Today's a new day, what news will break today for the Cowboys?

There is no "us" or "we". Nobody on this board is involved in team operations, tackling players, or signing checks. That is being realistic.
please tell us something we don't know, yet we complain @jazzcat22 about players contracts as if it's our money or our pen to sign the deal!! :muttley:
These last few days have been a whirlwind of information, I can't even keep my hat on with all the news that happening (coog doesn't wear hats). What will today's move be?? I like the fact that the Cowboys took care of business and free'd up money for next week, instead of having us wait and debate when they're going to free up the money by restructuring contracts. Hold on to your hats guys and gals, it could get interesting, please give your thoughts!!
How can we top the excitement of re-signing a guy who had a career best 4 sacks last year to a massive contract?
That all the complaining, whining fans have moved on to another team, that would be the greatest news ever
No, he thinks he is being funny. He does not know how annoying he is and does not even blink an eye when tons of posters make fun of his dumb "please give your thoughts" crap. At this point, he is becoming a troll.
Some people aren’t allowed to make threads.

Some people have to have their threads approved before they are made public.

Every single one of Coogs thoughts gets to be its own thread.
These last few days have been a whirlwind of information, I can't even keep my hat on with all the news that happening (coog doesn't wear hats). What will today's move be?? ......
The yacht's teakwood gets a fresh coat of mink oil and a fresh supply of gold mammogramed toilet paper.

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