The toss sweep to Barber was


Kane Ala
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peplaw06;2426711 said:
Amazing what a little Romo will do to our running game and O-Line...

He didn't even have that great of a game, but the downfield passing threat he brings alone gets the 8th or 9th guy out of the box, gives the OL an opportunity to open some holes, and gives the RBs the chance to hit them.

Amazingly simple concept isn't it?


Vet Min Plus
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The toss sweep to Barber was....totally old school, but it worked.:D

I can't imagine it working as often against stronger opponents..


Hawaiian Cowboy
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I for one was not a big fan of it. Early on, it was inconsistent at best. I was wondering why we weren't running behind Davis inside more. But then all of our plays began working, so I shut up.


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peplaw06;2426711 said:
Amazing what a little Romo will do to our running game and O-Line...

He didn't even have that great of a game, but the downfield passing threat he brings alone gets the 8th or 9th guy out of the box, gives the OL an opportunity to open some holes, and gives the RBs the chance to hit them.
How about kosier? But agreed. I feel like its more just his pocket presence. He has a better feel for pressure then any other QB we have.


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ABQCOWBOY;2426260 said:
I think the success we saw with the Toss sweep was predicated on how Washington tries to defense us. I actually had this discussion with my Son last time we played them. Washington believes that if you take away Witten, use safety help over the top on TO and just play for the run between the tackles on 1st and 2nd downs, you can stop our offense. They have done this to us the last couple of games. Last time we played, I thought that sweeps would be effective as there CBs are not really great on the force. We didn't do that but we did it this time and it worked. I think a lot of teams defense us this way. I would not be surprised to see us run this a lot more the next couple games but after that, teams will adjust and then, your going to see our WRs start having big days again. YAC etc.

Right you are......Announcer mentioned it......they were keeping the LB's in behind the DLineman in order to stifle TE's.....but that gave the run blockers on the sweeps an excellent angle at the LB's....
they started mixing it up late in the game and strung some sweeps out...
I'd presume they veiwed TE's as Romo's security blanket with the pinke and all......and of course MBIII inside the tackles as the norm.....


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I thought at first they were doing it to protect Romo's pinky on the handoffs, but if Bum mentioned it, then.........well, it certainly had that Earl Campbell circa 1979 feel to it. I liked it, but it remains to be seen if it will work against solid run stuffing teams like NY and Philly.....we'll see soon enough.


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TheCount;2426177 said:
Actually, they did, but we won so I'm sure it seems like it worked every time. If we wanted to, we could have run up the middle all game, but maybe the toss is what softened up the middle.

Ya they adjusted to it but not until after the 100th time we got 6+ yards with it, we seriously ran it so many times before they did anything to stop it.


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There's another added benefit of the toss sweep I noticed, although we didn't really take much advantage of it this game. It makes the corners have to make a play on Barber, which is no easy task. I noticed that they seemed to be huffing real bad and were pretty worn down after a few such tosses.

With a fully healthy Romo we can use that to our advantage and take some shots downfield.