I'm with you for the most part. On one hand I just want it behind us with a big, fat W, and on the other I want it to never get here so we can all enjoy the feeling of shutting out the Eagles to win the division for all eternity.
: But yeah....if we win this weekend, how much more bliss will we all be feeling? Gah. I can't remember a win I wanted more. I hope the 'Boys feel the same! (I can't imagine they don't.)
And yeah, it's pretty much all I can think about. I get butterflies and a bit of nausea every time I think of it.
I am, as always, cautiously optimistic. I know, with every fiber of my being, that they have the talent and the ability to beat the Eagles handily. I also know that until they win a playoff game there will be a big, black cloud hanging over everyone's hopes for this team, no matter how well they've been playing.
I do know one thing for sure. I do not want to hear any more stats or predictions. I just want the game to get here already! (I think....)