There's got to be a morning after


rock music matters
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i can't ever hear that song, or even think of it, without going back to the original poseidon adventure. in this case, i simply wanted to wait til the morning after the game before really commenting on this particular shipwreck and what salvage opportunity may still exist.

i can't deny my expectations are low coming into this year. dak regressed, jason and dez are history, and somewhere along the way our all-star OL fell to a search for average. conner williams was being rag-dolled and penalties seemed to be some consolation prize for victory.

during the entire pre-season all we could hear is TWO GAMES!!! 18 GAME SEASONS!!!! and how we held about anyone with some form of a familiar name because we didn't want them to get hurt. apparently massive embarrassment wasn't considered a form of hurt at the time because it showed to the core we simply were not ready and our starters were burning the clutch trying to find first gear.

through all this one thing remains a constant - we were not ready to play. if dak were playing darts he'd be around 50% of hitting the board, much less an intended target. his decision making was about as bad as the coaches for letting bailey go and moving to a kicker no one outside of canadian regions ever heard of.

somewhere along the way this team got blown up and we're knee deep in a surprise rebuild. it was never called that but look around; this is not your fathers cowboys. to be fair, my mother, brothers and sisters and on to our distant cousins don't want what we saw yesterday. but we are rebuilding and the only piece that seems to get carried over is the "cornerstone" that seems to be our weakest link.


so between dak not able to read a defense and now making live adjustments like garrett at halftime and missing open WR's, he's flirting with regressing from his regression. to compound this problem our backups are at this point, cannon fodder and another game or 2 like this one, the subject of next heir apparent. this makes me cry out in agony similar to gene hackman cussing out god before falling into the fiery water below.

at least his actions saved some people. i just feel like i'm in that water with gene and it hurts to see my team play this bad across the board, offensively.

zeke was pretty amazing. amazing in that i can't believe when he made his first good run by the 2nd quarter he gets up cocky and like he won the lottery, somehow missing the fact his YPC at that point were still john randal worthy. he had zero fire and showed what happens when you keep your ferrari in the garage and only take it out on racing days.

please never again blow off the pre-season. it hurts the team more than the injuries themselves could.

now, let's look at our WR's. austin shows some promise and hopefully he'll be that screen / 3rd down back that can bust a move and keep some defenses honest. gallup missed an easy one and if not for beasley doing what he usually does, we'd have nothing there as of yet. to be fair we've relegated our WR's to be at best B class receivers in fantasy football but in looking, so very few are even on an FFL team.

qb or them we'll find out soon enough i suppose.

te's? yea, i'd love one.

now lets move to what is in fact a bright spot for this team, if not season, in our defense. it's hard to believe babies have been born and made it through the diaper stage before we can get some hope and promise out of gregory but there he is. oh wait, left the game, concussion; and is now facing an indefinite ban for a substance-related relapse in august. time to pull a monty python here and simply RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY. you can only yo-yo hope for so long before your string breaks.

however the defense on the whole did shine. lawrence, despite getting a hefty sum of money, is still playing hungry. newton was a pain to contain but that would be newton. unlike our offense however, we adjusted and did better as the game went on. the turnover to stop the first scoring drive was an aggressive D going for the ball and creating the opportunity.

i'll read over other, more experienced views of our individual D performances but this seems to be shaping up into a year of our D keeping us in games and our O refusing to go along with that game plan. couple in a special teams that goes MIA at odd times, this is looking to be an undeclared rebuilding year where we try to right the ship with the same boat anchor and wind up running into rogue waves and pulling excuses from the last few years out of the trash bin while we sit around with a chance to find the sunshine and keep on looking for the light.
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