Things that I'm annoyed about right now

BrAinPaiNt;3525415 said:
I bought beer in clubs, bought beer in the post exchanges and post mini exchanges while in San Antonio and a few other places in Texas. However one night we were out and we stopped in a gas station that was off post and the person would not sell me beer. It was not a texas ID. I told her...It is a UNITED STATES ARMY ID, I am not showing you my home state ID...IT is the united states army ID that should be good in any US town and any US state.

Nope...No Go

As mad as I was, it was not the person's fault...they were just doing what they were told to do.

yep. I didnt get mad at the college girl working the register either, she didnt make the rules....but if she didnt follow them she would be out of a job!

Some of those rules are pretty crazy though!!! I mean I understand if mclovin comes in with his hawaii ID and he looks 16 and it says he is 30, but there has to be some understanding.
Actually they can accept out of state IDs, but they don't have too.

The reason they tell them this is if it's a fake ID, they are responsible. If someone presents a in state ID; it's easier to spot if it is a fake. If someone presents you with an out of state ID that you've never seen before. It could be a fake and look nothing like an actual state ID.

Same goes for military IDs.

I remember back in the mid 80s when I lived in Belle Chase, LA. (military base outside of New Orleans) If you presented a military ID you could buy beer at 18. If it wasn't a military ID, you had to be 21.

I had a lot of military friends that were at least 18 years old. :)
theebs;3525364 said:
stores are over the top with ID I think.

In 07 I was home in NY on vacation and I was with one of my friends. Now I am 30 years old at this point and my friend is 32. We walk into a grocery store, bought some stuff to cook on the grill and some beer and wine. I was buying the food and my friend didnt even have enough to cover it....

so we get in line put are stuff on the counter walk up to the cashier. Similar thing as you, it was a 20 year old or so girl. She asks me for ID and I give it to her. She looks at me and says I cant sell you the beer. I said what? why and she told me we are not allowed to sell beer to out of state drivers license.....

I laughed, I said to her I am 30 years old, look at the license...and she I said ok, and my friend took his out and said here is mine....and she says I cant sell the beer to either of you since he has a texas license.

Some of that stuff is ridiculous. I mean my dad is in his mid 60s he buys beer here in north texas when he visits with an out of state DL.

we actually had to leave, my friend had to come back in and get back in th same line without me and buy the beer. How stupid is that.

LOL, woooooow.... that's even more over-the-top than what happened to me!

What's funny is that my g/f asked the cashier "can I get out of line and just have him get in line by himself?" and the stupid cashier said NO! Can you believe that? ****ing ridiculous. I never curse in public to people I don't know, but I seriously said "you have got to be ****ing kidding me".
Thanks to all of you for helping me understand the truth of H. L. Mencken's statement "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public."

There are some real dummies out there thanks to our great educational system.
MaverickPS;3525454 said:
LOL, woooooow.... that's even more over-the-top than what happened to me!

What's funny is that my g/f asked the cashier "can I get out of line and just have him get in line by himself?" and the stupid cashier said NO! Can you believe that? ****ing ridiculous. I never curse in public to people I don't know, but I seriously said "you have got to be ****ing kidding me".

She probably refused to sell to you because it is pretty obvious that you hate America.

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