Theory:: Pat Watkins (Two Comparisons)


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bobbie brewskie said:
Teague really wasnt that good, he is just a big name in cowboys history because he was the one that layed the big hit on TO when he performed his little stunt on the star . . . so yea Teague was above-average but not really a great talent.

You're kidding me right?

Teague made all sorts of big plays in big games.

I guess you missed the National Championship Game on New Years Day, 1993. Teague was the safety that not only had a pick six, but also ran down the speedy Miami WR from behind, stripped the ball, and ran it back 30 yards. He was the best player on the field for the Crimson Tide.

Or maybe it is a year later, in a Wild Card Playoff against Detroit. When he had a 102 yard pick-6 against the Lions. Favre would later hit Sharpe for a winning TD. If it weren't for Teagues pick-6, the Favre to Sharpe TD would have been irrelevent.

Or how about in the 1996 Wild Card game against the Vikings in Dallas. Just like in the Sugar Bowl mentioned above, Teague runs down Amp Lee, popping the ball out just before he scored. The ball rolls out of the back of the TD area, giving the Cowboys the Ball at the 20.

So if Pat Watkins has the same talent as George Teague, I'm not happy.



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From what I read about his man-to-man pass coverage.....he better stay at FS.


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Natedawg44 said:
I think in some situations he might hold his own in man coverage. Obviously you wouldn't put him on Steve Smith or Santana Moss, but I think he could be effective against someone like Plaxico Burress or Joe Jurivicious. One scouting report said you wouldn't want to put him on Randy Moss. I think he could be very good running with Randy Moss deep down the field. Players that run great routes and are quick out of their cuts would probably eat his lunch though.
I agree and I will also add that in goalline situations he would be an asset against most of the big WR(s) we will face.


Loud pipes saves lives.
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I have to admit, I never saw him play. One report tho, I read said that he didn't play up to his potential in his Sr. year. He relied on talent vs. hard work. Which is why he fell to the 5th round, would have been taken higher last year ? Made the big play when needed, but wasn't a consistant every down guy ?

Who knows ?? Remember, I'm telling you what I read, not seen...And no I don't have a

Div. I college is different from the pro's as we all know. I think some players who have NFL talent in college can get by on talent alone. They can rely on that talent vs. learning good technique and hard work (I know in HS, playing OT at 175 lbs I was a master of technique, because I didn't have the size).

This could really make Pat even more of a steal than evver really. To compete here he will have to learn technique and work hard, which could eventually show us more than he ever showed in College.

Hey, its a theory.

Bob Sacamano

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speedkilz88 said:
All the scouts say he can't cover man to man. He's a centerfield type guy in zones, so he doesn't have the tools to be a corner in the Cowboys system, maybe in the Tampa cover 2.


Bob Sacamano

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JackMagist said:
Only so much can be taught about man coverage; a great deal of natural ability is required. Even a very athletic person may not have the tools for man coverage. In coverage the player has to have the naturally fluid movement (particularly in the hips) to be able to twist around and run forward in the same direction that a moment ago he was running full speed backwards in (the thought is as convoluted as the motion).


Bob Sacamano

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Eskimo said:
The one thing I envision is him swooping in on long-bombs and actually intercepting rather than merely knocking the ball away from the WR.

or hitting him in the face-mask ;)


Regular Joe....
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He's not a Corner. The only scheme I could see him working in, as a CB is a bump and run scheme like the one Philly used to run a few years back. But now, teams don't run that because of the contact rules.

He's a Safety or nothing.

There was a guy some of you might remember. Issaic Holt is who I would see him maybe playing like. Maybe Dennis Smith if we're real lucky.


Injured Reserve
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I have seen him play a few times with Florida St. in the ACC. He does have talent, but he doesn't have the cover ability of a corner because he lacks agility. I personally thought Ko Simpson was better because he can play man to man and zone. Watkins will excel as a cover 2 safety though, which he will likely play. His physical gifts are perfect for zone coverage, where he can pretty much sit in the backfield, watch the QB, and go after the ball whenever it is thrown in his direction. He is also a fairly solid tackler. Like MadCow said, he is most comparable to Merton Hanks, who was a long, trim, DB that made plays in zone coverage because he could jump with most WRs and win out most of the time. Pat Watkins should do the same for the Cowboys I envision him taking over as starter and grabbing about 5 Ints this season. Like I have stated before, Coleman was brought in to mentor whoever we drafted at FS and provide insurance until our FS is ready to go. Once Watkins proves he can handle the position, Coleman will not see much action and probably will be released, much like A-train last year with Jones and Barber.

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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I don't get it... Why do people always think that just because a guy is tall and fast, he can play cornerback?

(Sometimes even coaches thinks so... Ahem, Pete Hunter.... :()

Look up the average height of the starting Pro Bowl corners this year, or even the last several years. There's a good reason they're under 6-0 -- because short area quickness and the ability to break on the ball is crucial. And taller guys almost can't be as quick as smaller guys. A guy like Santana Moss would tie Watkins in knots... And I've been a big Watkins fan for a couple of years now.


just trying to get better
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Look, Dallas hasn't had a tall, fast safety like this since Randy Hughes (part of the Dirty Dozen).
Randy Hughes was great. He'd have become famous if he'd have stayed healthy. Thanks for bringing up his name!


I'd be surprised to see Watkins at CB .... but I'm very hopeful about him at FS.

Yeah, he's seen as "too tall," but sometimes this league gets stuck in "fashion." We've certainly seen it with WRs. Short quick fast WRs were in fashion, then fell out of fashion, and are now back in fashion.

Maybe Watkins will change the size expectations at FS ... and tall FSs will become fashionable.


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JustSayNotoTO said:
Coming from the guy thats dream is Marcus Vick in Dallas, this doesnt deserve a response.

Whoa.. Let's cool it shall we?
What gives you the right to say that..

Don't like my response.. Ignore it..

Yakuza Rich

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Watkins measured in at 6'4 3/4" at the combine. Everywhere I read about Coleman it has him listed at 6'2" tall. In my mind, Watkins is much taller than Coleman.

I've watched Watkins for the last 4 years at FSU (a few of my friends are FSU alums). He's best meant to play zone coverage given his size and skills.

Typically you want very good tacklers if you play a lot of zone coverage. I think Watkins was knocked a bit too hard for his tackling skills. I think he's an average tackler for a FS. He won't come up with the monster hits, but in general he wraps up.

I also though they were a bit harsh on his man-to-man skills. He's not exactly Eugene Wilson, but he's pretty decent in man-to-man.

You combine those things with the fact that safeties usually go low on draft day, that's why he fell to the 5th round. Either way, I'm glad Dallas drafted him.



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Manster68 said:
You're kidding me right?

Teague made all sorts of big plays in big games.

I guess you missed the National Championship Game on New Years Day, 1993. Teague was the safety that not only had a pick six, but also ran down the speedy Miami WR from behind, stripped the ball, and ran it back 30 yards. He was the best player on the field for the Crimson Tide.

Or maybe it is a year later, in a Wild Card Playoff against Detroit. When he had a 102 yard pick-6 against the Lions. Favre would later hit Sharpe for a winning TD. If it weren't for Teagues pick-6, the Favre to Sharpe TD would have been irrelevent.

Or how about in the 1996 Wild Card game against the Vikings in Dallas. Just like in the Sugar Bowl mentioned above, Teague runs down Amp Lee, popping the ball out just before he scored. The ball rolls out of the back of the TD area, giving the Cowboys the Ball at the 20.

So if Pat Watkins has the same talent as George Teague, I'm not happy.

I mean everyone makes big plays sometimes but that don't make them good, Teague was OK and easily replaced, he was not someone u could build a D around or a top 5 player on D....SHoot Larry brown won the MVP in the Super Bowl and he was sorry as hell......


Regular Joe....
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Q_the_man said:
I mean everyone makes big plays sometimes but that don't make them good, Teague was OK and easily replaced, he was not someone u could build a D around or a top 5 player on D....SHoot Larry brown won the MVP in the Super Bowl and he was sorry as hell......

No defense should ever be built around a Safety period. Doesn't matter which one you name.

Billy Bullocks

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At 6'5" he's probably just not quick enough to do it. He looked pretty athletic, bt quicker smaller WR would give him alot of trouble I would imagine.


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Q_the_man said:
I mean everyone makes big plays sometimes but that don't make them good, Teague was OK and easily replaced, he was not someone u could build a D around or a top 5 player on D....SHoot Larry brown won the MVP in the Super Bowl and he was sorry as hell......

Q - You're disappointing me my friend.

Everybody will give up plays from time to time. It happens to every player in every sport.

What will seperate players is when they make BIG PLAYS in BIG GAMES!

Teague and Larry Brown did that.

I think there was a one year period between Teague leaving and Roy Williams arriving. Dallas had to suffer through Tony Dixon and Lynn Scott.

Good thing Darren Woodson was there.