This had to be the worst draft I have seen in a while for us


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I think maybe they are holding BP and JJ hostage,The Eagles mascot is doing the draft for us.
I almost cried when we drafted Carpenter at 18.What a joke.Now its looking like that was our safest pick of the day.

Then they go and draft Fasano,Fow what?Maybe they plan on a Witten hold out?I thought that's why we signed Hannam.This draft has to ranck up there with one of the worst ever.I cant wait to see how eveybody rates this draft for us.I bet it's right up there comeing in at dead last.

With KO on the board we select a defensive end???????What are they thinking?
I laughed at the Bills picking Dante Witworth at 8,but it looks like they are smart compareing with the junk we drafted.

I am thinking that maybe we out thought ourselves as quality lineman kept falling off the board.

It's apparent that we got absolutely nothing that we needed in the draft here so far


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I agree. An absolutely disgusting draft and we took major reaches at each of our selections based upon who was available.

Still no help at WR or OL or FS.

Da Hammer

The Natural
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it has been pretty bad no matter how you put it, we BETTER redeem ourselves tomorrow


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Not what I thought it would be...I am holding out hope for something tomorrow.

Thick 'N Hearty

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1Ware1 said:
I think maybe they are holding BP and JJ hostage,The Eagles mascot is doing the draft for us.
I almost cried when we drafted Carpenter at 18.What a joke.Now its looking like that was our safest pick of the day.

Then they go and draft Fasano,Fow what?Maybe they plan on a Witten hold out?I thought that's why we signed Hannam.This draft has to ranck up there with one of the worst ever.I cant wait to see how eveybody rates this draft for us.I bet it's right up there comeing in at dead last.

With KO on the board we select a defensive end???????What are they thinking?
I laughed at the Bills picking Dante Witworth at 8,but it looks like they are smart compareing with the junk we drafted.

I am thinking that maybe we out thought ourselves as quality lineman kept falling off the board.

It's apparent that we got absolutely nothing that we needed in the draft here so far

We addressed needs in FA, or did you forget that. We were able to draft BPA this year, a nice position to be in.

The Carpenter and Fasano picks were nice... especially the Fasano pick since the offense is moving to a two TE set this season.

Hatcher was also on the Boys' chart, so BP and JJ got who they wanted. Maybe not who we wanted, but who they wanted.

Chug down another brew and relax. It will be okay.


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Ive always thought you should pick best available player and not draft by need.


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I don't know if it is any worse than 2004:

Julius Jones
Jacob Rogers
Steven Peterman
Bruce Thornton
Sean Ryan
Nate Jones
Jacques Reeves
Patrick Crayton

That draft has produced one starter who is injured frequently, a somewhat productive #3 WR when he can stay healthy, a #4 CB and a horrible nickel safety. It also produced a fat tub of lard who has yet to see a play in two years.

Mind you, the 2004 draft looks better if you add in Marcus Spears.


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1Ware1 said:
I think maybe they are holding BP and JJ hostage,The Eagles mascot is doing the draft for us.
I almost cried when we drafted Carpenter at 18.What a joke.Now its looking like that was our safest pick of the day.

Then they go and draft Fasano,Fow what?Maybe they plan on a Witten hold out?I thought that's why we signed Hannam.This draft has to ranck up there with one of the worst ever.I cant wait to see how eveybody rates this draft for us.I bet it's right up there comeing in at dead last.

With KO on the board we select a defensive end???????What are they thinking?
I laughed at the Bills picking Dante Witworth at 8,but it looks like they are smart compareing with the junk we drafted.

I am thinking that maybe we out thought ourselves as quality lineman kept falling off the board.

It's apparent that we got absolutely nothing that we needed in the draft here so far

Carpenter is a very good pick. We needed a OLB. Fasano is a very good TE. Is it a huge need, maybe not, but he's a good player. The 3rd rounder is a head scratcher, but I'd rather pick him then reach for someone not very high on our board.


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cowboys19 said:
Ive always thought you should pick best available player and not draft by need.

That is true only to a point. If a player is #4 on the depth chart he will not see the field much.

My problem is the picks were at positions of Depth and Youth.

We would have been much better served using those picks at FS and OL which are positions of need and where quality players were still on the board.


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As we all know, it's safe to judge a draft within the first hour. That's proven. Obviously, the Cowboys are doomed.

Where did the faith in Ireland and Bill go? Why is their a supposition that they didn't take the best player on their board? Who is to say these guys aren't going to be a huge asset for us?

I'm more than willing to wait to judge this draft.


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1Ware1 said:
I think maybe they are holding BP and JJ hostage,The Eagles mascot is doing the draft for us.
I almost cried when we drafted Carpenter at 18.What a joke.Now its looking like that was our safest pick of the day.

Then they go and draft Fasano,Fow what?Maybe they plan on a Witten hold out?I thought that's why we signed Hannam.This draft has to ranck up there with one of the worst ever.I cant wait to see how eveybody rates this draft for us.I bet it's right up there comeing in at dead last.

With KO on the board we select a defensive end???????What are they thinking?
I laughed at the Bills picking Dante Witworth at 8,but it looks like they are smart compareing with the junk we drafted.

I am thinking that maybe we out thought ourselves as quality lineman kept falling off the board.

It's apparent that we got absolutely nothing that we needed in the draft here so far

How can you rate it a bad draft? They have not been on the field yet.

When has FS been that big of a 1st day need in the history of the draft for the cowboys.

The Oline was addressed in FA. Look at the history of the Cowboys (DE, OLB, and TE) were always major contributors.

FS was a role player role(The shark Gant,) except for Woodson that is why he is the best tackler in Cowboy history.

I think BP has done enough of these that we would know more than Monday morning QBs.


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ddh33 said:
As we all know, it's safe to judge a draft within the first hour. That's proven. Obviously, the Cowboys are doomed.

I remember people were complaining about our 2001 draft and the "glass is half full" people told everyone to relax; well obviously those people were wrong. And in general if the fans have a bad feeling about a draft, it's been my experience that they tend to be right. I have yet to remember a draft in which the fans blasted it and it turned out to be amazing. Usually, when fans spider sense is tingling, they usually end up being right and my spider sense is bumpin!! Not a good sign!


Sleeps with the fishes
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hatcher was 88 on goose's board. jeff ireland said he was bpa. they debated hatcher with one other guy and that's it and it wasn't an o-lineman.
i prefer picks like this instead of reaching for need ala carver, goodrich, lattimore etc..


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mr.jameswoods said:
I remember people were complaining about our 2001 draft and the "glass is half full" people told everyone to relax; well obviously those people were wrong. And in general if the fans have a bad feeling about a draft, it's been my experience that they tend to be right. I have yet to remember a draft in which the fans blasted it and it turned out to be amazing. Usually, when fans spider sense is tingling, they usually end up being right and my spider sense is bumpin!! Not a good sign!
And we all thought 2002 was the best ever and we know how that turned out.