My top three pig pen (I wished there were actual pigs running around in there!) preferred order of death:
- The long haired idiot. The Kingdom boy death puts him at the top of my list.
- Gregory
- The guy Maggie actually shot.
I liked how they had Maggie wait for the guy to turn his head and talk all nonchalant to his people about agitating her and shot him before he could really re-focus his eyes back on her. It was like 'Okay. She will not shoot me. I will tell my people to shut up because I have big brass ones and oh shoot I'm dead!'
I think Lucille made their fight a lot more one-sided than if Rick had been able to help fend off Negan with his hatchet.
I am glad Carl is gone (I am so cold-blooded

). Question about the comics angle though. Carl lived in the book. Did he and Enid eventually hook up as a permanent couple? I am not crying that she is a 'widow' now (BAD DE! BAD!) but I am hoping they elevate her status on the show more despite Carl's death. The young actress has some real solid dramatic potential. Maybe not on this show but possibly down the road for her in my opinion.
She and Aaron find themselves in a real pickle in Oceanside. Cannot wait to see how that situation resolves itself.