Well said, JD. But the health 'requirement' doesn't seem to apply to Dan Campbell, for instance, who played all 03 like Terry, and missed even more time than he did with the same injury last year AND has missed much of camp this summer...thru
no fault of his own.
Not YOU, because I know where you are coming from..but the constant refrain on a factor beyond a player's control indicates to me a double standard, pure and simple. I could appreciate him but he might get hurt again.
Same could be said of JJ, whose weeks out killed us almost as much as Terry's did last year. But as with Dan that's never mentioned. And with Glenn it ALWAYS is.
The only time injury ticks me off is when it is something like the Rogers surgery decision..and even then, I feel this kid is going thru something very serious... a crisis of confidence that could make or break his career. ..so I am very loathe to condemn him.
Bah...I'm done whining.
I certainly realize the total futility and ridiculousness of my even caring, let alone mentioning it.....boo hoo hoo! why don't you all like Terry, boo hoo hoo!
and I probably need to go on read-only for awhile before I rip someone a new one and totally make a fool of myself! LOL!!!
In fact, I think I will.