Time to try a different approach?


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The fact of the matter is, we would have also made the play offs with Rush. Maybe with something in the likes of 9-8 but who cares? And from there the outcome wouldn't have been different. I don't care about huge wins anymore, just win. Games 2 - 6 showed us how that can go.

Point is, whenever we can get out of Dak's contract, let's do it and just put ANY other QB on a rookie contract in. Use the money for building up everyone around the QB and let's see how far we can go with that. I never cared for his salary but in the end it's what's keeping us build up other areas of the team.

After 7 worthless years it's worth a try, isn't it? And yes, they were worthless. Regular season wins mean nothing, other than getting you into the tournament, that really matters.

This ain't about best offense / how many reg season wins / etc.... this is about how far you go with a team. Therefore imo we couldn't brake anything by trying something different. Teams with worse QBs than Dak have won the superbowl, but they had enough money to stack most other positions with pro bowl talent.

Also get rid of Zeke if that's possible and don't resign Schultz. Trade DLaw, get rid of LVE. If Quinn wants to stay let him, a few D guys seem quite attached to him. But send KM into the desert, any new OC can be just as good.

These rebuild ideas pop up every season after we got kicked out of the game, but this year was too much of a rinse and repeat. And we will be at the exact same spot in 12 months once again if we don't try something else. Heck I'd prefer a one and out with a complete new approach over more of this crap.

The guys I'd keep or rather build around on:

Tyler Smith
Rush (as backup who can take over or even handle half a season)

Everyone else should be for sale including big Mike. If Kellen stays, he needs a HC who can force him to adjust. No protection from Jerry please.

Whatever you do, don't resign Dak and plan for it now. Draft a QB in the first round for development within the next two years. Doesn't have to be the next Mahomes, just a good top 15 bus driver but on a rookie contract. Draft o and d line in rounds 2 - 4. Add WR and secondary talent via FA.