Things you don't hear or see anymore

Please, thank you, may I.
Yes mam, no mam, yes sir, no sir and thank you has been replaced with "no problem". We are now supposed to thank them for taking our money for doing business with them.

However, there is one thing businesses are doing that is driving me nuts...begging for reviews. Hell, I've received begging emails when I haven't even received the box.
Opening the door for ladies. My Mom trained me and I still do it and the reaction from ladies is astounding. They either look shocked or scared that you're waiting for them to walk by so you can snatch their purse.

And there's this irritating thing some stores have started to over service, one in particular is Market Street in DFW. They've instructed their employees to engage you in conversation at the check out and the kids talking your groceries to the car, a requirement. Nothing like being asked about my weekend plans by a 19 year old kid.

The last time I was in the one in Plano, the young checkout girl asked me if I was doing anything exciting for the weekend and I told her it was cross dressing weekend and me and a couple of my buddies were dressing up as spinsters and knocking over the ATM out front. She got real quiet and just stared at the groceries as she was scanning and I wasn't in the mood to tell her I was kidding. So, true to form, the young man wanted to know what I had planned as he pushed my basket with two sacks to the car and I told him me and a couple of buddies were going on a denture raid and did his grandparents wear them and where did they live. I told him there was a gypsy caravan camped on the other side of Central and they place a premium on dentures. He got it and laughed and I told him I know they make you do this but it's really not bonding with me so that I will put you in my will.
Yes mam, no mam, yes sir, no sir and thank you has been replaced with "no problem". We are now supposed to thank them for taking our money for doing business with them.

However, there is one thing businesses are doing that is driving me nuts...begging for reviews. Hell, I've received begging emails when I haven't even received the box.
The worst people on earth these days (IMO) are the so called helicopter parents, who are not only ill mannered themselves, but are raising kids to be totally clueless when it comes to manners and self reliance. The things I see.
Boop boop de boop. 23 skidoo. Hold that tiger! Hold that tiger! Win one for the gipper.
How the cow ate the cabbage, they're all grass fed now.
Groovy. Far Out and Solid.
But one of my favorite ones that I miss was going out on a Saturday afternoon and seeing all the girls with those big curlers in their hair because it was date night and they were going out! There was something magic about that.

So, when I was in high school, I was a class clown and had a lot of friends that were girls because of that. I happened to be talking to one on a Friday and this discussion about the curlers came up. I remarked that I had seen one of her friends with really big pink ones and she told me she doesn't really have dates, she just goes out driving around so it looks like it and people will think she's popular with the boys as she wasn't really a looker. I was pretty much like all the boys, all into myself and my world, but that made me sad, really sad to think she'd have to be alone after having worn the biggest curlers I had ever seen on her weekly excursion around all the hot Little Rock teen spots and I wondered 'how many of the kids know her story'. So, I asked her out that day for Saturday because I didn't have a date as I was between women. Allow me to tell you the moral to this story.

First off, she was really a nice girl with a great laugh and for a class clown that is just flat out magic because we don't care about the size of the audience, just that there is one. We went out a couple of times and only ended up being friends but really good friends. But here is the moral that I never realized would happen "let no kind act go unrewarded". My friend who had told me about her and her curlers let it be known among her friends that I had asked her out because of what I knew. Guys, all of the sudden, I was the irresistible cute puppy and these girls looked at me as more than the class goofball. I was getting asked out by some real babes!

Sorry for the long story but this is what happens when things happen to you with a moral, they're meant to be shared so that others might benefit from them as well but that's not the real payoff. That girl, the one with the big pink curlers, introduced me to the love of my life in college, her cousin, and we were married for 42 years.

I am absolutely fascinated with how things happen. I see these things as wheels, and we're like a ball on the roulette wheel, that interlock and there are hundreds of them and we get the choice as each wheel puts us at a crossroad of another wheel. But the magic is what transpired so many wheels ago that brings us to that point in time. I just didn't meet my wife by chance, I went to that college on the recommendation of my friend in the big pink curlers, so many wheels, so many choices. Just never know where a wheel will take us.
I knew from the moment you asked her out that either she became your wife, or had something to do with you meeting her..........You're so predictable, in an awesome way! :thumbup:
Opening the door for ladies. My Mom trained me and I still do it and the reaction from ladies is astounding. They either look shocked or scared that you're waiting for them to walk by so you can snatch their purse.

And there's this irritating thing some stores have started to over service, one in particular is Market Street in DFW. They've instructed their employees to engage you in conversation at the check out and the kids talking your groceries to the car, a requirement. Nothing like being asked about my weekend plans by a 19 year old kid.

The last time I was in the one in Plano, the young checkout girl asked me if I was doing anything exciting for the weekend and I told her it was cross dressing weekend and me and a couple of my buddies were dressing up as spinsters and knocking over the ATM out front. She got real quiet and just stared at the groceries as she was scanning and I wasn't in the mood to tell her I was kidding. So, true to form, the young man wanted to know what I had planned as he pushed my basket with two sacks to the car and I told him me and a couple of buddies were going on a denture raid and did his grandparents wear them and where did they live. I told him there was a gypsy caravan camped on the other side of Central and they place a premium on dentures. He got it and laughed and I told him I know they make you do this but it's really not bonding with me so that I will put you in my will.
I'm all for opening doors for the ladies, but I make sure to say, "You're welcome!"......Loudly, if they don't say "Thank you."
Those were good stories, Coach. I don't know which I enjoyed more, the curlers or the check out. I laughed a lot more over the check out. In my line of work and with my family, I thought I'd heard it all. Now I have some new stories.

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