Todd Marinovich has seen better days

few more tidbits about marinovich.....

In 1990 after being sacked by a UCLA defensive lineman Marinovich flipped him off after the lineman offered to help him off the ground.
Todd Marinovich defeats Tommy Maddox in the 1990 UCLA vs. USC game 45-42.
In the 1990 match-up against Notre Dame, Todd Marinovich playfully shoved a Notre Dame defensive lineman while celebrating a touchdown, then gave the finger to the image of "Touchdown Jesus" on the Theodore Hesburgh Memorial Library.
In Marinovich’s final season at USC, the Trojans entered a game in late September against the University of Washington Huskies ranked #5 in the country. Following a 31-0 beating from Washington’s “Purple Reign” defense, Marinovich was quoted as saying, “All I saw was purple. No jerseys, no numbers, just purple. I thought I was at a Prince concert.” Marinovich entered the game as a Heisman Trophy candidate, but his performance that day effectively ended his Heisman hopes.
Upon his departure from the Trojans, Marinovich was quoted as saying, "Well, I may not be the best quarterback ever to don the Trojan uniform, but there's little doubt I was the prettiest and the one who used them (i.e., "trojans") the most."

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