CBS may be the "ultimate loser" but I sure won't feel like a winner when I am unable to watch the Rangers tomorrow night, the PGA final round on Sunday, and the Cowboys exhibition game. It's bad timing that their first 2 games are on the road, otherwise I'd be at the stadium.I've been w/ TWC forever and was ready to switch. After all, I couldn't of cared less who was right or wrong, I just wanted the channels I was paying the PROVIDER ie TWC, for. Until I read a few articles from the AP and WSJ that changed my mind.
The issue as I see it now is, if TWC knuckles under and gives CBS what they want, then that just opens the floodgates for CBS, and every other "broadcast" network for that matter, to roll on down the line to the next carrier when their contracts expire and do the same thing.
Stand your ground TWC! CBS is the ultimate loser in this.
CBS may be the "ultimate loser" but I sure won't feel like a winner when I am unable to watch the Rangers tomorrow night, the PGA final round on Sunday, and the Cowboys exhibition game. It's bad timing that their first 2 games are on the road, otherwise I'd be at the stadium.
Tonight's game is not on FSSW. Like every Friday night, the Rangers are on Channel 21, which is part of the CBS package which TWC has dropped. So I will be missing every Friday Rangers game. The Cowboys-Raiders game is being broadcast on CBS, and NFLN says they will join in progress, but they often interrupt the game with other goings-on throughout the league, so it isn't exactly an ideal viewing experience.The next 2 Ranger games are on FSSW.
..aaaaaaaaand as I was afraid, they are blacking out the Cowboys on NFLN since the local CBS affiliate has exclusive rights for the exhibition games. So TWC people are out of luck.