Today is World Autism Awareness Day

Cajuncowboy;4490019 said:
As someone who has had to deal with this disorder with my step son, I can tell you what a nightmare it is for families who encounter it. There is much more research needed to help find a cure for it but until then, there are some organizations that help with the occupational therapy for these people. If you have the opportunity to, please support these programs. They are vital to families who need the help.

Go through it everyday i am one of the lucky ones my is more towards the normal side but not near as bad as some of the people I know.
yes, rates are closer to 1 in 85, although the increase in incident and prevalence is unclear.

The diagnosis of autism will likely be changed in the next 5 years. It's already in the works that the separate diagnosis will drop because, as someone who has extensive experience in assessing ASD, while it isn't too difficult to see if someone is "on the spectrum" or not, it's much harder, and often not uniform across sites, what the specific diagnosis (asperger's versus high functioning autism vs. PDD-NOS).

Anyway, just a little history lesson, but autism used to be considered childhood schizophrenia (there's some similar positive symptoms). That's where 'on the spectrum' comes from because of the schizophrenia spectrum. For example, there are many people who are superstituous (i.e. wear the same jersey to help their team win) and that's technically on the schizophrenia spectrum.
Kangaroo;4490882 said:
Go through it everyday i am one of the lucky ones my is more towards the normal side but not near as bad as some of the people I know.

I feel ya. My boy has several conditions related including echolalia (sp) and OCD (Big time)
DFWJC;4490441 said:
Having an Austisic child require unique patience.

Now I will rant some...

How many shots did you older guys get when you were a child.
5-6 ..maybe?
Now they get something like 35 vaccines for these tiny little babies.
Furthemore, they have people getting nearly useless flu shots annually for their entire lives.

The preservatives in vaccines do not leave the body and the brain serves as the perfect parking place for them. Some of the doses of the vaccines are fit for a grown man, yet go to little babies. And the flu vaccines; well that multi billion dollar business is unimaginably corrupt.

There is a correllation that this impacts the youth with increased Autism and a correlation that this will impact people as they get older with Alzheimers and dementia.

Just a fair warning, you walk a fine line when you bring this up with certain medical professionals. Most buy every single thing the FDA tells them. I know first hand.
Cajuncowboy;4490440 said:
Oh please. "Working with" is not the same as "Living with". I'll choose the words I want and would like a cure. Maybe your ulterior motive is not losing your job if there was a cure.

I find it hypocritical that you use the avatar subtitle of "Jerry's Kid" if you are THAT sensitive.

DFWJC;4490675 said:
You're an odd bird sometimes. I don't think you see hwat you just did right there.
But it'd be a boring place if everyone thought alike, so keep on rollin'.

And now I have Limp Bizkit in my head.
My sister has Asperger's syndrome, but that wasnt a diagnosis 20 years ago. She was diagnosed with PDD and the doctor told us that she would likely never be able to communicate effectively and at some point she MIGHT have the ablity to process basic emotions and develop some semblence of a personality. She was never supposed to attend regular schools and would never be able to function on her own.

My parents didnt accept that however and got her the best therapy they could, and 16 years later she graduated valedictorian of her high school class and is currently attending the University of Texas at Dallas on a full scholorship. She just took her GRE and scored in the 90+ percentile. She lives on her own, has a boyfriend and aside from minor social ticks and phobias she is completely "normal". It makes me so proud to call her my sister.
DFWJC;4490441 said:
Having an Austisic child require unique patience.

Now I will rant some...

How many shots did you older guys get when you were a child.
5-6 ..maybe?
Now they get something like 35 vaccines for these tiny little babies.
Furthemore, they have people getting nearly useless flu shots annually for their entire lives.

The preservatives in vaccines do not leave the body and the brain serves as the perfect parking place for them. Some of the doses of the vaccines are fit for a grown man, yet go to little babies. And the flu vaccines; well that multi billion dollar business is unimaginably corrupt.

There is a correllation that this impacts the youth with increased Autism and a correlation that this will impact people as they get older with Alzheimers and dementia.

Every study ever done has shown absolutely no link between vaccines and autism. The "preservatives" you speak of in vaccines show up in far higher doses in things people consume every day.

For instance, a single Slim-Jim exposes you to 100x more of the "dangerous" preservatives than every vaccine you will ever get combined.
DFWJC;4490525 said:
Good one.

Pointing out that your kid doesn't have it only means that I'm happy for you, notheing else. One kid does not make a sample, as you know. The odds of not having Autism are far greater under any circumstance.

But the rates are so much higher now than before, it's not even close--and that is excluding the better Autism testing factor.

We are not talking the basic vaccines here: measles, etc. We are talking 35 vaccines. I don't know if they do that in Canada. I know in Europe they do not...are fighting it tooth and nail to cut back further, as they strongly see a correlation. The big US pharma companies are outrageously corrupt.

In the states, we've now had about 5 strgiht years where the main flue vaccine used did not even cover the strang that occurred the msot frequently. It's a crapshoot and it's horrible for people.

The reported rate of autism is going up because the diagnosis has become more encompassing. 10 years ago most people with Asperger's syndrome weren't considered clinically autistic, and now it considered by some physicians as the single most common form of the disorder. The spectrum has widened greatly. I know PLENTY of lder individuals who are autistic and have never and wil never be diagnosed due to the time in which they grew up. I see probably one 50+ patient every couple of weeks who is very clearly autistic but is still functional enough that the archiac way of diagnosing it in the 80s and 90s didnt qualify them.

It has literally nothing to do with vaccines. Autism is likely the result of a set of chemical imbalances that are coded for in one's genetic makeup.
The30YardSlant;4491938 said:
Every study ever done has shown absolutely no link between vaccines and autism. The "preservatives" you speak of in vaccines show up in far higher doses in things people consume every day.

For instance, a single Slim-Jim exposes you to 100x more of the "dangerous" preservatives than every vaccine you will ever get combined.

My colon agrees with this

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