This is an NFL WR?

Alligator arms. He saw the LB and didnt wanna get hit.

Too bad the LB was on the other side of where Dak threw the ball.. it was a stop route..
Yes...this was 100% on Williams...horrible, horrible, horrible fundamentals on what should have been a routine catch. Dak put the ball EXACTLY where it should have been thrown given the inside help coming from the LBer...absolutely gutless and pathetic attempt at a catch.

There was no inside help from the LB.. that was the LB primary responsibility in that situation, to cover TWill.

And that was a stop route, not a slant. TWIll missing a catch had nothing to do with alligator arms, because he wasn't running over the middle.
Too bad the LB was on the other side of where Dak threw the ball.. it was a stop route..

There was no inside help from the LB.. that was the LB primary responsibility in that situation, to cover TWill.

And that was a stop route, not a slant. TWIll missing a catch had nothing to do with alligator arms, because he wasn't running over the middle.
When did I call the route a slant??? What are u refuting here?! What are u talking about alligator arms?! I made none of these assertions. Dude - if u want to start a debate where there isn’t any look in the mirror and have at it. That would be more productive.
When did I call the route a slant??? What are u refuting here?! What are u talking about alligator arms?! I made none of these assertions. Dude - if u want to start a debate where there isn’t any look in the mirror and have at it. That would be more productive.

What exactly does 'gutless' mean, in the context of 'inside help coming over the middle mean'?

It was a stop route and a good throw by a QB would be targeting him in the middle, not backside shoulder. If TWill was gutless on that play, he would hand crunched up out of fear of the LB that was behind him and on interior on a STOP ROUTE we are talking about here, not a slant... and he did nothing if the sort..

The throw was basically average, not perfectly placed... TWill turned around and Dak threw the backside shoulder opposite the actual direction he turned towards. Still catcheable fur a pro, but hardly some proof of a pre-determined positioning display of accuracy by a QB..

And alligator arms is used by the other guy quoted in my response..
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I didn't want to say it because I didn't want to start a big controversy. T-Will had great chemistry with Romo. Dak needs a different type of receiver at this point in his career. Hopefully, they will start clicking real soon. Dak shouldn't have to checkdown to Witten all the time, although that is a money option.

Romo also had great 'chemistry' with Dez on the deep balls.. TWill and Dez were two of the top three receivers on go-routes in Romo's MVP year.. and they were BOTTOM four offensively in pass attempts as a team, so Romo was hitting even our number TWO WR on routes to the point that WR was better than a whole list of numbers ones.

Romo simply throws a better ball, particularly deep. Has nothing to do with 'chemistry'...
Romo also had great chemistry with Dez on the deep balls.. TWill and Dez were two of the top three receivers on go-routes in Romo's MVP year..

Romo simply throws a better ball, particularly deep. Has nothing to do with 'chemistry'.
Dak is in his second season so his story is still being written. He will develop better chemistry with his receivers and he will improve in all areas like any other quarterback. Obviously I'm rooting for Dak to be what we need him to be and so far so good in my opinion. Romo was better in almost every category because he was a 10 year veteran. I think it's unfair when we compare the two but naturally we do.
Dak is in his second season so his story is still being written. He will develop better chemistry with his receivers and he will improve in all areas like any other quarterback. Obviously I'm rooting for Dak to be what we need him to be and so far so good in my opinion. Romo was better in almost every category because he was a 10 year veteran. I think it's unfair when we compare the two but naturally we do.

That I don't dispute, he can develop chemistry.

But he is not a pocket QB like Romo, he is best when he gets out the pocket. Romo could also throw on the move.

I think it's a mix of philosophy, catering the offense to suit the QBs style and chemistry. Even the commentators were mentioning GBs coach as saying that they were defending against Dak by trying to keep him in the pocket. He's a great athlete as well though, so despite his flaws from the pocket, it's hard to take him down and he can get out of the pocket.
What exactly does 'gutless' mean, in the context of 'inside help coming over the middle mean'?

It was a stop route and a good throw by a QB would be targeting him in the middle, not backside shoulder. If TWill was gutless on that play, he would hand crunched up out of fear of the LB that was behind him and on interior on a STOP ROUTE we are talking about here, not a slant... and he did nothing if the sort..

The throw was basically average, not perfectly placed... TWill turned around and Dak threw the backside shoulder opposite the actual direction he turned towards. Still catcheable fur a pro, but hardly some proof of a pre-determined positioning display of accuracy by a QB..

And alligator arms is used by the other guy quoted in my response..
Gutless means he acted like a punk body catcher and refuses to alter his technique since he’s been here to avoid these pitfalls. Gutless in that instead of concentrating on the most essential part of the play - catching the dam ball! - he shows up is QB by making a half arse attempt! Gutless in that instead of stepping up as a playmaker - Michael Irvin definition...”in bigtime moments makes bigtime plays” - he scrubbed it up!!! And I describe it as a stop route in another post so stop it with he all caps as if that’s a better way to communicate your point which I’m not even debating, genius. I know it wasn’t a slant - that don’t change a mofo thing! TWill acted like a punk and it contributed big time to us losing that game! I didn’t say “backside” shoulder. In another post I said side opposite the LBer who was coming the the “inside” (middle of the the WR’s right side as he faced the QB).

You want to frame what I said as a slant route so that you can bloviate on and on about your point. I see u want to make this about the throw. I get your agenda. I ain’t buyin into it so you can peddle your BS elsewhere. The ball was a routine catch. If you say Dak didn’t “intend” to place it there...well, who really gives a frenchman’s Frig?! The ball was in a very acceptable catch radius - Williams didn’t even have to extend his arms!?! - and it shud have been caught by ANY (ooooh! All caps - it’s fun!?!!) receiver with good fundamentals and concentration at a clutch moment of the game. Now if you want to continue to argue about whether or not the route was a slant, post a thread about it. I won’t be commenting and like I said, you can debate that with yourself. That was never my point.
That I don't dispute, he can develop chemistry.

But he is not a pocket QB like Romo, he is best when he gets out the pocket. Romo could also throw on the move.

I think it's a mix of philosophy, catering the offense to suit the QBs style and chemistry. Even the commentators were mentioning GBs coach as saying that they were defending against Dak by trying to keep him in the pocket. He's a great athlete as well though, so despite his flaws from the pocket, it's hard to take him down and he can get out of the pocket.
Agreed. I would love to see him get more time in the pocket. The o-line being pushed back gives him happy feet sometimes.
Gutless means he acted like a punk body catcher and refuses to alter his technique since he’s been here to avoid these pitfalls. Gutless in that instead of concentrating on the most essential part of the play - catching the dam ball! - he shows up is QB by making a half arse attempt! Gutless in that instead of stepping up as a playmaker - Michael Irvin definition...”in bigtime moments makes bigtime plays” - he scrubbed it up!!! And I describe it as a stop route in another post so stop it with he all caps as if that’s a better way to communicate your point which I’m not even debating, genius. I know it wasn’t a slant - that don’t change a mofo thing! TWill acted like a punk and it contributed big time to us losing that game! I didn’t say “backside” shoulder. In another post I said side opposite the LBer who was coming the the “inside” (middle of the the WR’s right side as he faced the QB).

You want to frame what I said as a slant route so that you can bloviate on and on about your point. I see u want to make this about the throw. I get your agenda. I ain’t buyin into it so you can peddle your BS elsewhere. The ball was a routine catch. If you say Dak didn’t “intend” to place it there...well, who really gives a frenchman’s Frig?! The ball was in a very acceptable catch radius - Williams didn’t even have to extend his arms!?! - and it shud have been caught by ANY (ooooh! All caps - it’s fun!?!!) receiver with good fundamentals and concentration at a clutch moment of the game. Now if you want to continue to argue about whether or not the route was a slant, post a thread about it. I won’t be commenting and like I said, you can debate that with yourself. That was never my point.
Whoa! Ruff, tell us how you really feel.:laugh:
That I don't dispute, he can develop chemistry.

But he is not a pocket QB like Romo, he is best when he gets out the pocket. Romo could also throw on the move.

I think it's a mix of philosophy, catering the offense to suit the QBs style and chemistry. Even the commentators were mentioning GBs coach as saying that they were defending against Dak by trying to keep him in the pocket. He's a great athlete as well though, so despite his flaws from the pocket, it's hard to take him down and he can get out of the pocket.

This is a deeper understanding most fans don't have. Romo was simply a more accomplished passer than Dak is. That's not a slight to Dak, just reality.

So when folks criticize Dez for not producing "elite" numbers, they do so ignorantly not acknowledging that recieving numbers across the board were down for the team. And go figure, the guy that did see a bump in production (i.e. Beasley) was receiver that runs high percentage short routes from the slot, which friendly for a inexperienced QB.

As Dak improves so will the playbook and receiving numbers according. Those expecting to see Romo-like numbers from the receiver corp are misinformed.
Brice Butler has been better in every way since the second he arrived in Dallas. Amazing some people don't see it.
That I don't dispute, he can develop chemistry.

But he is not a pocket QB like Romo, he is best when he gets out the pocket. Romo could also throw on the move.

I think it's a mix of philosophy, catering the offense to suit the QBs style and chemistry. Even the commentators were mentioning GBs coach as saying that they were defending against Dak by trying to keep him in the pocket. He's a great athlete as well though, so despite his flaws from the pocket, it's hard to take him down and he can get out of the pocket.
Romo was a pocket passer??? Since when. He had the happiest feet in NFL history.
Gutless means he acted like a punk body catcher and refuses to alter his technique since he’s been here to avoid these pitfalls. Gutless in that instead of concentrating on the most essential part of the play - catching the dam ball! - he shows up is QB by making a half arse attempt! Gutless in that instead of stepping up as a playmaker - Michael Irvin definition...”in bigtime moments makes bigtime plays” - he scrubbed it up!!! And I describe it as a stop route in another post so stop it with he all caps as if that’s a better way to communicate your point which I’m not even debating, genius. I know it wasn’t a slant - that don’t change a mofo thing! TWill acted like a punk and it contributed big time to us losing that game! I didn’t say “backside” shoulder. In another post I said side opposite the LBer who was coming the the “inside” (middle of the the WR’s right side as he faced the QB).

You want to frame what I said as a slant route so that you can bloviate on and on about your point. I see u want to make this about the throw. I get your agenda. I ain’t buyin into it so you can peddle your BS elsewhere. The ball was a routine catch. If you say Dak didn’t “intend” to place it there...well, who really gives a frenchman’s Frig?! The ball was in a very acceptable catch radius - Williams didn’t even have to extend his arms!?! - and it shud have been caught by ANY (ooooh! All caps - it’s fun!?!!) receiver with good fundamentals and concentration at a clutch moment of the game. Now if you want to continue to argue about whether or not the route was a slant, post a thread about it. I won’t be commenting and like I said, you can debate that with yourself. That was never my point.

That's quite a comical definition of gutless..

All that to argue an average throw by Dak was perfectly placed to TWill back shoulder because he 'saw' a LB in Clay Matthews that was moving in his direction on routine zone coverage..

I mean you could have just said bad 'fundamentals' as opposed to putting gutless in the context of a LB supposedly breathing down TWills neck..
Romo was a pocket passer??? Since when. He had the happiest feet in NFL history.

We were bottom of the league in place action attempts and rarely ran bootlegs off them. And considering we were the top teams in go-routes for Dez and TWill while being bottom four in pass attempts in 2014, that's hardly a case to claim Romo was throwing go routes in happy feet..
When one of your starting WRs attempts to catch a football like an uncoordinated 7-year old...
he makes mistakes no doubt

but hes made some amazing game winning plays

of course there are others
like when Dez was out hurt
there is good and bad
but hey we need to get the pitchforks out. gogogo

i like him for the player he his, he has a role but to see people just dig and dig because they hate life or something
give a rest
Did he look up and lose the ball in the glare of the sun through Jerrys shing big glasshouse windows.
That's quite a comical definition of gutless..

All that to argue an average throw by Dak was perfectly placed to TWill back shoulder because he 'saw' a LB in Clay Matthews that was moving in his direction on routine zone coverage..

I mean you could have just said bad 'fundamentals' as opposed to putting gutless in the context of a LB supposedly breathing down TWills neck..
Yet again your misread and lack of contextual understanding is legendary...but at least consistent.
I have no clue what happened between 2014 when the guy could take a slant to the house and now where I feel he is non existent and can’t create space
Its easy he is a body catcher. Its easier to catch slants body catching than the catches he seems to drop once too often.
Dak is in his second season so his story is still being written. He will develop better chemistry with his receivers and he will improve in all areas like any other quarterback. Obviously I'm rooting for Dak to be what we need him to be and so far so good in my opinion. Romo was better in almost every category because he was a 10 year veteran. I think it's unfair when we compare the two but naturally we do.

I agree but will add when we compare Dak to Romo we always do it in past tense Romo. Romo of the last couple years doesnt compare because even if hes a better qb there are still highly important things Dak can do that Romo simply cant. Such as run the ball and take a hit. Romo became brittle. Even if Romo was a better option last year, it would have never worked because hed have gotten injured.

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