TICKETHEADS...Norm sings a Slayer tune!

This is a fun song to play on the guitar...can really start jamming on it.

Norm singing the lyrics is funny.

Oh and not to be too picky but the song is Seasons IN the Abyss not of the.
Those guys are always grilling pool ole Norm.

Guy has all kinds of health issues and they beat him up.
jterrell said:
Those guys are always grilling pool ole Norm.

Guy has all kinds of health issues and they beat him up.
Personally I think it's hilarious that they make fun of him b/c he has one of the worst voices of all time

ever hear the Pickle's advertisement he does on the radio?? PURE STUPIDITY!!!

"I want to tell you about Pickles."
some guy: "pickles?"
"Pickles. Yes, pickles."

I dunno he just sounds so annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wraith584 said:
Personally I think it's hilarious that they make fun of him b/c he has one of the worst voices of all time

ever hear the Pickle's advertisement he does on the radio?? PURE STUPIDITY!!!

"I want to tell you about Pickles."
some guy: "pickles?"
"Pickles. Yes, pickles."

I dunno he just sounds so annoying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL....every commerical he does on the radio acts like (insert product here) is the best thing every.
He goes so far as sounding like he is drooling over the product.

I mean if I am paying for the ad for my product it is nice to know that the guy doing it on the radio is into it....just not sure if I want him THAT into it lol.

Gotta love norm....he just puts a smile on your face with the lame jokes, the funny laugh, his voice and his just overall good spirit.

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