On ES, they were also posting earlier in the week about how Dallas fans are ugly--& ghetto.
Hey, deadskins fans. First of all, I've lived in New Carrollton, MD (& commute every day to downtown DC on the Orange line) for 13 years. So please, continue with your racist postings about "ghetto." Meanwhile, you might want to learn to actually spell. Check virtually any posting on ES. Mr. Spellchecker would have a field day.
Second, I laugh every time the deadskins lose (& I've only become a Dallas fan since Parcells took over as coach). Needless to say, I've had quite a lot of mirth lately.
Lastly (or should I use one of the big words Art used--"posit"--ooh, his word for the week). Let's see, Joe, when he called the Dallas fans ugly, had known a question would come up about Dallas, spent several days thinking about it (remember, I live in the DC area, & Channel 5 Fox had the local interview with Joe afterwards where he explained that comment), & the best he could come up with was that?!?! Seriously, I was embarrassed for him & the whole organization. I mean, my 2-year-old nephew, when he gets mad, can call people ugly. Heck, he can even call them stupid. I would have expected something at least moderately clever from someone of Joe's years. (I guess he's no more innovative with that than he is with his offense. BTW--how's that brilliant innovation he introduced, the Shotgun, coming? Wow, that's really going to revolutionize football as we know it! Yup, ol' Joe is just cranking out that offensive genius right & left. Even Belichick in New England is taking notes & quaking before Joe's genius. Altho what do you expect from a guy who came back to coaching partly because widdle Coy can't get a job any other way & needs Daddy to get him in to football.)