Three items that will possibly be addressed by the Competition Committee

IIRC PI used to be 15 yards and 1st down declinable by the team that was fouled. Then I think in the 90's they went to the spot foul, which I hate if its two guys going up for a play and little bumping is going on no way that should be a spot foul. Now if the offensive guy goes up and is straight out and out tackled before the ball gets there I would be for a spot foul call it unsportsman like conduct PI
I think making pass interference reviewable is going to be a real problem. Heck, there is some element of pass interference on almost every single play.

True, I totally get that Perry. But coaches will still be limited on the amount of times they can throw the flag. If they get it wrong, bye bye timeout. It may slow the game down more during the first 25 minutes of each half, but also has the potential to speed it up during the last 5 of each half. As much as we all hate playing the waiting game on all these reviews, PI calls are game changers because of the large chunks of yards that come along with them. IMO, it's one of the most important calls they need to get right. Just as long as the wording is simplistic enough to not cause any more riots.
PI is one of those judgment calls that, if challengeable, it would likely not get reversed if initially called, but could very well get called after review when not initially called. I'd rather they just leave that out of replay and change the penalty to a predetermined yardage (15 yard max, auto 1st down).

I like this idea even more.
Let's just make the game slower.

PI's should be challengeable no penalty can impact a game like a PI it's a spot foul that can change field position dramatically. A bad PI call helped cost the Cowboys SB XIII.
PI's are reviewable in the CFL and it hasn't slowed the games down much.

That being said, very few are reversed.

Everything looks worse in slow motion. The minimal contact Hitchens made looked like PI in super slo-mo.
It makes me very uncomfortable that Mara has come to the defense of the Cowboys. I'm still not over his cap-stealing stunt from two years ago.

If it makes you feel better, he's not coming to the defense of the Cowboys. He is stating the obvious - that it's hard to see what by all accounts appears to be a catch be overturned by a vaguely worded rule.
Hopefully it is only for PI that is called, not a coach wanting to get it called

It would only be for the PI that is called the league would never make non calls challengeable doing so would open up a big can of worms.
IIRC PI used to be 15 yards and 1st down declinable by the team that was fouled. Then I think in the 90's they went to the spot foul, which I hate if its two guys going up for a play and little bumping is going on no way that should be a spot foul. Now if the offensive guy goes up and is straight out and out tackled before the ball gets there I would be for a spot foul call it unsportsman like conduct PI

It has always been a spot foul in the NFL. It's 15 yards and a first down in college.
Pettigrew committed a 'hands to the face' penalty on Hitchens that same play. Why does nobody talk about this.

Also, Dez's catch was a catch whether they change the rules or not. arggg

I think they should make PI the spot of the foul, unless it is over 15 yards, then just make it 15 yard penalty. No more bailing teams out by chucking up 65 yarders.

Also, they seriously need to consider getting away from automatic first downs.

Agreed. I hate spot of the foul PI calls that are 50 yards down field. Just a cheap way to get yards. Especially when its planned when the QB purposely underthrows the ball, causing the defender to run into the WR. They all try and manipulate this now.

And yes, I hate automatic 1st downs for any defensive penalty other than offsides. It's cheap. It can be 3rd and 40 and a incidental hands to the face penalty, which is only 5 yards, is an automatic 1st down. Just dumb.
Also, 14 teams is too much for the playoffs. Just chepeans the regular season in a way like the NBA already is. 14/32 get in? Too many. NBA is already at 16/30.

12 is the perfect number. 8 division winners plus the 4 wild cards.
Agreed. I hate spot of the foul PI calls that are 50 yards down field. Just a cheap way to get yards. Especially when its planned when the QB purposely underthrows the ball, causing the defender to run into the WR. They all try and manipulate this now.

It has to be a spot foul or DB's would mug receivers figuring if it's only a 10 to 15 yard penalty better to take that than giving up a 50 yard TD. PI's have to be a stiff penalty or we would see PI calls all day when DB's get beat.
If it makes you feel better, he's not coming to the defense of the Cowboys. He is stating the obvious - that it's hard to see what by all accounts appears to be a catch be overturned by a vaguely worded rule.

Agreed about Mara, all teams and fans as well should be concerned over not just that rule, but other officiating problems.
No it did not, if you saw it from all angles. From this angle you can tell there was no PI at all, but instead Pettigrew was guilty of facemasking.

Everyone on TV watching the replay was pointing to Hitchens' hand on his shoulder as evidence of PI. I'm not saying it was, just saying how people that are looking for something will use any contact to verify the call. It will still be a judgement call.
Everyone on TV watching the replay was pointing to Hitchens' hand on his shoulder as evidence of PI. I'm not saying it was, just saying how people that are looking for something will use any contact to verify the call. It will still be a judgement call.

But we are talking about instant replay on PI, so I was just trying to point out how by using replay, it's often easier to tell who was actually making the contact and what effect it had on the play.
It has to be a spot foul or DB's would mug receivers figuring if it's only a 10 to 15 yard penalty better to take that than giving up a 50 yard TD. PI's have to be a stiff penalty or we would see PI calls all day when DB's get beat.

Well any level below NFL does the 15yd rule and their games are just fine.

Spot fouls are silly on such a subjective call that can change a game.
It has to be a spot foul or DB's would mug receivers figuring if it's only a 10 to 15 yard penalty better to take that than giving up a 50 yard TD. PI's have to be a stiff penalty or we would see PI calls all day when DB's get beat.

If that's the case then offensive PI should be an INT. You have to assume the DB was going to catch the ball if not interfered with.

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