Time to stockpile Twinkies?

The bakers union represented 30% of Hostess' entire workforce; 70% agreed to pay concessions and instead got the boot, thanks to the union. Even the Teamsters suggested they take the concessions and get back to work.

Nice job unions.
Sarge;4842268 said:
Fruit Pie man myself. As a kid, one year my parents got me 10 fruit pies - I ate them all in a bout 3 hours.

chip_gilkey;4842259 said:
You guys are right, the workers should've just rolled over and taken the pay/benefits deductions. Why bother saying anything, just let them pay you what they wish. Don't bother standing up for yourselves. I'd like to see how some of you would react if your boss told you they were cutting your pay and benefits.
If I was an unskilled laborer in this economy and my boss said "you need to take a pay cut or I'll go out of business and you'll be unemployed" then ya, I'd probably take the paycut.

Those 18,000 folks will be standing up for themselves on the unemployment line now.
Rogah;4842443 said:
If I was an unskilled laborer in this economy and my boss said "you need to take a pay cut or I'll go out of business and you'll be unemployed" then ya, I'd probably take the paycut.

Those 18,000 folks will be standing up for themselves on the unemployment line now.

See, the problem is you get employers like Walmart who don't give a crap and will lie to their employees to rob them of their deserved monies.

Unions are good to protect employees, but when you get the wrong people controlling the Unions, they hose the people and the company too.

Unions are good, but Unions can DEFINITELY be bad for all when you have trash running the Union.

Unions officials are like Government officials. If you have good ones, your country runs well. When you get trash running the show, the country begins to falter.

In this case, both sides were trash.
Sam I Am;4842446 said:
See, the problem is you get employers like Walmart who don't give a crap and will lie to their employees to rob them of their deserved monies.

Unions are good to protect employees, but when you get the wrong people controlling the Unions, they hose the people and the company too.

Unions are good, but Unions can DEFINITELY be bad for all when you have trash running the Union.

Unions officials are like Government officials. If you have good ones, your country runs well. When you get trash running the show, the country begins to falter.

In this case, both sides were trash.

Why is Hostess trash? Because they were a successful company who are dealing with the consequences of our times? Everybody is trying to deal with it except the fools who think they can ignore it and go about with business as usual attitudes and make demands in an ailing economy.
vta;4842654 said:
Why is Hostess trash? Because they were a successful company who are dealing with the consequences of our times? Everybody is trying to deal with it except the fools who think they can ignore it and go about with business as usual attitudes and make demands in an ailing economy.

There was greed and bullying from both sides. Hostess should not be closing it's doors and I don't believe there is a reason beyond what was happening between management and the Union that Hostess should be closing down.
What a Zinger of a news story. Looks like some Ding Dongs ruined it for a lotta people. It's no Wonder things Sno-Balled like they did. The CEOs are laughing and Ho-Hoing it all the way to the bank. Donette ver forget Unions are a bad deal.

Wow that hurt to write...
Rowdy;4843009 said:
What a Zinger of a news story. Looks like some Ding Dongs ruined it for a lotta people. It's no Wonder things Sno-Balled like they did. The CEOs are laughing and Ho-Hoing it all the way to the bank. Donette ver forget Unions are a bad deal.

Wow that hurt to write...


That was good, bro!
BTW a 3 dollar box of Twinkies is going for around 30 or 40 bucks or even higher on ebay right now.
The several stores i visited earlier today were all sold out of Hostess products.
Sam I Am;4842446 said:
See, the problem is you get employers like Walmart who don't give a crap and will lie to their employees to rob them of their deserved monies.

Deserved according to who?
When you got the Big Daddy union (Teamsters) looking at the books and they tell their members that Hostess isn't bluffing, then the little brother union should listen.
Really everybody is buying up Twinkies and fast. As think that another company could buy them up. Hostess is going out. But somewhere and somehow, some company will get Twinkies somehow, somewhere.
Twinkies just had an addiction to them a few days ago. They can't die so soon! :banghead: :bang2: :(
Believe it or not, the Hostess line is still licensed to be made in Canada. You'll be able to come up and smuggle this crap back home. I'm looking to establish "junk-food tourism" in the months to come. A chain of spas dedicated to clogging your arteries will be waiting for eager gluttons. :p:
BTW, I'm one of those guys who hasn't eaten a Twinkie in 35 years.;)
Phrozen Phil;4843519 said:
Believe it or not, the Hostess line is still licensed to be made in Canada. You'll be able to come up and smuggle this crap back home. I'm looking to establish "junk-food tourism" in the months to come. A chain of spas dedicated to clogging your arteries will be waiting for eager gluttons. :p:
BTW, I'm one of those guys who hasn't eaten a Twinkie in 35 years.;)

Ha ha, go for it :D

I also have not had a Twinkie in decades. But I must say, just last night I stopped in a 7-11 for milk & beer (yes, seriously lol), and spur of the moment remembered the Great Snack Apocalypse going on, so briefly peered at the snacks aisle. All Twinkies long gone, but there were a lot of other Hostess snacks. I ignored them :)

(thinking I should go back and hoard them and now put them on eBay lol)

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