Those extremeskins people

I don't like them at all. I would rather get beaten by the Chargers all year long than to listen to, or even be in the same Hemisphere as the deadskins.
Sean Taylor has added some new attachments to his uniform to help him on Monday night.


I know the league won't allow the handgun, but they may let him keep the Jack Daniels to ease the burn that Crayton's going to put on him.....again. :skins:
the skins fans are pathetic, i really can't stand joe gibbs... he's their savior! :lmao2: i don't care what he's done, he's not doin anything now, except annoying the **** outta me :rolleyes: oh how i wish i still had the pic of parcells shaking gibbs hand at the end of first game last season, i think gibbs was hidin his tears :(
Strange that some of those flaming idiots think that they have a chance because some of our FANS are overconfident. *** does that have to do with the outcome of the game? If the players are overconfident, that's one thing, but a fan being overconfident has ZERO effect on the game.

Specifically DieselPwr44... that guy is a freakin' moron. You reading this, DieselPwr44? You are a the definition of a flaming idiot.
they removed my sig over at extreme skins. I had the crayton catch from last year witht he sig line "PATRICK WHO!?!?!"

sore losers
My. They're confident, aren't they.

I guess a 9-7 drubbing of a powerhouse like the Bears would make any fan feel invincible...
so apparently it isn't just us that thinks they're a little off, it's a conspiracy against the skins! :D
I wonder if any of them actually believe what they are telling themselves. LOL.

"Keep doubting us"

"Well show you"

Thats what they said the last time they beat us.....last millennium
Thunderstruck said:
My. They're confident, aren't they.

I guess a 9-7 drubbing of a powerhouse like the Bears would make any fan feel invincible...
Welcome back bro..what you make of the Denver Broncos are they realy that bad? i did not watch them playing at all but sure they lost big time . it should be an easy game for the chargers ...hope they win it
Billy Bullocks said:
they removed my sig over at extreme skins. I had the crayton catch from last year witht he sig line "PATRICK WHO!?!?!"

sore losers

Not surprised. They banned me a few months ago for posting my History of domination video.
TonyS said:
Sean Taylor has added some new attachments to his uniform to help him on Monday night.


I know the league won't allow the handgun, but they may let him keep the Jack Daniels to ease the burn that Crayton's going to put on him.....again. :skins:

Mr. Keyboard ... meet Mr. Coca-Cola !!!!

Thunderstruck said:
My. They're confident, aren't they.

I guess a 9-7 drubbing of a powerhouse like the Bears would make any fan feel invincible...
Good to see you back. It'll be nice to see Gates and LT in full effect this week.
On ES, they were also posting earlier in the week about how Dallas fans are ugly--& ghetto.

Hey, deadskins fans. First of all, I've lived in New Carrollton, MD (& commute every day to downtown DC on the Orange line) for 13 years. So please, continue with your racist postings about "ghetto." Meanwhile, you might want to learn to actually spell. Check virtually any posting on ES. Mr. Spellchecker would have a field day.

Second, I laugh every time the deadskins lose (& I've only become a Dallas fan since Parcells took over as coach). Needless to say, I've had quite a lot of mirth lately.

Lastly (or should I use one of the big words Art used--"posit"--ooh, his word for the week). Let's see, Joe, when he called the Dallas fans ugly, had known a question would come up about Dallas, spent several days thinking about it (remember, I live in the DC area, & Channel 5 Fox had the local interview with Joe afterwards where he explained that comment), & the best he could come up with was that?!?! Seriously, I was embarrassed for him & the whole organization. I mean, my 2-year-old nephew, when he gets mad, can call people ugly. Heck, he can even call them stupid. I would have expected something at least moderately clever from someone of Joe's years. (I guess he's no more innovative with that than he is with his offense. BTW--how's that brilliant innovation he introduced, the Shotgun, coming? Wow, that's really going to revolutionize football as we know it! Yup, ol' Joe is just cranking out that offensive genius right & left. Even Belichick in New England is taking notes & quaking before Joe's genius. Altho what do you expect from a guy who came back to coaching partly because widdle Coy can't get a job any other way & needs Daddy to get him in to football.)

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