with him running the show, building the team.


Unfortunately, we had to go along for the maniacal ride.


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Looks like the salary cap and parity have worked.

I don't like it, but it's what the league wanted.

You mean it worked for New England. Unfortunately for Jerry, he could not pry Bellicheat away from NE and he
missed out on Tom Terrific. Those moves would likely have made the Cowboys relevant all those years. Jerry listens to
Stephen, McClay and Garrett more now before wandering off into the briar patch. I'm not all that sure that the coaching staff we
have can take us to another SB and if they do, Garrett can lead the team to win one. I think Garrett as a HC would get schooled by
Bellichek every day of the week and twice on Sunday.


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If you mess with our unique structure you lose all the distinct advantages that come with it. Advantages we've enjoyed for two decades now.

1977-1996: 22 postseason wins
1997-2016: 2 postseason wins

Don't fix what isn't broken.

Camp crowd this summer - Jerry!..... Jerry!...... Jerry!.....

Hmmmmm. What else happened around 1997? Oh yeah. The salary cap....


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Sorry but even with the salary cap, 2 postseason wins in 21 years is pathetic.

That's totally down to the GM.

But then you look at New England, who kinda did the opposite(minus 1985?). Or Tampa Bay. Or Seattle even. The cap has changed everything.


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Stephen and Will McClay have basically been acting GMs the past 2-3 years now anyway.


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You mean it worked for New England. Unfortunately for Jerry, he could not pry Bellicheat away from NE and he
missed out on Tom Terrific. Those moves would likely have made the Cowboys relevant all those years. Jerry listens to
Stephen, McClay and Garrett more now before wandering off into the briar patch. I'm not all that sure that the coaching staff we
have can take us to another SB and if they do, Garrett can lead the team to win one. I think Garrett as a HC would get schooled by
Bellichek every day of the week and twice on Sunday.

It's not just New England though. I'd throw Tampa, Seattle, and a few others in there. It's helped some teams and it's hurt others, us being an other. When we could spend freely, we did, and it showed on the field.

Despite the cap, Detroit is fairly similar to how they were pre-cap(strong times then awful times), Chicago as well. Minnesota. Green Bay.

I wish we were more like Green Bay in the success dept. those years after Aikman were hard. Very hard. But when you can transfer from one franchise qb to another like in GB, it helps. They were horrendous before Favre came along.

After all this cap talk, I do still wonder how much having fewer draft rounds has hurt it overall.


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Really? On it or in the audience? Do tell!
I was an audience member. Before the show, the prep people would encourage the audience on how to react. If you want to be seen on television, you need smile and look interested. Well, I didn't want to be on television so I didn't smile.
But one of the guest was Leona Helmsley, the real estate magnate who was jailed for tax evasion. Well, her attorney was talking about how the government unfairly persecuted and prosecuted her. And while he was talking to her, I had a frown on my face because the studio lights were hot and shining in my eyes.
But the control room thought it was the perfect shot (because they needed a "mad" look as a reaction shot to what the laywer was saying), and they put me on television. The guy next to me nudged me and gleefully proclaimed, "You're on television, you're on television!"
I didn't want to be on television. :(

Fast forward several months later, I'm at a banquet and a little old white lady (I'm black and was fairly young at the time) walks up to me and says, "I saw you on the Sally Jessy Raphael show."

My claim to fame. :laugh: