Tip your waiters!!!!

First a question, why when we click "quick reply" it quotes the msg where we clicked teh "quick reply" I mean there's already a "quote" option...

now to the topic...

I've known people that worked in food service that waited tables that made over 10 an hour plus tips, I've also know one's like you that made 2.13 an hour. Remember you agreed in writing (it's the only way for a business to get around paying min wage) to work for your hourly wage, sure the manager gave a song and dance our waitstaff average 60-100 a night, well ya know the economy is pretty bad I'd just feel happy for two reasons...

1. you still have a job
2. some people can still afford to go out to eat...

A person should never go to work on hopes of making tips, if you can't survive on your hourly wage you really should find another line of work, TIPS are opitional they are not required, unless at some fancy places do require it and it's added in on the check, and most of us that do eat at these type places even add to the amount that is "required".... so maybe you should get a job at a swanky place that has higher clientel... Just a thought...
Find a new job. I would never work for that hr wage + tips. That is crazy.


Because you can't budget on tips. Especially right now w/ the economy so bad.
The hotter the waitress... the better the tip...
trickblue;2807923 said:
The hotter the waitress... the better the tip...

So basically you're saying he should put on a wig and a push up bra??
kmp77;2807930 said:
So basically you're saying he should put on a wig and a push up bra??

If he's passable... then yes...
jksmith269;2807906 said:
.... so maybe you should get a job at a swanky place that has higher clientel... Just a thought...

I've worked at TGI Fridays and Ruth's Chris Steakhouse as a server/bartender. While the money to be made per table is considerably more, the number of tables per night are considerably less at Ruth's Chris.

I also had to "tip out" more at Ruth's Chris to the busboys, bartenders and food runners.

In the end, I did make more at Ruth's Chris, but not by a really significant amount.
TheKey;2807494 said:
Sorry I just needed to rant. I am a waiter and I am sick and tired of people coming into the restaurant and asking for a million things, racking up a $40 bill, then leaving $0 for a tip. Heck, even $3 sucks for that bill. 20% is the rule people. Maybe it was 15% back in the day but times have changed. Unless they just have a terrible attitude the whole time leave a tip, you have no idea how stressful it can be to wait on 6 tables at one time. Also, the kitchen is to blame for most food mistakes. The amount of people leaving 0-5% tips makes me sick. I am trying to work to make money for college and people can't even leave a few bucks. Odds are $5 won't make a difference in their standard of living, but it makes a huge difference in my life.

Here ill solve this problem for you. People go to places that dont have waiters and waitresses. There, problem solved.

I think i had it with this profession when i found out waiters/waitresses where BLOGGING, *sad that blogging has become mainstream* but when they were talking crap about customers THAT THEY dont know or know whats going on with them and feeling ENTITLEMENT to money.

You know what KEY, I would love to shut down that whole aspect of food service. id do it in one day if need be. But i cant, people with more respect and decency and factors need that money.

Be glad you have a job. You want a rant, put up a bridge someday for minimum wage. You are entitled to nothing and this country owes you nothing.
nyc;2807613 said:
Been watching 3rd Rock from the Sun much? :lmao2:

[youtube]<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/V1ZZWhSvOMI&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/V1ZZWhSvOMI&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>[/youtube]


First I've seen that.
ShiningStar;2808132 said:
Here ill solve this problem for you. People go to places that dont have waiters and waitresses. There, problem solved.

I think i had it with this profession when i found out waiters/waitresses where BLOGGING, *sad that blogging has become mainstream* but when they were talking crap about customers THAT THEY dont know or know whats going on with them and feeling ENTITLEMENT to money.

You know what KEY, I would love to shut down that whole aspect of food service. id do it in one day if need be. But i cant, people with more respect and decency and factors need that money.

Be glad you have a job. You want a rant, put up a bridge someday for minimum wage. You are entitled to nothing and this country owes you nothing.

I tried to get a job digging ditches at an oil refinery for $14/hr but since they just laid 400 people off they weren't hiring. I had to settle for a job I've had for 2 years waiting tables. There are a lot of people that need those tips, its not about entitlement, it's about compassion and recognizing when someone is genuinely busting their ***.
jksmith269;2807906 said:
First a question, why when we click "quick reply" it quotes the msg where we clicked teh "quick reply" I mean there's already a "quote" option...

now to the topic...

I've known people that worked in food service that waited tables that made over 10 an hour plus tips, I've also know one's like you that made 2.13 an hour. Remember you agreed in writing (it's the only way for a business to get around paying min wage) to work for your hourly wage, sure the manager gave a song and dance our waitstaff average 60-100 a night, well ya know the economy is pretty bad I'd just feel happy for two reasons...

1. you still have a job
2. some people can still afford to go out to eat...

A person should never go to work on hopes of making tips, if you can't survive on your hourly wage you really should find another line of work, TIPS are opitional they are not required, unless at some fancy places do require it and it's added in on the check, and most of us that do eat at these type places even add to the amount that is "required".... so maybe you should get a job at a swanky place that has higher clientel... Just a thought...

As for you JK, serve yourself next time you go to a restaurant. We will see how long that lasts. Your Navy job doesn't compare. Standing in a line serving people that can't complain or be picky compared to running all over the restaurant serving some of the biggest ***** in the world?

I am not talking to those of you who leave 15%. That is great. I am merely speaking of the people who don't leave anything after they got good service, or people who will leave $1.50 for a $40 ticket.

As for the wine question, I think that could go either way. But like it was stated earlier, if you can afford $150 bottle of wine, then don't hesitate to tip $10. Just put yourself in their shoes...
TheKey;2808186 said:
I tried to get a job digging ditches at an oil refinery for $14/hr but since they just laid 400 people off they weren't hiring. I had to settle for a job I've had for 2 years waiting tables. There are a lot of people that need those tips, its not about entitlement, it's about compassion and recognizing when someone is genuinely busting their ***.

Not buying it, there are plenty of people taht bust butt and need money, that isnt the only profession. And dont even think about getting smart with jobs, people done more with less, just because you havent figured it out doesnt mean it cant be done.

Things go down, things go up. I worked a lot of jobs and never had to wait/waitress or work in fast food. I know i dont have the temperment for it and knew it would be useless.

You can always count on the Food Service, regardless of what is happening people have feel the need to be out and spending on something.
Keep my drink full and don't ask me if I want a refill. Just do it.
ShiningStar;2808196 said:
Not buying it, there are plenty of people taht bust butt and need money, that isnt the only profession. And dont even think about getting smart with jobs, people done more with less, just because you havent figured it out doesnt mean it cant be done.

Things go down, things go up. I worked a lot of jobs and never had to wait/waitress or work in fast food. I know i dont have the temperment for it and knew it would be useless.

You can always count on the Food Service, regardless of what is happening people have feel the need to be out and spending on something.

You have never worked in Food, therefore you do not know what it is like. Wait tables for 1 week and come back...
My opinion on this topic is probably a rare one. Although I do want my drink kept full, I'm barely aware of the server. As a general rule, the quality of service has little bearing on the tip I give -- even when he or she is slow or curt. Everyone has bad days, and I don't seek excuses to withhold the benefit of a doubt.
Kind of off topic just a bit

If you call in an order, pickup or drive thru, do you tip? I'm not talking fast food like McD's.
Yeagermeister;2808214 said:
Kind of off topic just a bit

If you call in an order, pickup or drive thru, do you tip? I'm not talking fast food like McD's.

On a pickup order, I usually tip two or three dollars.
Do you guys calculate the tip on the total bill after taxes or before taxes?
Bach;2808220 said:
Do you guys calculate the tip on the total bill after taxes or before taxes?

Total after taxes

I'll also round up to the dollar. If the bill is $20.62 I round up to $21 then add a tip. So a lot of waiters/waitresses get some strange tips from me. :D

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