"there’s nobody that could come in here and do all the contracts … and be a GM any better than I can"
every week a new embarassing loss, this is what jerry deserves and we should all root for it to not stop until he is gone. i know people say rooting against ur team is not what a real fan would ever do but when is it enough. i think jerry have had enough time and chance....it have been almost 29 YEARS with out even getting to a nfc champion ship game not even talking about winning a super bowl just the nfccg and jerry cant build a team and coaching staff to do that.
why? it is because of jerry jones EGO and ARROGANCE. that is the reason. he have to make sure he will get all the credit if the cowboys ever do good that is what is really importent to him....nothing else. stop defending it and stop defending him.
priority for us cowboys fan? 1. winning a super bowl 2. every thing else
priority for jerry? 1. his EGO 2. every thing else.....that is the difference and why the cowboys fail every single time
jerry want all the credit for the good so jerry can take ALL the blame for the bad and it is really bad right now
i do not feel bad about rooting for the cowboys to lose now because i think it is the only chance we have to see any change and i think we have to see BIG change if we ever want to see another super bowl. i do not see any other way i think 30 years is long enough time to prove that this is not working and it will never work. jerry is not getting better at this he is getting worse
so i say eat it jerry. u made this mess so u eat it and here is a news flash it will just get worse because ur drafting stinks now also and ur stuck with a bad QB on a $240,000,000 contract and u will have to hire a new coach which u also cant do at all
i just hope the media will stop being scare and the fans will start really saying how they feel it is time to turn it up and put the pressure on jerry and stephen and say no more u had 30 years to prove u can do it and u failed we wont just watch this crap any more and be quiet
we are all focus on arguing with each other about dak or mccarthy or what ever but we all need to unite against jerry. we are all cowboys fan any one who post on a sports team message board is not just a fan they is a die hard fan we all are
dont let jerry use the injury excuse ether this team was bad and very flaw when it was healthy
and if nothing do change i say this is a fitting end for the jerry jones era so what ever