To the Cowboys - with Regret from a long term fan

You're living in a fantasy world if you think there are any bandwagon Cowboys fans left. Anyone who was a bandwagon fan in the 90's has moved on to other teams or died of old age. The Cowboys have had about as much playoff success as the Browns for the last 2 decades, that doesn't exactly fill the bandwagon.

No, they go away until the Cowboys start winning like last season and then resurface.
You're living in a fantasy world if you think there are any bandwagon Cowboys fans left. Anyone who was a bandwagon fan in the 90's has moved on to other teams or died of old age. The Cowboys have had about as much playoff success as the Browns for the last 2 decades, that doesn't exactly fill the bandwagon.
@JDSmith does make an excellent point @xwalker .
It's different when you have ties to the teams which you have to all of them.

The people that are fans of any two of the following with no ties to them are often band wagon fans.
Cowboys or Patriots
Lakers or LeBron
Yankees or Dodgers

not always, been a fan of Dallas since 70's....other teams from other sports: Phillies, 76ers, Flyers....born in syracuse NY, moved to NE Penna when I was 9 in 1972...liked all of the Philly teams with the OBVIOUS exception of the dirty birds in philly.....I am no band-wagoner...
Sports are defined by fan loyalty. Would I enjoy the Cowboys beating the Skins if the Skins had zero fans?

Fans are merely consumers for a money making enterprise such as the NFL. It's preposterous and arrogant for a business to feel entitled to consumer loyalty when it consistently delivers a substandard product.
The foundation and the way this team operates will not change as long as Jerry is around.....that's just a fact of life in this organization.
Anyone like that isn't on here, unless they have a join date of about middle of last season.
They are many that post here just for the purpose of bashing the team.

One guy was bashing Dak last year while praising Wentz.
They are many that post here just for the purpose of bashing the team.

One guy was bashing Dak last year while praising Wentz.

Yeah, well Risen has a shtick and it gets him likes from his fanboys.

But even the people who post here for the purpose of bashing the team aren't bandwagon fans. They may be fans of other teams, they may just be irritated because the Cowboys haven't won a Superbowl in 2 decades, but they aren't bandwagon fans. Bandwagon fans don't even know the forums exist, much less join them to discuss the latest failures of the team.
from a long term fan ,

The Atlanta game showed why JG is not a head coach. Even a school coach would have done something to help the OT from being beaten up like a rented mule.

JG still lives in the 90's pre salary cap era , when my Guy is better than yours , plain execution can beat you down and we will impose will mindset, has no answers when the guy is not a guy but a backup. Next man up works in some cases , if all next men are as good they wont be next men , they go somewhere to become The Guy.

He has no answers schematically how to utilize what he has , make best use of . Every opponent has told us JG schemes are so simple. Now its becoming evident .

Dak is not an finished product , now he is trying to do too much when he doesnt have OL help and RB help and going back to bad habits , from foot work to decision making. He doenst have Romo who was better than the whole Cowboys coaches together.

Yesterday was the first time , I didnt watch the match when I could have , since I had a bad feeling after the 2nd half of the eagles game.

Jerry Please wake up ! Tear the whole coaching staff , bring in some hard working young blood, and LET GO!
You are wasting your time. Jerruh does not care about winning that is obvious. He only cares about $$$$. As long as fans are spending money on this product, he will continue to produce a defective product. He is making all sorts of money providing a sub-standard product. What possible reason would he have to change the formula that has been so successful. Jimmy Johnson was all the success Jerruh ever had and he ran him off. Since then it has been CRAP, year after year after year. Jerruh will never fire Ginger cause that would mean he made a bad decision and you know he will never admit to that. He is a joke as a football guy. Brilliant at making money from suckers. And there is a sucker born every day. I am done with him and this league. On to the NBA. See ya, Jerruh.
I feel very little connection to this team.

The off-field stuff, Jerry's endless antics, and a boring roster of overrated nothings...

This, big time. If I hadn't been a Cowboys fan since the 70s, and just discovered the NFL, there's little to draw me to the Cowboys. The defense is a soft joke. Lee is the only star on it. Guys like D Law and Irving get a lot of noise here but compared to the Cowboys d line greats of the past they're JAGs. Offensively, Zeke is the only star. Beasley is the little engine that could but he's easily taken away. Witten used to be a star, and Dez thinks he's a star.

Meanwhile, we've a camera-seeking old fool running the show along with his son. No NFL team would hire either of the Joneses to similar positions given their mediocre track record over the last 20 years. They hold those jobs because they own the team, and they'll never be fired. There is no Tom Landry, and there won't be anything close to it as long as the dynamic duo are in charge.

So why would any new fan root for the Cowboys? Better still, how much longer should fans who rooted for the team long before Jerry came around feel obligated to keep doing it? Life is short. I have no stake in this team. I root for the Cowboys because I enjoy it, nothing more. The less I enjoy it, what's the point?
from a long term fan ,

The Atlanta game showed why JG is not a head coach. Even a school coach would have done something to help the OT from being beaten up like a rented mule.

JG still lives in the 90's pre salary cap era , when my Guy is better than yours , plain execution can beat you down and we will impose will mindset, has no answers when the guy is not a guy but a backup. Next man up works in some cases , if all next men are as good they wont be next men , they go somewhere to become The Guy.

He has no answers schematically how to utilize what he has , make best use of . Every opponent has told us JG schemes are so simple. Now its becoming evident .

Dak is not an finished product , now he is trying to do too much when he doesnt have OL help and RB help and going back to bad habits , from foot work to decision making. He doenst have Romo who was better than the whole Cowboys coaches together.

Yesterday was the first time , I didnt watch the match when I could have , since I had a bad feeling after the 2nd half of the eagles game.

Jerry Please wake up ! Tear the whole coaching staff , bring in some hard working young blood, and LET GO!

We had talent without Norv Turner, but Schula was garbage. NT was one of the all time great OC minds, hardly just an ‘execute’ team... NT knew how to explore weaknesses. In fact it was his loss that started the gradual deterioration of the Cowboys offensively.

Garrett hardly ever used play action as an OC, was bottom of the barrel, while it was the bread and butter with Norv Turner. NT rab multole different plays it of similar formations..
I have been a film buff since I was a kid. Loved me some movies. I would never turn off a film or get up and walk out of a theater no matter how bad it was.

About five years ago I turned off a really insipid film. I believe it was one of the latest comics I find to be absolutely humorless. Sandler, Rogen, Ferrell, Stiller or one of that ilk.

Since then I have accepted I don't need to watch every movie to the end.

Football is entertainment. The badge of honor of being a fan and not missing a game may have changed now. Something surely has to change and the team needs to know this. However, this franchise, win or lose, will generate the most viewers, and to send a signal to Jones that your dissatisfaction requires a major overhaul of thinking by the powers will be ignored.

I turned off the game yesterday after Dak's last pick. The biggest problem with being America's Team is the other franchises, especially the ones who have a history of losing, like the Chargers, will act the fool when they beat Dallas. The league has sanctioned this look at me behavior after scoring, and it quickly has become juvenile. They are trying to top each other to get on Sports Center. I normally DVR the games now so I can move from play to play and avoid the commercials. I also fast forward past this stupidity acted out as if a loser player on a loser organization like the Chargers shows their arses like they won the Super Bowl.

And what this management has done to a once proud franchise is disgusting. A Dallas team with little pride in who they are. I saw this Dallas team doing nothing to protect their own on that Witten take down. I watched the head coach after the pass interference late in the game not get angry, or chew out a ref for making the wrong call. He just frowned. And frankly I think that was because he had nothing to clap about.

I have dedicated 57 years to this team. Reading newspapers, listening to sports talk on the radio, spending umpteen hours talking Dallas football on message boards, and of course watching the games. I scalped tickets one year to pre-seasons games I was so desperate for Cowboy football. My feelings have nothing to do directly with losing. I can handle losing because all teams have losing seasons. It's the repeated decisions by this franchise which reveals itself in the inconsistent results from one season to the next. That is poor management and leader ship.

It's the antics of the players after scoring. Or other things that are forbidden to be mentioned on this site.

It's the league leadership making decisions to water down this sport.

It's the commissioner who is Hell bent on showing everyone he is the most important man in football with his capricious rulings.

It's the other owners who watch this despot ruin a game I have loved for most of my life to the point of missing holidays to watch the game. Drive across the state to watch them practice.

I am not a quitter, but there will come a point when the effort I put out will not be rewarded by the team and league who takes my fandom for granted.

So when I see people say they are about done, I do not feel the need to tell them they are quitters. I know what they are feeling.

This product on the field now is worse than any of the first five seasons and last several seasons of Landry. Worse than the last season of Switzer. Worse than Chan Gailey. Worse than Campo.

Never bad enough for several seasons to actually have draft slots to rebuild with play makers. Always this middle of the road crap Jerry Jones serves up.

I have seen enough of twenty years of bull shate from this owner, and I think I have about had enough.

I like your comparison to films.

In the past I've compared the viewing/following of a sports team to the listening/following of a musical artist or band.

Just because you're a fan at a certain point in time, it doesn't require you to be a fan forever or fear being labeled a quitter. The band might make changes to their musical vision and as a result their product may change. If you no longer enjoy listening, the logical conclusion is to stop. One would not continue to listen to a band that they don't enjoy, just to complain about it afterwards.

If somebody truly "quits" on the team (not a bandwagonner), I don't blame them nor do I judge them. In fact, good on them for discontinuing a hobby that they no longer enjoy.

For me, it would take a WHOLE lot of bad for me to move on from the Cowboys. At this point I'm not even close to be honest. But that's because I currently enjoy following the team and the entertainment that comes with it (whether it be interacting on here, banter with friends of rival teams, or watching the games with my family).

BUT, I will say that over the last few years I've naturally watched less and less NFL football, overall. Simply because the product has deteriorated. And combine that with all of the non-football stuff that's infected the league and the media's coverage of it, there you have it.
In the past I've compared the viewing/following of a sports team to the listening/following of a musical artist or band. Just because you're a fan at a certain point in time, it doesn't require you to be a fan forever or fear being labeled a quitter. The band might make changes to their musical vision and as a result their product may change. If you no longer enjoy listening, the logical conclusion is to stop. One would not continue to listen to a band that they don't enjoy, just to complain about it afterwards.

Interesting comparison. I'd always worn my sports loyalty like a badge of honor, probably because I've been in a Cowboys fan in an area where I'm a definite minority. But it really is just entertainment. If it's not entertaining anymore, why bother? I'm not to that point yet, but 20 years of Jerry's circus is wearing on me.
Sorry, but it's a loser mentality to quit watching when your team is down.

I almost didn't watch the game yesterday. I can handle almost anything except for biased officiating. Every time we make a good play I expect a holding call. And I almost want to avoid looking at replays of our defense because it really upsets me to see Tank and Co being held again and again without a call.

I am not sure I can keep watching this crap. I kept watching during the Campo years and during the Wade debacle, but the officiating is killing it for me.

I don't think I will watch another game this year. Some posters here want to live under the illusion that the officials are not impacting our results, but holding calls are huge in the NFL. They wipe out a 10-15 yard gain with a negative 10 yard play. Holding calls kill drives and shift the balance of the game. I am not sure we would win right now with fair officiating, but I am sure we won't win another game if they keep calling games like this.

Why are opponents saying it is easy to beat us? Yes, we are bad, but this was a 13-3 team not long ago and a 5-3 team a few weeks ago. It is easy to win when you can hold every play and not get called, it is easy to win when you can just push the receiver and not get called for PI, it is easy to win when the officials erase a lot of the opponents plays after anything that resembles a hold, it is easy to win when you can helmet-to-helmet the QB and not get called, etc (and I didn't even get to the facemask BS). Wouldn't it be easier to win with this advantage??
from a long term fan ,

The Atlanta game showed why JG is not a head coach. Even a school coach would have done something to help the OT from being beaten up like a rented mule.

JG still lives in the 90's pre salary cap era , when my Guy is better than yours , plain execution can beat you down and we will impose will mindset, has no answers when the guy is not a guy but a backup. Next man up works in some cases , if all next men are as good they wont be next men , they go somewhere to become The Guy.

He has no answers schematically how to utilize what he has , make best use of . Every opponent has told us JG schemes are so simple. Now its becoming evident .

Dak is not an finished product , now he is trying to do too much when he doesnt have OL help and RB help and going back to bad habits , from foot work to decision making. He doenst have Romo who was better than the whole Cowboys coaches together.

Yesterday was the first time , I didnt watch the match when I could have , since I had a bad feeling after the 2nd half of the eagles game.

Jerry Please wake up ! Tear the whole coaching staff , bring in some hard working young blood, and LET GO!

Dak has fully healthy top 5 OL yesterday. Same results. Agree there is to be shake up at HC but most of whats happening is because of QB.

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